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  1. MOY Wendy Moore died five months after her precious baby was sentenced. If I remember correctly, she lived on family land and probably didn’t own anything in her name.
  2. This is what I got out of the Webb episode. Momma got $18,000. Put $10,000 in a cashiers check for daughter to hold onto. Of the $8,000 mom kept, she gave $4,000 for the wedding. Did anyone else hear her say that? In the end the daughter had $14,000 of the $18,000. Did she get married? I didn't see hubby with her and they both went by Webb.
  3. The county also paid for her rehab. JJ fished that out of her because if she had that amount of money in her account they would not have paid. I wonder if she was still collecting welfare when she got that "retirement" check. Or was her reason for applying for disability because welfare told her to get a job.
  4. The trajectory this thread has taken makes me think we need to start a new topic. Something along the lines of Josh Gates vs Everybody Else. I am home for summer break and have been watching the Science Channel. They do a lot of the same same investigations as EU. (My husband can't wait for me to get back to work so he can watch sports all day!)
  5. I see in the news today that a Japanese history buff has found that same picture in a book published two years before Earhart went missing. The producers of the History show said they are standing behind their story and looking into the claim. Thanks for the link rmontro.
  6. When I first saw that photo last week in the news, I thought no way. After seeing it enlarged and then hearing the story it is compelling. I need to watch the History program again.
  7. Best guess - Navy wives. Plantiff and husband just moved to California and they have to wait two weeks (military pays 1st and 15th) for him to get paid before registering the car. Defendant came from Guam (Navy base is there). Plantiff was silly to hurry the deal and not let defendant take car to the mechanic the next week. She could've met her at the mechanic and got a report without paying for the car or mechanic fees. A seller in California does have to smog car within 90 days before selling a vehicle. I think if plantiff was more articulate and didn't wait two weeks she would have prevailed. Full disclosure. My husband retired from the navy after serving 30 years. I work at a k-8 school on a navy base in California.
  8. The signage was very clear. Who, what, where, when, how much. The jerk has cornered me in the past and asked why he would have to pay since he pays union dues. The luncheon has nothing to do with union dues. He's also walked thru the luncheon and got himself a glass of ice tea. Stood and stared at everybody. I and approx 10 of the others are part time employees. Some are instructional aides making $10 an hour. He makes three times as much and thinks he should eat for free. The fact that he brought all his pals this time was more than I could stand. *still mad*
  9. Sorry so long. I am a clerk at a K-8 school. Every year after school's out we have a lovely catered luncheon that I am in charge of. The staff signs up and pays per person. It never fails that people don't sign up and contact me after I've called in the number to the caterer. No biggie. She always makes extra. Well today the entire custodial staff shows up and thinks they are going to eat. When I tell them how much per person, the leader/jerk throws down the plate and says "for this?" I explained everybody else paid. They stormed out. It is six hours later and I'm still steaming. This jerk did this in the past (I've done the luncheon for 12 years) but I guess he thought if he had back up, I would say Oh OK. The sign up was in the break room and work room. Notices were in every mailbox. Don't people know what a catered lunch is?
  10. Amvets will pick up and you don't have to be home. Call them up arrange a date and have your donation in your driveway. It's a great organization that helps veterans.
  11. For hilarious recaps and comments of todays reruns, travel back to page 3 of this thread. (April 30, 2014). Althea Lamb. Barbara Barsodi. Kevin and Rufus. Imogene Eddington. They are all there.
  12. I also saw "_____st nobo___". So I was guessing Trust Nobody. It was a fresh tat. Probably done just for her tv debut.
  13. It was "Latin" dancer that Mr Westmore referenced. (Carmen Miranda) I also recognize your moat quote from that very informative show-The Powerpuff Girls
  14. The Marine plantiff said he was working with a pastor(?). I would like to know if all the people he helps are veterans. When my husband first retired from the military, he volunteered for a non profit helping vets get their benefits. Then we started getting mail at our house from veterans in prison wanting help. It was time to give that up and take up golf full time.
  15. My interpretation of the go kart pics was that JJ asked for pictures of the father's car. The plaintiff (daughter) passed up the FB pics. Then JJ started her "what's this? I asked for pics of the car" .
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