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Posts posted by sconstant

  1. Just now, iwasish said:

    I have too much invested in their relationship drama to have it end with phone call. I need closure. And tears. And petty arguments. 

    And "babe"s.  Plus at least one walk out and one edited end of episode that makes clear they are done for good, followed by a different version in the next episode.

    • Love 1
  2. The way Daya talks is perfect for this show's editors      because she talks      with big pauses in between the parts        of the sentences         that can be used      for the editors          to put together different pieces of dialogue             however they want.

    • Love 20
  3. 2 minutes ago, ALittleShelfish said:

    Rachel's crying-wiping thing wasn't something I paid much attention to before, like I saw it, but it didn't register as something she alwayyyyys does and now...

    it's ALL. I. SEE.  

    Thanks, guys. Thanks.  lol

    But she has variations - sometimes the outside of the eyes, sometimes dabbing at the insides, and sometimes a sweep outwards.  Always something to keep you on your toes.  But don' t worry, never a tissue or hanky.

    • Love 10
  4. 8 hours ago, lucy711 said:

    House of Eleven is apparently gone, and the 90 Day Fiance money can't take them that far.

    Can’t remember exactly but I think the screen cap was that some physical location (in CA?) of something had closed.  May not have been the total of what they were doing - e g they may still have a brand but sell thru others.  


    She sure does have many hoodies to display and not sure she’d be so pushy about doing so if it were all dead and gone. 

    • Love 2
  5. 47 minutes ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

    Darcey asked him when the next flight was, and he said there wasn't one.  How lucky of him to have caught the very last flight ever.

    Or maybe he meant there wasn't another one that night.  Which is still doubtful because it was daytime while they were driving in the winter, so his flight wasn't all that late.  But maybe there wasn't another one that night, and he would have had to spend the night in the airport.  I think they were going to JFK, but I've spent the night in LaGuardia and it wasn't wonderful, but I wouldn't hesitate to take that over spending a second with Darcey.

    I think it might not have been "there isn't one" as an actual fact, but "OMG I DO NOT WANT TO PAY A CHANGE FEE" which, for an international flight would probably be a lot, unless you get a merciful agent at the ticket counter.  Which, tbh, was the first thing that occurred to me when Darcey said "when's the next flight" - this isn't a train from the city to CEE TEE, Darcey.

    • Love 5
  6. 2 hours ago, Mr. Minor said:

     Mahkul was stunned when she was packing her shit, including his Trump gear. It occurred to him the unspeakable things he did with this woman and he is not going to the US.

    I kind of don't understand why he confessed when she was there.  He said in a TH that he just was saying what she wanted to hear - I think he was talking about saying what she wanted to hear back at the start of the relationship when the BJ thing happened (though how would she find out about it except through him?  Before I settled on that I thought he meant he was admitting to it (now, with her there) only because she was badgering him to admit it.  But if his big aim is to Harvest the American Citizenship, he has to have known that admitting it was going to mess that up?   I seriously don' t get (a) how she found out about it before , (b) how it was cheating if they had only been "talking" for a few weeks (as I think she said), (c) why he changed his story now to one that would obviously make her leave if he were still hoping to see GA for himself.


    I vaguely keep coming back to the possibility that some people think that admitting an error is so brave and awesome that it merits forgiveness, or at least merits the person you're confessing taking a few minutes to tell you how brave you're being (HI RICKY!) but what with all the counting-of-sins Angela was doing, maybe it was intentional sabotage?

    • Love 7
  7. 3 minutes ago, Frozendiva said:

    Jesse was probably amazed at the size of the supermarkets/grocery stores. And the food selection available. Plus the large fridge sizes here in North America.

    And the jumbo-sized whine-fests.  Free refils on those.

    Anyone else hear that Darcey wants him to get a work visa, not a K1 - because that would be less, um, details?

    So, to recap: (a) they meet; (b) she visits; (c) he visits; (d) at some point he figures out that she can't sponsor him with a K1; (e) COMPLETELY UNRELATEDLY he's an asshole and won' t propose though she thought he might.    

    • Love 8
  8. 2 hours ago, magemaud said:

    Did we see the girls in person last year or just on Skype or photos (which could have been taken at any time.) The THs could have been filmed anywhere, even in Amsterdam, but since he wore the same clothes, I think they were filmed here around the same time as the Tell All, and before he went back. 

    I honestly don't remember about whether we saw them first season, but recently looked at this going-to-Denmark promo (http://content.jwplatform.com/previews/44Ov9qJP-qInh6Xrr) which I found in the earliest thread here, and the girls just look a year or so younger (and the kitchen isn't that AirB&B - so it's a different AirB&B? :) )

  9. 5 minutes ago, magemaud said:

    Could the timeline have been something like this: Jessie comes to NY sometime last September "for the first time" as he says on the cab ride from the airport and they stay in the city for a couple of days, during which they film the restaurant tantrums and birthday boat ride with the girls. Then they go to the Air BnB in Connecticut where they continue to argue, Jesse leaves for the night but returns for the interview the next day (held at the B&B). Next Darcey is shown driving him to the airport, but he really didn't go back to Amsterdam at that point. Now, it's the end of September when last season's "Tell All" was filmed.  Remember how Jesse's appearance was supposedly a "surprise" to Darcey and they obviously weren't on good terms? Thank you to the sharp eyed poster who noticed that Jesse wore the same clothes for his THs this season and for the Tell All (which kind of surprises me since he appeared to bring a shit load of clothes with him). All this leads me to believe the entire fake drama was filmed last year, immediately before the "Tell All," during the same trip to the US in September, 2017. Apparently, by February, when Darcey and Stacey got arrested for fighting, Jesse confirmed they were no longer together. 

    Or he did go back to Amsterdam but they flew him back and they filmed more TH so they could make it a two season arc with their footage.  My mind is blown, this is so good.  Only possible doubt in my mind is that the girls seemed littler last year than this year?  

  10. 7 minutes ago, eatsleep said:

    IDK about yall, but I just cannot respect liars or find much good to say about them. Didn't they begin their romance with lies that he was 40 (actually 30) and she was 50 (actually 52)?


    And how is production getting these people to admit on camera that they were DISAPPOINTED by the way their SOs looked when they first saw them in person? Is this all fake, scripted TLC manipulation? Or do members of these couples really not see the harm in publicly denigrating their SOs over weight, look, body shape, wrinkliness, etc.? Who would do that and think those remarks wouldn't have an injurious effect on the relationship?

    I wonder if the most egregious instances of this is people who have broken up and sat for an additional TLC interview afterwards, which is then shown out of order.  Or it's "say eleven positive things and one negative thing about your partner" and then they edit out the eleven positive things and the "if I had to say one negative thing, I don't think I'd even say this, but I guess maybe the only thing I could even say is" in front of the "he was a little bit chubbier than I expected" (and they edit the "a little bit" too if they can).

    I think it's hard for brains used to tv/film storytelling where our brains are supposed to fill in and ignore continuity errors, etc., to be as vigilant for the manipulation that's happening here which we've kind of been trained to ignore.  That's why I love this board.  I wouldn't have noticed Paul's haircut, for example.

    • Love 7
  11. 14 hours ago, Kath94 said:

    Hazel was "too shy" to skype, remember?

    BTW, what's "Trust a Try" mean, anyway?

    Googled it, and found that it's likely a reference to a Janet Jackson song from 2001's All For You.  Wikipedia says "The 'avant-garde' aura of 'Trust a Try' fuses elements of mock-operetta and hard rock with classical music, dance, and hip-hop. In the song, Jackson delivers an 'angry aria' of betrayal.  Its 'rock 'n' roll sass'r is laced with theatrical vocal arrangements, electric guitars, violins and cinematic strings."


    Wanna second chance with this love
    This romance
    Wanna make it last
    Forget your past
    She hurt you bad
    Let's start anew
    Yes that means me and you
    Gonna make it through
    But you must give trust a try

    In other words, the title of this episode means that (a) they don't care that much for people to get their references at this point, and (b) someone about my age is naming these episodes.

    • Love 15
  12. 1 hour ago, AussieBabe said:
    Seriously, Jesse is a whole mess. Darcey has her issues. She's a nag, whines, and the list goes on. Her issues can at least be resolved with the help of a therapist who enjoys a challenge. Jesse is just 100 kinds of crazy. I'd pay good money for one or any of his exes to come forward. I don't believe he's just like that with Darcey. I don't think it's just for TV or a bad edit either. Some of that is probably his real personality. 

    Could it just be bad acting?  He had N days off and his significant other in Denmark has to work.  TLC said they'd fly him in for a few fun days in NYC.  Then he would start filming, do a stint in CT, have an irreparable fight, and go home on his scheduled flight.  So day of fight comes and "of course I love her forever" and yet also "omg I can't stay at all I am unsafe" and "hey kids, you know this isn't a real thing, right?" and "sure, drive me to the airport" and "bye, babe, see you in a few weeks for the reunion? I'll bring a shoe-repellent facemask ha ha" and FIN?

    (Not spoiler, none of it from information, just from a feeling of how fake this all seems.)

    • Love 3
  13. On 9/10/2018 at 8:20 AM, sconstant said:

    I am thinking it over and really trying to figure out what Dicky’s issue was with the money he sent.  I totally get “I don’t want to be just $ and a US passport to you” (though “you seem defensive about this issue” doesn’t seem to me to be the proof he thought it was that X actually loves him after 3 weeks of texting.)

    What I don’t get is that there seemed to be some underlying issue with how X spent the money he sent over - did she use it for a nose job (bad) or for stuff for her nephews (what she eventually said, which was maybe ok with him?).  I don’t know what the right answer was supposed to be?  

    Also money is fungible.  Does he know that once you convert US dollars to Columbian currency and put it in a bank account with other currency (received from other doofuses you and Melissa fleece) it is unclear whether the dollars you got from your texty friend are the ones you spend on your medical care (or whatever) or whether they are the ones you spend for stuff for your family?

    Or maybe she told him she’d used them for plastic surgery and he was sad she didn’t get bolt-on?

    Ok, no one answered my question so I am sacrificing by rewatching this segment.  Here is the rundown:

    1) Our loyal TLC editors set this up by showing us nice shots of Columbia (seriously do love the Columbia crew), then a nice shot of sausages (!?!) and then Ricky taking Ximena shopping, paying for strawberries ("gracias, baybeee!") and "let's go shopping!"

    2) Intercut is a talking head of Ricky, who is falling in love with her. 

    3) Also a talking head of Ximena saying Ricky is spectacular guy who makes her feel like a Hollywood star

    4) Ricky talking head: Ximena never outright asked Ricky for money, but said she wasn't working and he sent her money, $1-$1.5K

    5) Ricky buys a swimsuit.  "Gracias, baybee!"

    6) Ricky talking head: Ximena said she was in a tight spot economically, but then she got a nosejob.  This is a red flag.

    7) Now it is nighttime at a restaurant.  Ricky doesn't want her to be with her for money, just for him.  

    8) Ximena Talking Head says she never asked him for anything.

    9) Ricky Talking Head said X "quickly" told him about nose surgery.  Did she use my money to get a nose job?

    10) Ximena talking head: er, I got surgery?  my body?  I wanted it?

    11) Ximena in person: er, I got surgery?   I wanted it?  Also some part of it was paid by health insurance.  And the rest from money I had.

    12) Ricky in person: what did you use my money for?

    13) Ximena in person: I visted my sister and bought stuff for my nephews.

    14) Ricky in person: ok.  I believe you because you're mad.  Sorry.  [hugs]

    15) Ricky talking head: I believe her.  Honesty is important.  

    SO I STILL DON'T UNDERSTAND.  I can imagine Ricky saying "she led me to believe that she was in a tough spot, but she had enough money for a nose job?   Why am I sending her money for a nose job?  I didn't agree to that."  But he  only says "did you use my specific dollars for your nose job" and she says "oh, those dollars were to visit my sister and buy her kids stuff" and he says "ok! great." 

    I know this is producer storyline creation (hey, these people don't know each other, how can we create dramar!?) but this still makes no damn sense.  Again, I would get "hey, don't con me out of money for food if it's just going to go up your nose for some of that sweet Columbian ... surgery."  But "you told me you were in a tough spot!  and now you got surgery with my money, intended to help you out of financial straits!  oh, no, wait, you didn't, you got surgery and then visited your sister with my money intended to help you out of financial straits.  Great!"

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