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Posts posted by SunFun

  1. According to USA Today, Guarini (as Lil Sweet) is the spokesperson for an ongoing diet Dr. Pepper commercial campaign. The campaign is certainly a good gig for him, the commercials being memorable is good for Dr. Pepper. I think they're humorous, showing of his comedic talents, vocals, and fitness. The link shows the commercials as of this date:

    Justin Guarini is now the 'Lil' Sweet' spokesman for Dr. Pepper



    That said, what really impresses me with Guarini is the solid Broadway/stage career he's built for himself through numerous productions. It's diverse, praised, and the Broadway community has embraced him. Hard work and talent made it all happen. Certainly no big industry machine behind him. So, kudos to him.


    Maybe the commercials will help his other achievements become more widely known.

    • Love 2
  2. Thanks to those who gave me a heads-up about Joy being on today. Watched. Not enough Joy, but so very good to see her. Her presence is sorely missed by me. Her being there made The View's current state of being "a pile of poop" (thanks poster above) even more obvious.


    General notes:

    - Thought I'd like Nicolle in the beginning (what will the shared Palin-hate), but she's awful. In every way.

    - Weird. Babs had a calming effect for me today. Never thought I'd say that.

    - You guys are funny, and so on target.

    • Love 4
  3. How did Nicolle not know about his Canadian birth when I, who could not care less, knew about it?


    She knew. She lied. She's Republican, so lying for no good reason is mandated.


    I watched today hoping for Joy. No Joy, thus no joy. Pointless suffering. I applaud you brave souls who watch/report daily.

    • Love 10
  4. Chris knew he was dumping both girls before they all stepped on the helicopter. You could see his tension during the "dates", then the very visible relief when he climbed back into the chopper. All painfully delightful to watch.

    • Love 2
  5. Huge sigh.


    • Tootsie Pops and hamster videos? Really?
    • As much as the hosts shoulder some blame for this show not living up to it's potential, the people in charge are ultimately responsible for setting the tone and direction. Starting w/ allowing for a horrific moderator who also dresses like a homeless person. Whoopi's whole persona screams of a lack of respect.
    • Nicole is merely a slicker version of Bitsy.
    • Rosie O has a natural talent for this, yet, she's the one leaving. Shame, but can't blame her.


    That's all I got. I'm so disappointed. This could have been great.

    • Love 18
  6. Whoopi has become incapable of saving herself. Someone else needs to step up and do it before her reputation is destroyed. It's gotten that serious. The powers-that-be who are orchestrating/allowing this train wreck s/b fired. Yesterday's show was shocking to watch, from her bizarre antics to her inexcusable attire. I have greatly admired her in the past, she earned it. But, this mess has to stop.


    Goes w/out saying. Today's show was refreshing. Rosie made it so. Thank you Rosie, for your professionalism and skills.

    • Love 14
  7. I would love to hear Whitney speak after sucking on some helium, but I'm pretty sure only dogs could hear her. In any case, Chris seemed totally smitten by her after they crashed the wedding (which I'm sure the producers arranged).



    • Love 5
  8. Whoops' Return Show:

    -I lost count of how many times I grumbled "Shut up, Whoopie". I don't understand why she tries so hard. Sigh.

    -Rosie O, love you. Please stay. Bloopers and all.

    -Not thrilled with the one-sided 'American Sniper" discussion (practically insisted on by Nicole). It's not that black and white.

    • Love 5
  9. From this week:

    - I'd like to adopt the cookie-making kid, please. Beyond adorable, and smart.

    - Whoopie, hope you're watching. Take notes while you and your boobs are flat on the bed.

    - No panel, Hucklebee is not a good guy. Stop being generous in remarks about a close-minded egotist.

    - I think the show can be saved. More Rosie, and a toned-down Whoopie would go a long way. Both are A-listers with something to offer. I recently watched Whoopie being interviewed by Howard Stern, and Letterman. I like that Whoopie a lot.

    - I'll stop wearing tights in cold weather when men stopping wearing socks. Arbitrary fashion "rules" baffle me, not to mention the impractical ones always seem directed toward women. (Btw, Can't wait for women to dump the mile-high-I-can't-walk-in-these shoes, along with the general hooker-look.)

    • Love 12
  10. Have loved everything I've ever seen Billy Crystal do, loved every story I've ever heard about him. I knew he would not disappoint. What I didn't expect was my sobbing along with Whoopie. That was true heartbreak, and BC was perfect by her side. If BC likes W, that says a lot.


    Thanks View. You're delivering some great moments.

    • Love 2
  11. And someone needs to tell her talking louder and saying "I'm sorry but..." does not advance her point; it makes her look desperate.



    Yes, exactly. Whoopie looked desperate. I do like W, but that was off-putting. Loved how the panel calmly (and politely) responded, especially Rosie O. Her tone was brilliant, her input had substance. As for the show, it's getting better every day. With the exception of Whoopie's meltdown, I enjoyed today's offering. Good interviews, nice initial chit-chat before tackling Hot Topics, no awkward games. 


    The quality of the show has already far surpassed The Talk, imo. For one thing, I think the gals of The View are accomplished interesting people with interesting lives. Flawless? No. But, not in unredeemable ways. There's Ying to the Yang.

    • Love 8
  12. I want this to work. I think it will eventually. First show jitters and getting use to all the changes showed, but that should go away. Tweeking is needed, but that will be done as is done with all new adventures. Relaxed humor will come to balance the serious. Not silliness, but humor. After all, two comic pros sit on the panel.  *Fingers crossed*. Wish them well.


    No more Barbara, please. That was such ass-kissing nonsense. No more Ro vs Ro. Raise the coffee table, or bring back the table. Spend more time on each topic. Fewer topics, if need be.


    Whoopie seemed relaxed, happy, and more engaged. But, her too-high heels made it hard to sit comfortably. Rosie O. is so aware of everything. I could see her brain working, and moving things along or making sure certain info was covered. Smart television pro. Rosie P. brought it for me today. When she said something on a topic, I was interested. I've seen Nicole way more articulate and engaged. She's a very tolerable Republican, btw. The opposite of the screeching Hasselbeck.


    The View has me back. Don't muck it up.

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