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Posts posted by Angel12d

  1. 1 hour ago, Morrigan2575 said:

    The Writers do know how to write a well-written redemption arc, they just don't care to with LL/BS.

    You’re probably right. Though to be honest I’m completely blanking on any well-written redemption arc they’ve done and I mean that seriously. I can’t think of one at all. 

    • Love 1
  2. So I haven't actually watched 717 yet (should I even bother??) but the 718 promo is so obvious with the "BS's redemption didn't work OH NO she's bad again!" that I'm pretty sure it's not what it seems, or at least won't end the way it looks. I'll be surprised if they send her off evil again. I feel like she'll either admit she needs to pay for her actions as BS and finally suffer consequences (maybe even be sent to the meta-human prison on Flash?) or she'll just go back to E2 after actually helping the team in some way. 

    Either way, these writers and their idea of a well-written redemption arc is laughable. They are so bad at this. 🙄

    • Love 3
  3. This whole time I've been thinking there's not enough time to set up Smoak Tech in the few episodes we have left and it might be a S8 thing but I guess not! 

    It's nice they got Alena back for it. I guess now we know who'll be running the company when Felicity goes into hiding with Mia.

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  4. Is anyone else confused by Rene? I can't figure out if he's genuinely on the bad side now or has he switched or is he pretending to switch sides and is still actually bad? Help a girl out! Haha.

    • Useful 1
  5. 36 minutes ago, Mellowyellow said:

    Felicity's face when she hugged Dinah: That was very reminisce of a SA stank face. EBR doesn't usually do stank faces. Do you guys think it's plot based? EBR is always very much "on" so I can't imagine it's her having an off moment. 

    Their reunion hug was weird and awkward mostly because Dinah was out there claiming Felicity was super evil for most of the season so her suddenly caring and being emotional that she was alive was very off-putting. There was a definite off vibe but I just don't know if it's intentional or not? Personally I feel like there should be awkwardness because Dinah is so awful and Felicity clearly didn't trust her that much but maybe they didn't intend for it to come across that way. 

    • Love 6
  6. 8 hours ago, BkWurm1 said:

    So I'm seeing a divide of opinion on what Felicity meant at the end of the episode.  Let me do quotes for clarity.

    Mia: "Mom, there's um...it seemed like there is something really personal about you stopping Galaxy.  Is that about dad?"

    Felicity:  "No, it's not.  That one is on me."

    cue present day and Felicity creates the Archer program.  

    I keep seeing people that took it as Felicity saying "that one is on me" to mean her creating Archer led to Oliver's death/disappearance.  But I took it as she feels responsible for creating Galaxy and it's evil predecessor company. 


    I thought the same. She feels responsible for the Archer program and whatever evil that resulted from it ending up in the bad guy's control.

    • Love 3
  7. Just now, cambridgeguy said:

    That was actually SA's reaction when he found out he'd be getting a full episode's pay for 30 seconds of screentime and one line of dialogue.

    Well, I'd be happy too tbh. LOL.

    • LOL 1
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  8. Aside from a few scenes, I wasn't really a fan of this episode. I feel like I should give it a second chance and watch it again because there was a ton of information overload but I also don't really want to. So there's that. Haha.

    Good things:

    -Oliver's gigantic beaming smile at the birth of his baby girl. Obviously I would've loved that whole thing to be longer and I always wanted to see Oliver hold her but I get why they couldn't do that.

    -Nyssa training Mia over the years. Damn, even a LOA assassin knew about Olicity's daughter before NTA did. All the LOLs.

    -William getting all choked up when he saw Felicity and then their little hug. They're so alike, I love it. I also loved that Felicity was William's angel investor. Aw.

    -Felicity and Mia heart to heart. I really liked how EBR portrayed older mom Felicity. There was a bit of a sadness in her, too, which feels realistic.

    -Felicity wasn't aged badly, REJOICE. Haha.

    Bad things:

    -The Zoe actress is terrible. Is this a Canary thing or...?

    -Dinah's fake tears over Felicity being alive. Did she (and the writers) forget that she told everyone Felicity was evil and dark and had changed and even believed she could blow up the city? Go away FAKE!

    -The scenes with Dinah, Zoe and Roy ruined the flow of the episode. I feel like you could've cut their scenes and nothing would've changed.

    -The future SUCKS guys. I don't want this. I really hope Beth and Co realize they've made a huge mistake and change it because it's just so bad and makes everything in the present feel pointless. It's also like a giant dark cloud over the rest of the season. 

    • Love 4
  9. 16 minutes ago, Velocity23 said:

    How does it explain it? I really wanna hear it

    Okay! Mia doesn’t know anyone and no one knows about her either. For 20 years. This is possibly because Felicity stays in hiding for the foreseeable. (I know she comes back and builds Smoak Tech but that could happen years ahead, which we’d never have to see.) Also it could be we’re seeing the birth now rather than next season (I think we all expected an 801 birth) because EBR won’t be around to film it. 

    I’m very happy to be wrong btw! But that’s my speculation/worry. 

  10. 9 minutes ago, Velocity23 said:

    This theory that EBR is leaving honestly makes no sense. And after the last 10 episode were announced i thought that speculation would have been done with. But its the same thing every year. 

    This is actually the first time I think it does make sense. It explains a lot, IMO. I just hope it’s worry for nothing, as usual. 

    • Love 1
  11. 32 minutes ago, way2interested said:

    That deal for SA to come back in s8 wasn't made until semi-recently (end of Feb at the earliest), 716 was written/shot back in January/early Feb and likely was/still is being used as a sort of a test-run for what would have been/might be a spinoff. He wasn't going to come back at all (he said that after s7 he was moving on), GB convinced him to come back to s8 if it was the last season and then they all agreed on a 10 episode ending. Showing it in 716 for them was guaranteeing that they can have a birth scene when they weren't guaranteed SA in the future is what I was saying. Seeing it in 716 does mean that the don't have to show it next season (and that they'll probably change Mia's birthday to September) but I think it was because they weren't fully set on whether s8 would be following Oliver or not back then, not about what it means right now.

    I see. 

    I’m basically just trying to figure out if the birth is happening in S7 because they weren’t sure he’d be around or because EBR isn’t gonna be around. But IDK now.

    31 minutes ago, Chaser said:

    I go back and forth on EBR coming back for S8. I think she is coming back, I’m not convinced it’s for the full order. 

    I think the Flash Forward kind of tilts things. They are clearly putting an effort into establishing Mia’s life. Starting at the beginning makes sense. The circumstances of her birth are not normal. 

    I’ll take her coming back for some episodes over nothing at all. So fingers crossed! 

  12. So how did Emiko know Laurel was Black Siren? Did Diaz tell them or did BS work with Dante? IDK. 

    I know Emiko is gonna switch sides because she’ll realize her brother loves her so much 🙄 but I’m so sick of watching people screw him over, especially family. Le sigh. 

    • Love 1
  13. 1 hour ago, way2interested said:

    When they were producing the episode, SA was still planning on not returning for s8 while Mia is born in September/October, so I think it was literally just because they wanted to make sure they could do the scene while they still had SA (and fulfill the contract of SA being in every episode) and nothing to do with the actual storyline.

    I thought SA planned to do a few episodes of S8 (when they hoped the season would continue without him probably for 22 episodes) but then they only recently decided to end the show with 10 episodes? I honestly can’t remember, haha.

    Because I still think it’s odd to have the birth in S7 and it actually has me worrying about Felicity being in S8. Seeing the birth next week means they don’t have to show it next season. 

    I am confusion. I don’t know what to think anymore tbh. 🤔😩

    • Love 2
  14. Finally managed to watch. Pretty solid episode but had way too much Dinah for my liking. I don't like her, I don't feel any sympathy. I don't care about her Captain/Vigilante conflict which she didn't have a problem with before. And her whining about her job being on the line...well, you decided that, Dinah, so just deal with it. But man they were not subtle about all the one true BC talk. 🙄

    I loved all of the Olicity moments but I'm finding that I can't enjoy them as much as I want to because of the flashforwards. It's taking the shine off. And even though I really like Mia and William together, I really hate the future. So I'm just not really feeling this as much as I probably would. Also it very much feels like they're scrambling to fit in all the key moments like baby name choosing because we're running out of time and IDK, I don't get a good feeling about that and where things are heading.

    I'd love to know whose idea the SCPD storyline was because that was awful. I want to hope it's over but clearly something happens because in the future the SCPD are out for Vigilante blood so IDK. I feel like it's not quite as wrapped up as they're making us believe here. 

    Oh and finally, I did not expect that Connor/Bronze Tiger twist but I liked it! Also the kid Connor is the cutest kid I've ever seen omg. I wanna squish him. 😍

    • Love 3
  15. I’m surprised we’re getting a birth scene in S7. Doesn’t this mean we won’t need to see it in S8? Kinda lines up with what I’ve been thinking anyway but takes the shine off the happy. 

    Oliver’s face when she gives birth though. KILL ME. Happiest I’ve ever seen him. Excuse me while I cry. 😭

    • Love 7
  16. Well, that definitely explains no one knowing about Mia. But there's so many plot holes in that. Does Felicity leave? But if she does, when does she build Smoak Tech? Or does that happen a few years into the future and we're just never gonna see it? Kat said Mia grew up in Star City but is that from birth? Also, if Felicity does leave to protect Mia, why come back at all if things are so dire? I AM CONFUSION. 🤔

    I would also think they'd want to protect William even more but not contacting him at all? I just don't buy it. If anything he should go into hiding with Felicity and Mia. 

    None of this is adding up and I don't like the implications tbh. But I guess 716 will tell us more. 

  17. Who is Felicity gonna choose? Laurel or the team? Sad that I feel it could go either way at this point. That being said, I’m not sure her choosing LL leads to LL feeling the need to suit up as BS in 718, as we know from BTS pics. I’d guess Felicity chooses the team and LL revolts? IDK. 

  18. Was I supposed to laugh at them all wearing their SCPD training tees? They look cute for sure but LOL. This is how bad this SCPD storyline is. Hopefully this is the beginning of the end of that. 

    Also whenever I see the pics of Mia and William I'm a mix of "Aw, my Queen siblings are bonding!" and NOPE because the future is so horrible, haha. Those two had such a natural chemistry together that I'm really disappointed the future scenes weren't just OTA's kids on a mission to find all of their missing parents rather than the depressing apocalypse one they gave us. I really think a simple adjustment of the whole thing could've been a lot more watchable. Le sigh. 

    • Love 12
  19. 8 minutes ago, insomniadreams88 said:

    But Smoak Tech, with Felicity's office, is in Star City. That's the part I don't get about this. 

    This is what I didn't get either. I've been like 🤔🤔 for days. Haha.

    • LOL 1
  20. 11 minutes ago, Velocity23 said:

    I saw that speculation but it just always sounded far fetched. Especially knowing Diggle knows about her. 

    It didn’t feel far fetched to me tbh. I figured as no one but Diggle knew about Mia, Felicity must leave. I still can’t wrap my head around how they hide a baby from everyone. 😂 But as I said, it would be ridiculous if she didn’t return for 10 final episodes. I’d be really disappointed. So I’m hoping for the best. 

    • Love 1
  21. 40 minutes ago, Mellowyellow said:

    Does anyone know if EBR is coming back for S8 or did we just assume it?

    EBR not coming back has kinda been my fear since we found out no one knows Mia but I think it would be really silly for her not to return for the final 10 episodes. So I’m keeping my fingers crossed! 

    • Love 1
  22. All I'm seeing is everyone begging for a happy ending for Oliver. They would be so dumb to not give him that, after everything. I really hope they fix that future. Even if he ends up faking his death and we get a whole Batman TDKR thing. I don't care! I just want him, Felicity and their two kids to be together. 

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