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Posts posted by NumberCruncher

  1. Good episode but I have one question:  When did Geoffrey Charles become such a delicious smartass?  He was such a non-factor before and suddenly he's sassing up the Poldark world ala Aunt Agatha and being generally delightful.

    • Love 14
  2. I continue to marvel at people who post blogs and articles for the whole world to see, get criticism for what they write, then get pissy that people dare disagree with something they've boldly thrown out into the universe.  If you're that thin-skinned then maybe you shouldn't be writing for a website/blog (or tweeting as a reporter/blogger).  If you post a controversial article, you're assured that a lot of people are going to disagree with you so complaining that people are being mean to you about said article makes you look like a halfwit.  

    • Love 10
  3. 40 minutes ago, Delphi said:


    Awh,  such an affectionate brother sister relationship. 

    I still don't know how Emily's grinding pelvis ended up getting past the censors.  Stephen doesn't do much better with the ass-stroking either.  I don't think they were trying to portray a brother-sister thing here unless they think people have an incest fetish.

    • Love 10
  4. Well, you can't really blame that decision on Hollywood so much as a less-than-honest U.S. Government.  It's unfortunate that the actors and crew of The Conqueror suffered such a ill fate, but even more tragically, the communities continue to suffer the ill health effects of that nuclear testing:  https://www.theguardian.com/film/2015/jun/06/downwinders-nuclear-fallout-hollywood-john-wayne

    The government literally poisoned thousands of its own citizens.  :(  Someone should make a movie about that.

    • Love 5
  5. I just got done watching the Netflix documentary series The Keepers and I was absolutely floored by it.  It is extremely well made but so very hard to get through.  It's basically Spotlight on steroids.  I'll never be able to understand how the Catholic Church has allowed such abuse to continue for so long, essentially ruining the lives of so many of the people it was supposed to be comforting and serving.  It's important viewing so I encourage people to watch it but just be warned that it's graphic and sad.  

    Arrow-related side note: Blake Neely composed the score for the episodes, and as usual, his work is superb.  Here is the opening theme music:  

    • Love 5
  6. 17 hours ago, Tallis said:

    Not chocolate! Avoid American chocolate at all costs. Trust me on this.

    Could not disagree more. There's A LOT more to American chocolate than Hershey's.  Practically every major city I've visited can boast a local chocolatier to rival any European city.  

  7. 21 minutes ago, Mellowyellow said:

    There was a bit when she came back to see mother and she talked about "Barney's arms around me" and "his cheek against mine". Yeah I reckon they totally did it! They lived on a remoted Island together and were young and shared the same bed and there was physical affection ("She ran down to the rock landing to greet him - to nestle herself into his eager arms - and they did seem eager").

    Okies head cannon confirmed! They did have sex! 

    Well she also bought that swanky new swimsuit she specifically states would scandalize her family if they ever saw her in it so clearly she wasn't afraid of flaunting the goods for Barney, haha. ;)

    • Love 2
  8. 31 minutes ago, Mellowyellow said:

    @BkWurm1 and @NumberCruncher you're all kindred spirits!!!!!!

    Omg I'm so excited to find fellow TBC lovers. I read that book once a year, every year and have done so for the last 15ish years. 

    Question: Do you think Valancy and Barney had sex? I didn't question it or even think about it when I was younger but I did wonder in the later years. 

    "Valancy," he said, trying to speak lightly, "of course I'm not in love with you--never thought of such a thing as being in love. But, do you know, I've always thought you were a bit of a dear."


    Still grumpy about Ilsa and Teddy. Haha I feel like one been I've been saying that my whole life. I get it but it was irritating and I hated that it took Ilsa jilting him for that marriage to end. Mind you the whole thing with Dean Priest was.....undesirable too. Yes Bkwurm1 that last book was torture. I loved Aunt Elizabeth so much. She came a long way from who she was in book one.

    Haha!  I honestly never could figure it out because LMM was too proper to even suggest such a thing in those days but I think it can reasonably be concluded that they did because A) most marriages were not even legally considered marriages until they were consummated (and given Valancy was so desperate to get away from her horrid family I doubt she'd allow anyone to nullify her plot based upon a legal technicality); and B) the whole sharing of the same bed thing.  They were both young so the hormones still raged so why not?

    • Love 2
  9. Wow!  I didn't think anyone else in the world besides me loved The Blue Castle more than the Anne series.  I've sometimes wondered if it was due to the older characters that TBC is so utterly overlooked/under-rated or if people are just so nostalgic about reading Anne when they were children that it overwhelms all other LMM novels.  Either way, this just proves you are my kind of peeps.

    • Love 3
  10. HAHA!  Maybe I'm wrong but weren't S3 ratings were better than S2 (due to new Flash viewers remaining after the crossover)?  S4 ratings were definitely higher than this season's.  If all those viewers who left in S5 are like me--it had nothing to do with Olicity.  It did have A LOT to do with the crappy repetitive writing, worrying too much about stunt work rather than characterization, and too much focus on characters I didn't care about.

    • Love 3
  11. Even more unpopular opinion...I can't stand the entire Dark Knight Trilogy.  There's darkness and then there's soul-sucking darkness which is what those movies portray.

    • Love 5
  12. LOL-forever.  I think had Marc & Co. not been such hack storytellers then ratings wouldn't have tanked so much in S5 and they wouldn't be in this situation.  I'm kind of enjoying the schadenfreude though.  They deserve every last bit of meddling that the network has shelled out, IMO.

    • Love 1
  13. I really enjoyed this.  I, too, don't think I would have ever chosen to see this were it not for the cast, but by the end of it I was pleasantly surprised that the star of the show really was Kong himself (which is how it should be, really).  It's not going to win any major movie awards but it's definitely one of those movies where you can check your brain at the door, grab some popcorn, and have a great time.

    5 hours ago, Proclone said:

    I do agree it was really graphic for a PG-13 movie.  I spent the bit with the giant spider mostly watching between my fingers.  And it seemed to really disturb the number of seven and eight year olds that were in my showing.  I really wish parents would think to find out exactly how violent and/or gruesome a movie is going to be before bringing their pre-pubescent child.  One girl sounded really frightened.  Granted I saw some R-rated movies when I was young, but always at home and my mother had always seen them first.  And if I was told I had to leave the room for a certain part, I left the room.  I think seeing a movie this violent in a theater (in 3D no less) is a bit much for an eight year old.

    This.  There were families with itty bitties in the showing I went to as well and I was rather stunned by it.  My 10 year-old nephew is dying to see this movie but after seeing it myself, I refuse to take him due to the graphic scenes. 

    • Love 1
  14. 3 minutes ago, kismet said:

    I just don't get her desire to get promotion by taking potshots at Arrow or Olicity. Grow up and find a healthier way to get promotion for your things. I've always preferred people who promote their product by saying how good it is, as opposed to tearing down other things. It's just bizarre to me her fascination with a show she doesn't follow. Perhaps if she talked more about what she does, people might be interested in actually reading it. All I really know about her is that she doesn't like Olicity or Arrow. Without you guys I wouldn't even know she has a legit comic profession, I would think she was just your typical disgruntle fan.

    It's simple.  Her core audience are comics readers.  Comic readers generally are all about the canon.  Olicity is not canon therefore they think she's cool because she trashes it.  She doesn't have to watch the show but she knows that she can laugh at the expense of non-comic book fans so long as her audience (i.e. comic fans) thinks its funny.  Why people still engage with her is the real mystery here.

    • Love 10
  15. Gotta say you guys have been keeping me thoroughly entertained the past few days so thanks for that.  I love that everyone is so excited which is a welcome change from the reaction to the crapfest writing this season.  I'm still pissed by how nonsensical the show has been this year so my show hiatus stands but even I might have to tune into this episode just to admire the pretty.  Here's hoping the writers don't screw up the one thing that is seemingly giving people something to look forward to.  Can wait to read everyone's reactions regardless.

    • Love 5
  16. I liked this documentary okay but I, too, wish there was more substance to it.  That said, I do think the lack of involvement by Bella's family really hindered the director's ability to make a well-rounded product.  I can't really hold that against either party--I imagine the family has been through hell and back and doesn't want to re-live the situation and yet the director managed to succeed in telling a compelling story with the limited materials she had at her disposal.

    I also agree with the comments regarding the strangeness of the girls' parents.  I would not be the least bit surprised if a lot of their character traits were picked up on by their daughters in addition to the obvious mental illness that Morgan inherited.  I'm not saying the parents are to blame in the least because I think most parents try to do their best by their kids but given the fact that we take after our parents in so many ways, the combination of whatever shortcomings they may have picked up on, the mental illness issues involved, and the immature, highly impressionable age of the girls all served to create a perfect storm which is why...

    12 hours ago, Deanie87 said:

    As far as the verdict, I just don't know. What they did was horrible and neither seemed to truly show remorse, but then again, did they really understand what they did and why they did it? I just don't know that trying 12 year olds as adults is either humane or true justice.

    ^^^This.  I'm happy to hear that Morgan is getting help for her schizophrenia and hopefully Anissa is getting counseling for her issues as well but even if they do manage to reign in their mental state in order to stand trial I do still question the wisdom in treating them as adults.  I teach a class composed mainly of 12 year-olds and I can attest that they are far from having a complete understanding of actions and consequences.  They just don't have the necessary life experience.  That said, I didn't get the impression in this case that the girls thought murder was okay but they clearly didn't think about the consequences of their actions beyond the act itself.  This was especially highlighted when one of the girls curiously asks the police investigator if she's going to jail as if she really didn't know the answer.  The act itself appeared to come from a place of genuine fear--even if that fear was a figment of their own imagination.  

    I believe that the girls do need to answer for their actions but I'm not sure that locking them away for the next 65 years is going to accomplish much other than to assure that they have literally no chance at life.  Also, from a public safety perspective does anyone really look at these girls and fear for their lives?  If they're mentally ill then by all means get them help rather than locking them away never to be seen again for committing an act while being out of their right minds at a very immature age.

    • Love 4
  17. I really wish I could see what everyone else sees in La La Land.  I liked it okay but it's hardly what I would call Oscar-caliber (cliched story, sub-par musical, etc.).  Why it's been so celebrated is a mystery to me but again, clearly I'm in the minority.

    I would have rather had more accolades fall on a movie like Hidden Figures and its cast, but as always, awards season continues to serve as a reminder that I clearly don't have a pulse on the industry.

    • Love 7
  18. On 1/22/2017 at 7:45 AM, office lackey said:

    I'm from Toronto and when I was in university, a housemate from Alberta once told me that I had an accent. To him, I sounded more American. 

    That's funny.  I'm sure it varies but to me the East vs. West thing seems to hold from what I've generally observed.  In addition to listening to how Canadian actors speak, I have family in Toronto and my brother was at one time engaged to a woman from Cardston, AB.  I do find the Eastern Canadian accent to be more pronounced than the Western but I'm sure there are always exceptions.

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