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Posts posted by crowsworks



    Whee, Phyllis is assed out financially? Couldn't happen to a better person IMO. So is she going to steal the money from somewhere, blackmail somebody (Billy screwed Summer!), or try to seduce Nick for it?

    Cool if Adam or Prictor find out about Summer. If Adam tells about that Nick will kill Bill himself. fun

    Adam needs to go on a yack show and tell how he gave up a child to Nick because HE isn't a negligent dick father like Billy... who also kidnapped him and left him for dead.... and Gaspy could earn her con cred by holding his hand and saying that she had a baby that she 'gave' to Vic on the promise that Billy and Vic were a strong couple... Nick could be 'encouraged' to side with Adam esp if the screwed Dummer thing comes out and the fact that Adam could sue for partial custody of his son. He wouldn't win but.... I still say they are aiming at the creep in Kansas being a pedo. Adam had to walk a mile to the school bus... the guy standing over little Adam saying he 'enjoyed it'. they might change it but they seemed to be setting it up.

    Was Chance mentioned in the Vegas story? Adam could use "Spider" as a thing - his Amnesiac victim persona who saved a federal agent who covered it up - "Is that Phillip CHANCELLOR? As in ChanceCom?"

    that's just AA and Gaspy.

    Then Prick taking over Newman can bury (IRL) the 4 man company in a zillion dollar lawsuit. 

    Somehow I know Adam will end up heroic while poor Chance gets in trouble and Billy ends up on his ledge. Mop will end up working at Walmart. 



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    Amanda, Rose Turner probably couldn't tell you and Hilary apart as newborns. It was likely the luck of the draw that you were the one she abandoned. Don't see it as a personal failing; you were a baby and she was supposed to be a responsible adult.

    Gee if only there was a service for under a 100 $ to tell you any relatives you might have. Couple of them actually. Also that a beautiful baby girl wouldn't have people lined up to adopt her as soon as she was free. Has anyone told Amanda she works for a woman who spent a year in jail fpor killing her twin.

    I still want Nate  to be a mad man who faked Hil's death and has her hidden away. Elaina get Devon to marry her and then...and then after she gets pregnant she finds out about Hilary and.... keeps quiet -....Nah that might be good

    Are we going to get a Lola and Kyle have sex but he goes back to Dummer and she hurls herself on Theo's penis and before you can say WTD she's in a difficult pregnancy due to her liver issues. I keep expecting Dina to leave the issue of her first-born all her $$$ Rich Theo becomes a playah.

    Hello Billy and Victoria - whatever Adam did he or Chels gave you one of your kids when they didn't have too.

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  3. On 8/27/2020 at 7:30 AM, catalogrrr said:

    So, Chancellor publishing is a tabloid gossip rag? That is the only logical explanation for why Billy thinks that this is the “biggest story of the year”. So dumb!

    not unless he caught Prince Harry in a threesome with Jennifer and A-rod WHILE all the Cardassians were under the bed and the entire cast of the Voice went on a sexual rampage through a zoo.

    2 hours ago, Gam2 said:

    Every time I see Theo, I wonder why he’s still on this show. He really has no role and is still as awkward as he was on day one. It’s like he doesn’t know what to do with his body or what to do with his hands or with his face. Be gone with you, Theo. 

    but I still like him better than Kyle. I wonder if Kyle has secret oilly ball secret with Theo. I thought that might be where they were going.

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  4. 9 hours ago, Gam2 said:

    The main thing I remember about Avery was her bouncing boobs in her push up bras. She’d stomp all over the place with those girls just flying.

    "I'm Avery and these are my breasts."

    2 hours ago, peacheslatour said:

    "I've always wanted everything I've always wanted."

    Summer's theme should be Never Enough


    Wonder when he's going to reel Abby in too? - Victor will offer to help Chance .

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  5. Meanwhile: Don't you have a job Victoria? 

    Adam - pack up your gasper, your kid and your kitten and leave.

    I'm wondering if when the shit hits the fan Chance (P Chancellor) goes doen and Adam comes out looking like a prince or a victim. 

    Someone tell Amanda that Lily went to prison for killing her sainted twin. (Since she can't use the net or 23 & me) hanging around BiwwwyBoy has made her stupid.


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  6. It's also iffy to me why Billy is dredging up this old beef with Adam. I thought he had made peace with Delia's death and had lost his need for revenge.

    Since it was mostly his fault she go hit...yeah. Adam realized he must have hit her when he found a scarf from her all black costume. He thouhgt he hit bushes while missing a dog.

    He was going to fess up (after a bit) when Connor needed cornia transplants from dead Delia and that was the worst thing Adam did.

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  7. It seems like the threads are all going to tie up together - Shocker that nice dads new lady friend is a cold eyed witch after all like her steam iron loving mama. That actress can go from nice to evil in a second

    They sure turned it around for the uber-brat teen who turned out to be the red-riding hood. 

    Bad pig cop with the too nice house is tieing up loose ends.  

    I hope they wrap it all up

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  8. after they found GSK there was a lot of evidence that he moved into an area and suddenly the rapes and murders jumped to near-by - also he had a somewhat unique physical feature (Micro-penis) that could  be proved. Many victim discribed it. 

  9. Are we supposed to be feeling sorry for Sharon? She looks to me like she just got back from a six-week cruise. Can't they at least make her look, well, sick? She's supposed to be suffering from a critical illness, FGS.

    This is why Lucci didn't win emmys for a Loooong time- Vicki on OLTL had a stroke and for months looked like the dogs dinner. Emmy... back when they meant something.

    Erica never looked bad or even mussed - even if she was run thru a wood chipper.

    This would be a chance to lose that out of date hair-do of Sharons - she would look cute with a short cut and younger too. Also it would be a good chance to show that Sharon has always been beautiful - looking bad would hit her hard.


    Meanwhile: Is the "King of the Hunters" as the translation on Utube says it. (Summer) prego. That outfit? sure made her look it.

    (They call her that, honest.)

    Kummer is gross. 

    Maybe Theo could have an age appropriate fling with Lily. Will Amanda realize Lily killed her twin.  

    wow, Theo is getting likeable. If they aren't going to make Nate a villan they should hook him and Lola up - they can compare santimony.  (He faked Hilarys death and she and the baby are locked up in his secret lair) MM could play dual roles. They could bring back Michael Knight too. It's no goofier than coma Hil being kept by Neil in a boathouse in the winter. 

    Chels is the worst bug planter Evah.













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  10. There was a moron on Dr Phil saying that Covid deaths were Over Reported? It could be doubled because like the local fire chief (healthy - middle aged) who survived covid handily only to die from a blood clots weeks later. He got looked into BUT how many mild or no symptom young or middle-aged people die from blood clots or whatever and are never autopsied and just written off as heart attacks, strokes, and never checked for Covid.

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  11. On 9/20/2020 at 12:26 AM, jewel21 said:

    I don't understand why no one has suggested that Amanda go speak to Mariah about Hilary? They worked together on GCBuzz after all.  I would say after Devon, Mariah knew Hilary best. Plus, Mariah also has a dead twin so she and Amanda would have something to discuss. 

    But no one is suggesting it. And I'm tired at yelling at my TV, damn it. 

    angry the oc GIF by HULU

    gee if there was only hundreds of hours of Hilary AND a woman who knew her well AND that woman has almost the same story as her and that woman lives in GC

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  12. On 2/18/2018 at 5:11 AM, andromeda331 said:

    Also the Glades. Who shot Jim? Now we'll never find out. Also and older one SOAP Jessica being shot by a firing squad, Chester was going to kill Danny and Burt was walking into a trap. If your going to cancel a show tell the writers so they can wrap things up or give us a wrap up. 

    Any show that has a continueing over arching storyline or ends on a cliff hanger should have to film a wrap-up ep. This would (if the show is canceled) finish it. The best shows do this as it increases the sales when they go to Netflix or syndication because I won't watch a series if I know it ends hanging. If I were a network exec or producer I would insist on it.

    best example Serenity after Firefly.


    anyone have a best/worst examples

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  13. On 9/16/2020 at 12:11 PM, 12catcrazy said:

    Anybody see this past Monday's episode?   Another one involving very old DNA and Parabon.  The jury convicted the guy in three hours on nothing more to go on but the DNA taken off the victim's dress from a murder in 1979.   I dunno - the guy probably did it - but I'll bet his lawyer filed an appeal immediately.    

    The suspect's reaction was very odd when the cop interviewed him (at his place of business).  He didn't deny doing the murder; all he basically said was , "Test the DNA", which the cop told the guy they had, and the suspect repeated "Test the DNA".   OF COURSE, his relatives don't believe that he did it, and the man had no prior arrests or anything really bad on his record.  He did have some sort of "perverse" (they didn't give us details) porn on his computer which involved mostly blond women (the victim had very blond Farrah hair).   Such a shame though - the victim was a beautiful teenage girl who had the bad luck to walk alone to her car in an empty dark mall parking lot.   There was a man they interviewed who was among the last people to see her alive - he said that he feels such guilt in that if he had waited for her and walked her to her car that night, she'd probably still be alive.   

    man I'll bet some old farts who thought they got a way with murder are listening for footsteps now 

    On 9/16/2020 at 12:25 PM, biakbiak said:

    I watched, I think he did it but when they make big deals about things like “one of his search terms in his porn was blonde women,” I roll my eyes.

    they said Deviant Websites i think?

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  14. Deadly Liaisons was another in a line of white women either saying a balck man did it or in this case acually wearing "dark Makeup" so witnesses discribed a dark-skinned black man. The barely mentioned it in passing. The DA balked at charging the woman even tho the cops had mountains of evidence. He finally HAD to charge her when she discribed in gruesom detail on a hidden mike.

    SNL needs to parody this show.

    DA..."so we have him on camera, buying the machete, tarp and shovel. And then there's the threatening voice mails, the blood found on his clothes, his DNA all over her body in the oil-drum in his garage for 5 yrs" Can we get him to talk about the details on tape and does her have any polaroids?" 

    "So a white guy?"


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  15. The case of little Savanna who her step-mother and grandmother ran her to death. They got a judge in their state to take her from her mom and kept her in court - promising her visits then after she traveled there they would refuse to let her. Then dad takes off to the middle east and leaves this little girl with these two harpies. Very spiteful as mom was pretty as was Savanna and not so much the 'dear' guardians. 


  16. 50 minutes ago, SiouxB said:

    Oh Peaches, you just HAVE to be a Phil Hartman fan ❤️

    Anal Retentive chef/handyman. great!


    a neat thing to do if I were writing it - have ChanceCom do a tv show ala Dateline. (very popular now) Whodunit? That Billy wouldcome up with about Dee and Adam,  go back to investigate/go on about pld crimes. Mariah could host to give her a story line maybe with Hilary2 or Traci. They do Delia's death and a new witness comes forward and it seems Blackout Drinkki might have hit her. (Blond in big black SUV) Smelly horse? they could do a scene once a week with interviews with the characters. Ray and esp. Paul could show up. Really dissect past crimes. follow the Dateline formula.

    Maybe do Paul's son and the missing knife. Crap that was never really solved - just wondered away from. PS my theory the knife went into the pole of the basketball hoop they showed often under the window he went out of. They could show clips to save $$$. It would be more fun than 

    plan old clip shows. Hilary's death could be done and they could find some new evidence of murder? Someone slipped her adrug that slowed her reflexes to get to Devon's billions.  

    How about Traci's daughter. Nikki bludgeoning people , Cold cases since most of the actors are still there. Easy to social distance too $$$$



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  17. 1 hour ago, Joimiaroxeu said:



    So, Billy and Alyssa have vowed to take down Adam, and Adam and Chelsea have reunited to take down Victor. And Victor could take them all down and then go enjoy a leisurely breakfast. Whee, circular firing squad!

    the only victim will be Chance and maybe ChanceCom and Lily. (with a side of Abby)

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  18. 9 hours ago, Waldo13 said:


    Jack knows Nostrils so well that he’s about to need a first class lawyer for one of his hair-brain schemes.  Jack also knows too well to warn Nostrils off whatever he is up to because Jack knows that it’s not going to turn out too well for Nostrils. Come to think of it has any of Nostrils’ hair-brain schemes ever worked out the way he wanted?  Nostrils is a born looser and he’s not going to win against Victor in Victor’s lifetime.  Famous last words from Nostrils, I can handle this. 

    Olive the way Victor has treated you in the past few months has definitely outweighed the past 20+ years of his love and devotion. What an ungrateful bitch!  And Nikki, the consummate judgmental hypocritical mother hen determining that Adam had a dark side no matter his upbringing. Nikki should look in the mirror along with Olive and Banana Breath.  

    No Butt is going to rush out a story about murder that will probably make Adam look like a hero get Chance (He of the name on the company letterhead) the chair. 

    8 hours ago, car8857 said:

    Maybe it’s just me but as long as I can remember the first thing I do when I walk in the door is put on comfy clothes and tie my hair up.

    I wouldn’t lounge around the house in a fancy dress on a good day much less if I came home from a cancer diagnosis. Wouldn’t this be a time you’d want to put soft cuddly clothes on?  

    Well it IS a soap.

    And the weird thing is they usually look much better when the do. Nikki never looks cuter than in jeans and Sharon can rock a casual tank and shorts

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