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Everything posted by Txfeenix

  1. Yes, they are seriously pissed!! They lived in a stinky pigsty for weeks and then cleaned and are pissed that they have to do it all over again. And of course, Frankie is going over the top!! Jokers: Frankie: This is my home. You are my family. So they came in and destroyed my home and hurt my family! NT - Kayla08 Thu 1:58 PM BBT Frankie. We are stonger than they. You cannot evict us and you cannot destroy our home! NT - marreve Thu 1:58 PM BBT Frankie: If anyone ever asked me what the worst day in the house would be, it'd be this one. Not even when I was on the block NT - Kayla08 Thu 1:57 PM BBT Caleb: Looks like no one even came in! [it's still incredibly messy] NT - Kayla08 Thu 1:55 PM BBT Team Hayden and Victoria won the luxury competition. 5K each. NT - jellyfisher Thu 1:52 PM BBT Victoria upset because her name is x'd off and Frankie saying it was so horrible NT - marreve Thu 1:51 PM BBT Frankie: this is my house and if someone comes into my house and destroys it, I'm gonna get a little heated NT - marreve Thu 1:51 PM BBT Frankie: if someone came in my home and did this I would be pissed NT - katwomandu ETA: sorry for the double dose of Frankie! LOL
  2. Nope, Caleb told Derrick that Frankie tried, but Caleb shut him down.
  3. Derrick was just telling Cody & Caleb they would tell Frankie together. Caleb can't tell him!! Nom rule!! Hope someone remembers this...or production conveniently forgets the rule.
  4. Crap, this means Frankie gets to play in next HOH. Caleb, please!!!!! Get out Frankie!! So the veto will be the morph but just different pics? If they are the same pics, Frankie & Derrick will be closer than 20 seconds or whatever it was.
  5. Seriously, this is the most hilarious thing on the board today, IMO. (Not laughing at you duskyliterati, thanks for the info!). No way it's gonna just be 15 minutes! The man is gonna be late and the talking newsheads have to do analysis afterwards. I don't know how Hell's Kitchen is going to be handled unless the "speech" is only on the news channels.As for BB, none of the remaining HG are going to be mad at Derrick if he makes F2, even if he's a vote to evict them. He's primed them for weeks with the impending "we can't all make F2, so we will have to vote out one (or more) of our own". Knowing this group, they will be proud to have been evicted by Derrick, cuz he's such a good, straight up guy!!
  6. I've had this same though for about a month now. Hopefully (?) his "photographic memory" has a running play by play of his "moves" and he can translate that into a great short ME ME speech...unless he's up against Frankie. I'm really beginning to believe Frankie would win. As if it hasn't been said enough, Frankie HAS GOT TO GO!! NOW!! The rewind competitions AG picks will, IMO, show us who the favorite is. But is there a game out there in BBland that Frankie isn't good at?
  7. Is it possible that given the time constraints if nothing really happens until x:35 mark, it could be "reset", commercial, HOH, noms, THEN commercial, POV, vote? Can they do that in 25 mins? Then next HOH will be later, which they've done before. And if it's a true reset as Julie has reiterated, Derrick doesn't play, but even if he did, he doesn't wanna win this one because he wants to win F4 HOH. He's already working on Caleb while they are on outside lock down (Jokers): Derr & Caleb talking in BY. Caleb says if he wins veto next week, he's evicting Frankie "Not gonna lie it's going to hurt... but" - BB_Fan_JJ_Dan Derr "You know what's going to hurt more? Your brother smacking you for making a dumb decision" They say if Frankie gets to the end, he wins. Derr thinks Frankie has better odds than a 1 in 4 chance at the F4 veto... just due to his track record. Cody says he knows it all very well... it's game time.
  8. Jokersupdate: Caleb says as long as he's up against Frankie, he knows Derrick and Cody would save him. Caleb said he'd save Derrick and Cody over Frankie too. They are both athletes and they hate losing to someone like Frankie. So even if the boys make F4, Frankie's ouster is on all their lists!
  9. Wish we had more information about the button pushing. I know Julie said basically it's like a do-over. So does that mean Derrick doesn't play and Frankie could win again? Ugh!!!
  10. If BB doesn't put the time limit at right BEFORE veto, I call bullshit! It really should only be in play until nominations. Otherwise it's a big airplane banner worthy "#BB16 is rigged for Frankie".
  11. I don't know...I'm sure I'm wrong, but I wouldn't think he would want to win the next HOH. One of the "core4" has to go up (against Victoria?). I don't think he wants to be the one to do that. Although he wouldn't vote being HOH, only 2 people vote and the HOH has to break a tie. Would he really want that responsibility? And this way, he can play in the final 4 HOH which is one I think he DOES want to win cuz the last 3 all play so it doesn't matter that he's HOH at F4. Make sense? I'm tired and just thinking things out while typing.
  12. Well a little over an hour ago, after Victoria walked off crying and Derrick told himself he was f***ed, he started working on Christine about Frankie. I think she might put him up if she wins HOH.
  13. So basically, for the next 74-76 hours...we have nothing to talk about except what a bunch of dummies the HG are, right? See y'all Thursday! :( ETA: from Jokersupdate Mon 2:51 PM BBT Chris, Victoria & Derrick are sitting outside, no talking. NT - serac Apparently they don't either.....HA!
  14. Wonder if Derrick has time to smooth things over with Victoria...she is gonna be pissed!!!
  15. From Jokersupdate: Mon 10:54 AM BBT Caleb telling Frankie that he thought up all the scenarios if he sent Frankie home or Nicole home but he's going with his gut - scoobydoo and not going to put up Frankie So Caleb just TOLD Frankie he was gonna back door him, but now he's not! WTF?? What about the "he could come after one of us" does Caleb not get? Frankie is definitely coming for you now BMC!! ETA spelling
  16. I mentioned this about a month ago. Has he played TOO good of a game? As much thought as he's put into everything he's done to manipulate all the decisions, does he keep a running talley in his head for his F2 speech? IMO, it's gonna have to be a great one, but will he be able to "mist" them when they aren't face to face, physically in the same room?ETA..NM can't find reference.
  17. Lurker here coming out to get some opinions. I'm not concerned with how or what Derrick uses to play the game. (Although when - not if, cuz we all know he HAS to see himself - Frankie watches this season, he will see what acting really looks like.) Derrick has played a great game from the beginning. He's so smooth and flying under the radar (IMO) that except for Donny and possibly Hayden, no one sees what a puppet-master he's been. I would like to think that Cody maybe has some idea, because he's mostly been about the game, even during the Mogul's reveal. But I haven't seen anything overt to say for sure, but I'd love him to cut Derrick at the end with a "you thought you had me fooled" speech at F3. I haven't really seen Derrick say much about who to vote out based on who might come back. Hayden coming back in will definitely shake things up, especially if Zach goes next week and Zach runs his mouth, which we all know he will. But is Derrick playing the scenarios in his mind and considering who can do the least damage? Here's my question though: has Derrick been TOO much under the radar? Unless he starts transitioning his game to actually winning some comps, from the outside as another player, he's playing a floater game. I think right now Derrick deserves to win, but we see everything; other players don't.
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