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Everything posted by valleycliffe

  1. It is with great sadness that I post to you, all of her online friends that Lynda, Valleycliffe, passed away on October 16,2019 at 2:53 PM. She suffered from Acute Liver Failure as well as Kidney Failure. She was with her daughters and her husband when she passed. I thank you all who were her friends here. :Posted by her daughter, Teri:
  2. Hello Preverts. Haven't been on lately. Am in the hospital and have been sick for while. Husband brought me to the emergency ward and it looks like I am going to be in for the weekend. Still in the emergency ward waiting for a bed. I will get back to you guys after I get a room.
  3. thank you to zoie1 at soc for today's cdn recap https://boards.soapcentral.com/forum/daytime-drama-series-soap-operas/the-young-and-the-restless/2604805-friday-canadian-monday-us
  4. donnelly rhodes played p2. thom beardz is p3 and now the is someone playing chance p4.
  5. thank you to zoie1 at soc for today's cdn recap https://boards.soapcentral.com/forum/daytime-drama-series-soap-operas/the-young-and-the-restless/2602583-thursday-canadian-friday-us
  6. LOL that's why we used to call ms' phyl the preying mantis.
  7. thank you to holly99 at soc for today's cdn recap https://boards.soapcentral.com/forum/daytime-drama-series-soap-operas/the-young-and-the-restless/2600770-wednesday-canadian-thursday-us
  8. thank you to zoie1 at soc for today's cdn recap https://boards.soapcentral.com/forum/daytime-drama-series-soap-operas/the-young-and-the-restless/2597084-monday-canadian-tuesday-us
  9. @Petunia13, is there an lrb (labour relations board) office you can take your complaint about the dealership to?
  10. thank you to zoie1 at soc for today's cdn recap https://boards.soapcentral.com/forum/daytime-drama-series-soap-operas/the-young-and-the-restless/2592975-friday-canadian-monday-us
  11. i certainly hope he doesn't lose all his money. so david sherman is conveniently dead. did anyone record his so-called death bed confession and does anyone have a copy of the original will that was supposedly changed? kinda smells like fish left out in the sun to rot.
  12. thank you to holly99 at soc for today's cdn recap https://boards.soapcentral.com/forum/daytime-drama-series-soap-operas/the-young-and-the-restless/2590958-thursday-canadian-friday-us
  13. the lawyer amanda something or other. the one who sent devon the letter about the will.
  14. thank you to holly99 at soc for today's cdn recap https://boards.soapcentral.com/forum/daytime-drama-series-soap-operas/the-young-and-the-restless/2588553-wednesday-canadian-thursday-us
  15. yes, he sure does. wonder if they braid his mane and tail they're so long.
  16. thank you to zoie1 at soc for today's cdn recap https://boards.soapcentral.com/forum/daytime-drama-series-soap-operas/the-young-and-the-restless/2585782-tuesday-canadian-wednesday-us
  17. frederik the great, world's most handsome stallion
  18. guess it's supposed to be his emmy reel or something.
  19. thank you to zoie1 at soc for today's cdn recap https://boards.soapcentral.com/forum/daytime-drama-series-soap-operas/the-young-and-the-restless/2583641-monday-canadian-tuesday-us
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