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Posts posted by RedFire2000

  1. I hate this Riley & Lucas romance crap. They have no chemistry and they're BORINGzzz. And Riley seems like an immature 9 year old compared to mature Lucas (referring to her giddy and giggly yes to him asking her on a date).


    And I'm sorry can they Judy Winslow Auggie and Ava. Their scenes  are a waste of time and they're annoying. Can they act like real five/six year old kids please. I'm AVA..MORGEN..STERNNN (AAHH SHUT UP!)


    Lucas is a block of wood with no personality. I don't care about him or the horrible actor playing him. He's so stiff and wooden.


    Farkle was kind of annoying too.


    Topanga is useless and hope Cory mans up next season because acts like such an immature man child who freaks out at the tiniest things.


    And what was up with that 20 year old blondie and 6 year old looking kid in the classroom scene. That was stupid.


    Best part of this episode were Maya and Josh. They're the best actors on the show.

    • Love 4
  2. I didn't care about the moms being pissed about the pyramid. Their daughters just got through telling JoJo how she is "oh so beneath them" but they will let her on their team. Now they can be reminded that they are dirt under Maddie’s callused feet. Yeah, how does that feel girls? Smh

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  3. Freaky Friday? Seriously, some of Abby's story ideas are way out there. How would anyone who doesn't personally know Kendall and Jojo know that they were imitating each other in that dance? This duo could have easily gotten second place over MacKenzie and Nia if they'd been given a better storyline and choreography.


    It really offended me the way Kendall said she wasn't from Nebraska. It just sounded so snotty. Kendall could use some of Jo Jo's personality since she has none of her own. I used to like Kendall, but this season changed my mind. I think Kendall really thinks she's something special now and she needs to get over herself.


    And tonight was pretty much the Maddie and Shia Lebeouf show, and if I have to hear Sia's name one more time....

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  4. I'm not going to jump to any conclusions yet, I mean in this very episode they set it up to have Jesus potentially leave the show by going off to school. It seems a bit weird to me why they would bother doing that if they knew they were just going to kill him off in the very same episode.


    I'm not saying there's no way Jesus was killed in the crash, it's very much a possibility at this point. However I just think there's also another very reasonable explanation for why the actor was leaving that isn't Jesus dying.

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  5. I thought the whole "critiquing" JoJo bit was uncalled for.


    Look at some of their bad comments: You’re loud, you’re crazy, you’re wild. Are those really reasons for her not being part of the team? That smacks more of “you’re not just like us so we don’t want you around.” I was an outspoken child with a strong moral compass. I would have read the good things out loud and told the Abby-Monster that Jojo and I would discuss any personal, negative feelings in private.


    Like, "you've taught us that is an enormous faux-pas to ever critique a fellow dancer when they haven't asked your opinion, so I am going to use this exercise as practice for acting professionally." I would never say to a kid “I don’t want you to be part of this team because you have a weird personality.”


    Because you don’t focus, sure,but it seems to me Jojo does pretty well at focusing. Because you struggle with the material is a good reason. Because you’re style doesn’t mesh with ours is a good reason (though Jojo blends a lot better than Mack does if you ask me). Why pick on Jojo? Abby said it herself, she wanted to knock her down a few notches, which is cruel in itself. The whole intent of the assignment was to hurt Jojo’s feelings. Jojo took it like a pro.


    I’ve found the best way to handle kids like Jojo isn’t to bring them down, but to redirect their overconfidence. If they give you anything less than 100 percent look at them point blank and say “do you really think dancing like that is going to get you first?” “Come on, the kid next to you is outshining you” that sort of thing. And then when they give you 100 percent you constantly and enthusiastically through challenges at them.

    • Love 1
  6. WTF, Abby compared what Holly and Nia did in LA (in her eyes) to if a murderer walked in and she was supposed to teach them a dance and forget they were a murderer. What the heck?! Please tell me that was scripted because that is just ridiculous.


    I don't care for Abby, but I can't believe someone would use that as an example to express their feelings to a child. Nia tried to talk to Abby in a mature, fair manner. Abby wanted to focus on how hurt she, an adult, was by what Nia, a teenager, did. Pathetic.

    • Love 3
  7. I don't like what they're doing to Lena's character. She was a confident vice principal with a sensitive soul, quiet calm confidence and mama bear instincts. Now she is becoming unfocused (her mannerisms appear flustered) short tempered (especially with Stef) indecisive and abrupt at the same time. They seem to be making her weak. Which I guess would leave her vulnerable to stray.. I hope she doesn't.

  8. This episode was terrible


    I was looking forward to Game Night because everybody was having fun outside of school, and then the flashbacks came in. I wanted a straight forward game show, the flashbacks were forced and unnecessary. The school lessons in general are becoming repetitive, fake, and redundant. Riley and her friends aren't anything like their history lessons, and Cory's use of them are a waste. He needs to cool off on the teaching, and just focus on fatherhood for a little while.

  9. This season Nia  reminds me a lot of Brooke in the early seasons - she knows that Abby is going to be obnoxious to her, there's nothing she could do to change and she's just over it, she knows the shows is staged and her and her mother are the producers picks this season.


    But again Nia is a teen now and no longer putting up with the BS. Just like brooke she's checked out because what's the point?

    • Love 4
  10. Gosh, this season is soooo boring!!! Same old same old. Wish it concentrated more on the girls dancing.


    The treatment of Nia is so wrong on every level! Abby is such a heartless jerk to her.


    So so sick of hearing about Maddie and the Sia video and watching Melissa making these weird faces!!


    Maddie will always win. In real life, Brynn would clean the floor with Maddie. Jill's comment about Abby protecting Maddie's rep is spot on.

    • Love 2
  11. This show is all over the place, too much going on


    A lot of the characters are juggling multiple storylines right now and it's ruining the flow of show.


    Mariana: She is trying to create a dance team, fighting to bring Timothy back as a teacher, dealing with Callie moving out, trying to find someone who will adopt her real mom's baby, finding out her twin wants to go to a boarding school and her boyfriend is going on tour without her.


    Lena- problems with Stef (she always seems frustrated with her), grieving Frankie, upset about Timothy being fired, going back and forth about adopting Anna's baby, being a school VP, and now maybe something is up with the principal...


    Callie- the Brandon thing, the Girls United thing, the Robert thing, the Sophia trying to kill herself thing, the cute guy from her volunteer job thing, and now she tries out for Mariana's dance team?!


    There are so many things going on with the same characters that
    1) the storylines are getting chopped up quick-fix endings,
    2) other characters are not getting developed
    3) the characters that have great storylines are getting more stories added to their plate causing the great storylines to drag out and lose momentum.

    • Love 2
  12. I'm guessing the relationship between Brandon and Lou is over especially when he decided to not go on tour and continue classic training. I don't find their relationship boring and interested and I'm not a fan of the Lou character.

  13. My opinion the whole thing was pretty mercilois. The words were mean, the flopping was mean, the imitation of the lisp was mean. Yeah, they only corrected themselves after they saw the reaction they were getting but, this was too much. It doesn't matter if you throw in "haha, you know I love you" after an insult. 


    I think they are all old enough to know better and should all be ashamed of themselves.

    • Love 1
  14. Nia is in desperate need of a new dance teacher. She can either have fame and stay with Abby, or leave and really learn how to dance and unleash her potential. For now, they have chosen fame. Sad, because Nia really wants to dance lyrical. I don't think she's cut out for it.


    If they do reach a point where they need to move up to the teen category, Nia is going to hinder the group even more than she does now. She's not at the level she needs to be at her age to compete competitively.

  15. Is it just me or does Nia looks really out of place now? Watching Nia with the other girls, she seems way out of place now, at least to me. She's grown so much and she's developed a woman's body. In the Moulin Rouge group number, I thought it looked a grown lady dancing with a bunch of little kids.

    • Love 3
  16. I hope they're not about to set Callie up with the new guy... from the agency. For one thing, he's way too old for her IMO. Didn't he say he had a graduate degree? That would make him at least 23 or 24, and Callie is 16. Also so soon after the Brandon/Wyatt drama, can't they just let a female lead worry about non-romantic issues in these dramas? Just my two cents.

    • Love 3
  17. What parents let 16 year olds go on tour during summer?  Really though? That's crazy to me. And with all the crap Brandon has done over the past 6 months, he wouldn't be going anywhere. I could understand if they had management and all that stuff. Not to mention this band gave him pot and in tonight's episode they are playing at a Pharma party. Can't imagine Stef being ok with that when she finds out.


    Anyway, I'm so over this band crap.

    • Love 2
  18. Finally watched "First Day of Bionic Academy", "Adam Steps Up" and "Unauthorized Mission".


    Enjoyed the episodes a lot more than I thought I would.

    New Character wise, I like S-3/Sebastian and shocked, but not too shocked he's the baddie.  I like Spin, he's a good foil to Leo.  It's Bob I can't stand.  The Bree first few Breezy comments were cute, but turning the kid into Adam 2.0 in the intelligence department was turn off for me.

     ETA: Interesting Bree didn't get a sidekick or rival.  Adam has Bob, Chase has S-3/Sebastian and Leo has Spin.


    Overall I enjoyed the transition to the Academy after kind of complaining I wouldn't since the news broke way back when.



    Didn't mind Perry but they can drop Janelle.  I think the writing...they just damaged the character/relationship beyond repair.  And like 88 mentioned, the dynamic just doesn't make sense.

    I like Spin too. I hate Bob as well. We don't need two idiot characters, Adam is already annoying enough and speaking of Adam he's slowly turning into a smug doucebag.


    If anybody needs to go away it's Perry and Janelle. Perry quit her job and following them to Bionic Island is ridiculous. I could care less about Janelle and her Leo's relationship is poorly done. They may as well drop Tasha too. Her character is useless.


    But overall, I really enjoyed these past three episodes and I like new direction this show is going. Can't wait for Season 4.

    • Love 1
  19. The subplot with Auggie and Ava book club was awful and lame.


    But one thing I really liked in this episode was Maya's playful younger side showing. In most episodes we have seen she is intense and z serious and had to grow up too fast. It is refreshing to see her child-like laugh at Riley's radio announcer performance :)

    • Love 1
  20. I will never understand why Corey Fogelmanis didn't get put in the opening credits for Season 1. He's been in every episode this season as opposed to Auggie and Lucas who missed so many episodes. What is this, his 5th absence? Meanwhile not-in-the-main-credits Farkle has still yet to miss one. But I know Fogelmanis will be in the S2 credits.


    And I wished they dropped Lucas. He's literally the dullest character ever. The writers keep hyping up how he has this "secret" that we don't know and we got to learn about his past a bit in Girl Meets Friendship. Incorporating Lucas's past into the show doesn't make him interesting... We have certainly seen enough to know he's the weakest of the four kids.

  21. Disney XD recently released a press news article about Season 4 stating that....


    Leo Howard (Kickin It) will make a special guest star appearance on an episode.


    And that there will be a crossover with Disney XD series Mighty Med.


    Get's a new show title for its fourth season, called Lab Rats: Bionic Island


    And a new story location – Davenport's Bionic Academy, a training facility on a remote island that brings higher stakes and over-the-top missions

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