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Posts posted by sally-can-wait

  1. I loved it but one of the main reasons I loved it was because it reminded me A LOT of my dad. He grew up in Southern California, is a piano player and is always telling me how great jazz is (I have a hard time with it. LOL) and he also loves Rebel Without A Cause and James Dean. So it hit a lot of notes for me on a personal level and I’ll always think of him when I watch it. 

    I’ll be fine if it does not win Best Picture though. What I want to happen is for Moonlight to take Best Picture and for Chazelle to take Best Director and I’m PRAYING that Taylor Sheridan wins for Original Screenplay for Hell or High Water but I know the likelihood of that is zero.

    Oh and as much as people seem to hate La La Land I have a similar amount of hate for Manchester By The Sea. That is the most overrated moves in years as far as I'm concerned.

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  2. I know it sounds stupid to say this since they are living in a ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE, but it’s like this show has lost all sense of reality. I used to be okay with not knowing how these people survived without a realistic food/water source or what happened to people who lost their last pair of glasses (seriously I wear glasses and cannot SEE without them) or heck even those communities where there does not seem to be electricity but the women’s hair is always styled but the writers have completely lost the plot now. I mean does anyone remember that episode when the group was so desperate for food and shelter that they were breaking into houses and Carl started to eat dog food? How did we get from that…to this? Cosplay, a terrible CGI tiger and bringing poor , delicate Carol fresh cobbler?! I don’t even understand the purpose of it all anymore. I’m lost and it seems the cast is as well. They are phoning it in and it’s sad to watch.

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