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Posts posted by Cekrypton1

  1. I hope in the season finale of A Million Little Things, we find out Ron Livingston knew ALL of their secrets and just decided to peace out on his shithead friends and family, so that it is ALL of their fault.

    Jeb is right about not wanting to see friends that often. A group of my friends recently started a monthly dinner get together and month three is looming next week and I am already exhausted by the thought of it.

  2. The GIF of the surprise party reveal left me with this question - have we, to this point, seen Janet interact one-on-one with Donna, or Kelly, or anyone else in The Gang?  And, I mean, she's not even Steve's girlfriend, they just work together.  Why is she being forced to participate in Gang events?  Love yourself, Janet!

    The gif of the "surprise" cracks me up, because by the smile on his face, I swear Noah thinks the party is for him. I have watched it 6 times and his reaction makes me LOL every time.

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  3. 1 hour ago, Jaclyn88 said:

    Yeah all Gina did was hate every one of those people. She even hated Dylan when she wasn't obsessed with him. Why would she stick around? She has no connection to them and Dylan passed her over for pretty much.. anything all. the. time.  I didn't buy that she went from being the biggest bitch ever for no reason to being such a nice, caring person at the end of her run.

    She hated Dylan WHEN she was obsessed with him. Matt is a doormat, but at least on paper the character has a reason to be there: he's the romantic foil of Kelly and Dylan. Gina is just there? And the reason is?

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  4. Actually Gina's obsessed with Kelly through 99% of her episodes, it's exhausting.

    Gina has even less of a reason to want to hang around or be pals with any of these dummies than Val did. I don't know why she just didn't leave.

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  5. Wait--wait--not only did Noah (or whomever) schedule the dance marathon on the eve of Donna's birthday, but coincidentally CHRISTMAS EVE?!!? Was this a Jewish fundraiser? Who is going to a dance marathon on Christmas Eve?

    • Love 6
  6. I know that the show is trying for a bit of the Dylan/Val redux in Dylan/Gina (DyGina? Ha! Not.) but unlike with Val, who he really seemed to at least like as a human being, and at most cared for as Val, Dylan appears to outright loathe Gina and yet he keeps stringing her along. I don't know if we are supposed to see his treatment of Gina as a side-effect or stand-in for his own self-loathing, but he is straight-up cruel to her in the way he treats her through their entire relationship. It's unpleasant to watch.

    SDB's "Let's not run" made me laugh outloud.

    I had hoped that the answer to "What is this music playing behind?" would have been of Samantha and her girlfriend having a romantic evening of Reunité in front of the fireplace.

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  7. I thought for sure we'd get a shot/comment on Noah's completely rude and gross swigging from the mouth of the brand new orange juice jar. Dude.

    That doorman at the PPAD/rave is a Busey cousin right? I mean, he is so Busey adjacent, genetically.

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  8. All that effort to save the ClinicClinic and Kelly's like, " Well that's it for me. Thanks friends for saving a place I couldn't care less about now." Classic late-stage Taylor.

    Although, "Or God forbid anything legally binding" was a nice, albeit brief, return of earlier, cooler Kelly.

    • Love 9
  9. It's a real insight into pre-Internet advertising that the American Express commercial was all, "To sign up, find an application [somewhere] and fill it out." Perhaps the first filter for AMEX when evaluating membership (which has its privileges) was that you were the type of person with the gumption and wherewithal to track down an application?

    I listened to last week and this week back to back and when I heard the Hello Fresh ad I was all, "What kind of meal service whores is the Cole/Ariano household?" So I was glad (? relieved?) to get Dave's bit of editorial update at the end of the ad.

  10. Kelly is so fucking smug in her opening scene with Donna post-reception that I have ZERO* sympathy for her for the rest of the episode.

    *Never had sympathy for her to start.

    Also, what filter do the have on Nat in the opening credits because his face is smooooooooth.

    ETA: Brandon: "I don't know, it just seemed like were more like brother and sister." Cut to 7 minutes later and Brando is boning down with said 'sister.'

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  11. I was disappointed that the couple at the end turned out to be future famous people, or that Mr. Delano's sons hid themselves from gold thieves by changing their name to Gallo and they--Ernest and Julio--eventually bought the vineyard in California. I remember in later years pre-famous historical figures would flit through Walnut Grove. There was an episode that implied Col. Sanders stole Nellie's friend chicken recipe.

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