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Posts posted by RedFire2000

  1. Cory's struggle to deal with Riley growing up is becoming a bit too much. It's fine to address that on the show and get some comedy/drama from it, but at this point, it feels redundant, and I hope the writers tone it down a little. I'm not trying to sound insensitive, and I do think it's a relatable issue for all parents. I liked what Cory said about his concerns that once they stop a family tradition, it tends to go away forever because its no longer a priority. That I can appreciate. But come on, really? He's freaking out because his daughter wants to go to a school dance? Can't they just go to Coney Island the next day if they're worried about the tradition being lost?


    And Maya walking out of class was way out of line. I do not believe kids today can get away with that.

  2. So that was relatively dramatic.  If you didn't know from the second the film started that the ultimate message of the film was going to be the main character learning that it wasn't okay to control boys and that she would ultimately realize the error of her ways, I'm not sure what to tell you.  Besides the fact that it was obvious, it was even telegraphed in the trailer where they flat out told you as such.   I'm not really sure how much clearer the movie had to be in saying that Zoey was wrong.  So in that sense I don't understand the outrage.  It's really not that serious.  Also feminism does not have the definition some people seem to think it has.

    Zapped was based on a book called Boys are Dogs, though the book is set in middle school I believe.   Also with all the stereotypes out there aimed at young girls, am I supposed to be crying at the way boys were depicted in this movie?  Yeah, no.  Especially since all the lead male characters--the dad, the older brother, the love interest and etc. were all shown to be good guys.


    How the hell am I being relatively dramatic. I saw the film. I thought it was garbage and explain why I hated it. Guys can be gross but this was just overboard. You're the one making it serious by making a big deal of what I had to say about the movie. It's my opinion. We agree to disagree.

  3. Here's a sneak peak clip https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y7LYT6lUPnc&list=UUKJqAeTZQo88aBEeBW44LGg


    Lucas' only chance of salvation as a character is pairing him with Maya and not Riley. The ages and looks feel right, he's a little bit sassier and more personality-having with her, and they bounce off each other as opposites. Then he starts talking to Riley and it's like the life gets sucked out of both of them. Riley's great. Better than Lucas' sorry ass. She just doesn't work with him.

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  4. It wasn't the best movie I've ever seen. But, as a grown ass woman watching a DCOM movie, I just expect to be entertained with mindless fare and colorful scenes for an hour and a half at the end of a long week.


    I usually enjoy DCOM's but Zapped was IMO was....point blank......garbage. How to Build a Better Boy is showing a similar concept of Zapped, but the sci-fi/action elements will set it apart.

  5. I finally watched Zapped and it sucked big time. This whole film is demeaning to all boys. I found this to be the idea of a woman, even though it was a man who directed it. This whole film seems to be screaming the term "Man-Haters" all over it. Zendaya as usual had to dance, the acting in this was horrible, the plot and story was nothing but garbage and insulting to boys. The whole time I watched it, I couldn't be more offended and I felt like hated every minute of it and everything about it.


    I find it demeaning and insulting to boys, I actually couldn't stop talking back to the film and the characters in it. I'm surprised this film didn't bomb. Although the thing about this film that satisfied me was that the girls in this finally learned that all boys are innocent and the girls were guilty of every evil thing through the whole plot and story. This film should never seen the light of day the minute they thought of it. I never hated any film in my whole life and this film is hateful to all boys and I think this film deserves to be hated for being the one of the worst DCOM'S ever and demeaning to boys. This film is nothing but an attack on boys and it screams "Man-Haters" all over.

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