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Posts posted by crazychicken

  1. Pretty sure it was Ryan that let the cat of the bag, he is friends with a bride from the upcoming Boston season. He called her to see how she was going, she said she was in LA filming Unfiltered and Ryan knew Jamie wasn't there so contacted Jamie to see why she wasn't there for the filming. The problem was Jamie had no idea she had been fired and was preparing to leave for LA the next day to film Unfiltered herself. 


    As much as Jamie is annoying it was really low of Kinetic to not even inform Jamie that they had a new host and she would not be needed especially since she expected to leave for LA the next day so was buying her wardrobe for filming.

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  2. 3 hours ago, Yeah No said:

    I've been looking at José's whiteboard again and I noticed those two little subtractions in the middle/bottom - It looks like he's factoring in more or less $3,000 a month for net income - now given that he's got several deductions going on I'd say the most he could possibly gross is about $60,000 per year, which isn't really that great.  And I doubt he is netting $3K per week either.  The mystery amount he subtracts from that is $1,600 - could that be his mortgage?  Because he then takes the $1,400 that's left and subtracts the $800 in expenses from it, then puts the $600 a month in savings.  Now even if you add up all those monthly expenses in the left top column, they only add up to roughly $600, so where does the $800 come in?  Plus he has zero factored in for misc. expenses, groceries, eating out, etc.  Like others have said the more you look at this the less it makes sense, LOL.

    I do not watch the show this season so have no actual reference but my guess is he tracks his monthly expenses and averages them. The 6 red figures average out to $813.

  3. 5 hours ago, Elizzikra said:

    I think MAFS needs to do some service after the sale. Why can't Pastor Cal work with these two to figure out how to either improve their marriage or divorce amicably and co-parent effectively? I'd watch that show.

    It was Dr Jessica that convinced them to try again when they split during the pregnancy. They were going to co-parent only until Dr Blondie talked them into doing the Happily Ever After Show to work on their relationship. How well they would have co-parented I have no idea, I suspect it would not have been much calmer than the marriage.

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  4. 2 hours ago, LuvMyShows said:

    In the past, the Couples Cam episodes have been available for replay on the Lifetime site along with the regular episodes, and last season there was a separate show entry on the site for Couples Cam.  But I cannot find this season anywhere, including Amazon, which has the regular episodes and Unfiltered.  Has anyone been able to find the Couples Cam on-line?



  5. 13 minutes ago, Silver Bells said:

    Does anyone remember what episode Jake had them all over to his house?

    Pretty sure it was ep 9 Three Little Words as that was the one where Paige was done with the douchebag and then production sent her back in and she caved

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  6. 5 minutes ago, pdlinda said:

    I, too, thought the house was GORGEOUS and VERY EXPENSIVE!  Every feature and amenity for a luxurious group stay at Hilton Head was attended to in the house and outdoors.

    The decor was very beachy and the appointments (fixtures) very up-to-date and high style!

    I was thinking the cost of a short "get away" there may be in the neighborhood of $1K/DAY on the open market (Air BNB type thing).  Am I way off on that quote???

    I wonder if the owner comped the entire stay for the exposure on the show???

    Somebody found the house on reddit yesterday. It was listed as 1.2K today the price has suddenly increased and the minimum stay extended, so it looks like it paid off if they comped the stay.




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  7. 7 minutes ago, Devvie said:

    The one thing I thought was funny... Haley buddying up to Virginia!  The hugs!  It was so revealing. Haley wouldn't speak to a trashy lush like Virginia (with her shell choker and bad skin) outside of this show. But she needs someone to be on her side!  And vice versa.  "I won't judge you, if you won't judge me".  Interesting. They. Are. Enabling.  Each. Other. 

    They look she threw Virginia when she told her not to mimic had me rolling and then Virginia calling her out the next day as being mean that was not Hayley's plan. She was on ally recruitment from the moment the other girls arrived.

    I noticed she twisted the 'argument' after crabbing she said she apologized for questioning him eating, but what was shown was her saying she was not smug and nasty and did not have a tone.

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  8. 1 minute ago, cinsays said:

    yeah, she doesn't miss a chance to put him down.  longest bad first date ever for sure. they all left in the morning, no? so he left early, so what.  it was a long ride back, maybe he was trying to beat heavy traffic.

    If his leaving was unplanned why was production there to film it, plus I don't think anybody acted surprised he was gone Erik & Virginia seemed unfazed by it and it seemed Erik had known for a while. Hayley just took it as another opportunity to act as a victim boo hoo Jake left without saying goodbye to her, poor Hayley totally ignoring the fact that she has not worn a wedding ring for weeks, they haven't shared a room for nearly the whole 7 weeks and they just spent a weekend taking jabs at each other. I could imagine her outrage though if he woke her up to say goodbye, she would be spitting fire.

    I am certain Jake leaving without saying goodbye is what is going to destroy the marriage, he totally messed up what a jerk /s

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  9. 7 minutes ago, Elizzikra said:

    I enjoyed coveting that house. It was gorgeous! It looked like they didn't even use the pool - I would have spent the entire weekend there.

    I am amazed Virginia didn't sleep at the pool bar.

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  10. 7 minutes ago, Retired at last said:

    It looks like in my TV Guide that it is only a 1-hour episode, which is fine, but just wondering. Maybe they are really devoting time to the Unmatchables, and realize that this season is toast.

    The lifetime schedule has MAFS 8-10pm Unmatchables 10-11pm for April 28th

    It is only an hour on May 5th as it is some weird lookback on 3 previous couples experiences and their decision day predictions

    So decision day is May 12th, they are really stretching out this season

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  11. 11 minutes ago, MyTwoCents said:

    First, I can’t speak for all, but every golf course I’ve been to had a dress code that required a shirt with a collar and jeans were definitely not allowed, long or short. Second, functions outside the work setting is where you get to see employees on a different level, more of who they are as a person. These interactions tell them if the person is someone they’d like to see move up the ladder or not. Who they selected as a spouse is also telling and someone who is a constant joker and can’t respect dress codes or rules because he wants to stand out as the goofball, reflects badly on her and her decision-making skills.

    She may as well quit work now then because I am pretty sure signing up to get married on a reality show is going to reflect way worse on her career than what her husband wore to a corporate day if her work place is so judgemental.


    Our corporate days are set for fun and bonding they are most defiantly a judgement free zone, unless you strip naked or attack somebody then you will face consequences. IT is really lose if I turned up to work in my pajamas my colleagues wouldn't bat an eye, we are judged by our work quality not our personalities (unless you are quite abrasive)

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  12. On 4/15/2021 at 11:51 AM, MyTwoCents said:

    Amen!! Everything you said! I, too, would be miserable with him.

    Also, Jake is 38? He should know better than to dress like that for a company function at a golf course. I’m surprised they let him on the course with a collarless shirt and cutoff blue jean shorts! 
    Haley is younger and way more professional! If I were her, I’d die of embarrassment to take him to any work function.

    What he wore is positively tame compared to our last golf day, we had thongs (flip flops to the Americans so you don't think underwear) hulu skirts & coconut bras, grannies,  and all of them were men if you came to our golf day in corporate attire you would be laughed. BTW I am also in IT and it is all harmless fun.

    And then we have hubbies corporate golf day, they start with breakfast at 7am (mainly alcohol) play a round while drinking alcohol, have lunch at the clubhouse with more alcohol, do their awards ceremony and then normally make decisions  that end up with the police driving them all home before somebody gets injured or arrested but they all dress neat casual so I am sure they are much less of a nuisance than our crazy outfits and he works for a large international company.

    Different strokes for different folks I am glad that I can have fun with my colleagues without worrying about being judged.

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  13. Vincent had a branded face mask on his honeymoon so I looked it up then and he seems to be running a few businesses under the VRM Enterprise name. He had an auto sale business selling 2nd hand cars, where he also finds one if you want a specific car. He had a concierge service where he picks your car up for repairs and services. He also had a 3rd one where he will negotiate for you buying a luxury car and set up all the paperwork. 


    His business probably took a big hit with current conditions but he does seem to be hustling to keep it afloat and I hope he bounces back and makes  a success of it.

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  14. @Yeah No When I said lying I was talking about her excuse of that she received it 3 minutes before walking down the aisle so she did not have time to put it on, the clip shows she received it before her make up was done. Hayley likes to present things in a way that twist the issue so she does not need to accept any responsibility, after seeing her phone call with her mother I can see where she gets it from my mother would have told me to pull my head in and consider the other persons feelings but instead her mother enabled her stanky attitude. It costs nothing to be polite or apologize she doesn't like Jake that is fine he is not everybody's cup of teas but her whole stanky face pulling, snide remarks and sour attitude wears thin very fast Jake has shown way more patience than I would have.

    It also baffle me that she is such a poor winner and loser at the same time, when she wins she gloats when she loses she pouts, she must be a drag to hang out with.



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  15. 5 hours ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

    She didn't put it on for the ceremony because she thought it was a necklace, and it wouldn't work with her high-neck dress.  And she didn't cast it aside--she opened it right before walking down the aisle, and instead of just leaving it in the room she gave it to her mother for safe-keeping.

    Only problem is that was a lie, the  clip clearly shows her receiving the necklace before her make up was done, she had plenty of time to look at. It does present as a necklace so clearly she did not take it out of the box, even if it was a necklace it is an easy conversion to wrap it around your wrist to make it a bracelet.


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  16. @StatisticalOutlier
    there is no need to apologise that Linked in profile is one of the first things that pop up when you google her name plus there is a lot of sites that quote that as her career. I just assume one of those dodgy celebrity networth sites connected them as the employment timeline fits her age. It was only people commenting here that she seemed more to be a civil engineer that made me look at the actual profile to see what her education history actually was.

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  17. On 4/10/2021 at 6:04 AM, StatisticalOutlier said:

    I would think it is someone's income--the individual numbers in the budget add up to the money going out, which should be the same as the money coming in.  I still can't figure out what the $89,130 is, since it has no relation to the budget.

    And I was assuming that as an engineer, Briana alone could be pulling down over $100,000/year, but...

    This is interesting.  From what I could find out on the internet, her job title is "information assurance engineer," and she doesn't have a degree in engineering (like civil engineering, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering).  If I'm looking at the right person, she has a B.S. in Cybersecurity and Information Assurance from an online university, and as recently as five years ago had a job leasing apartments, and as recently as two years ago was a "help desk analyst." 

    I'm not knocking any of this, but I do now think I was completely wrong about thinking the $109,000 could be her take-home pay alone, and think it's the total take-home Briana and Vinny (and still have no clue know what the $89,000 is).

    And I think it's completely wrong for someone without an engineering degree to be described as an "engineer" regardless of job title, and really hope it's just the show doing this.


    Late to the party and I can not answer for Briana but my son will be a Information Assurance Engineer to use that title he needs to work within the cyber security industry for 2 years but officially his degree is Bachelor of Software Engineering (honours) however there are some people that have an associates degree that he works with but their official title is Information Assurance Analyst. So if Briana has a 2 year degree she would be an analyst and need more job experience if she has a 4 year degree she can be an Engineer after 2 years experience. Just to confuse the issue further their is also people with a Bachelor of Cyber Security (3 year degree) and they are officially Information Assurance Specialist.


    So in summary from my knowledge she can only use the Engineer title if she has an engineering degree. The way he breaks it down is the analyst monitor the systems, the specialists apply the systems (software) and the engineers design the systems (hardware and software).

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  18. 15 minutes ago, essexjan said:

    The picture on the left is not Erik. Look at the ears. I can't place it exactly, but it's a screenshot from a TV fantasy/historical drama, possibly GoT.

    It is Erik here he is in the same clothes and at his graduation both with his original nose. His marriage of convenience story also doesn't add up with his ex-wifes pictures. They dated from mid 2011, got engaged  mid Sep 2013 and married late Dec 2013 so it may have been a quickie wedding but they were already engaged before he graduated as an officer and got his first posting. It is also a mystery how Erik scored himself a model, IMHO she was way out of his league.


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  19. Thr body language between Erik and Virginia during the fights is weird, at the ATV Erik reached out and she pushed him away, once Chris calls her fake she reaches for Erik, then they get on the bus and Virginia turns to engage when Chris returns fire she taps Erik on the leg says something to him I suspect she is playing the poor victim and telling Erik he needs to defend her because he then turns and tells Chris to calm down. With the way Erik came into dinner I suspect he got an earful of Virginia that he did not do enough to defend her.

    I do not think Erik and Virginia had any intention of staying for the last dinner, they came to berate Chris cause more drama and then play the victim. Virginia's first words were inviting Paige and only Paige to take a shot knowing that would annoy Chris, then once Erik defended his precious wife Virginia was on her feet pulling Erik's arm saying we are leaving  before Chris had even responded even though Erik had turned to talk to Ryan. After walking away Erik gets rewarded by Virginia wrapping herself around him, kissing his shoulder and in her giggling little girl voice she thanks him for defending her.


    Erik is an idiot for somebody that it supposed to be a fairly chill guy he has become a drunk drama filled know it all real quick to get pats on the back from his wife. Hope the sex is worth his reputation being ruined and you just know his mom is going to be delivering a lecture on what an idiot he has been.


    All three set of red flags for me Chris is a manipulative douche bag, Erik is a condecending controlling douchebag and Virginia seems to get off on causing drama and then playing the poor little woman that needs defending. None of them acknowledge the parts they play in escalating the drama and all claim to be victims.


    My only sympathy is for Paige who is caught in a crap marriage that she desperately wants to work and then gets caught up in Virginia's need for drama when the group meets because Chris called her drunk and fake.

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  20. 24 minutes ago, JAndy said:

    More unfiltereds were filmed this weekend or last. Jamie made a post about it 

    The old granny lace dress was filmed over 2 days in mid Dec, the ones filmed this weekend will be pink pants & cream blouse so at least it will be easy to tell what ones seem to be a last minute replacement. The participants were also supposed to be filming the reunion this weekend with the experts in attendance.

    Crap just had a thought if they make Jamie the host of the reunion I am going to be mad.

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  21. 26 minutes ago, LuvMyShows said:

    I noticed that even before VA and Erik drunkenly stumbled into the gathering with the other couples, Erik was already drunk in his ITM/interviews from earlier in the day.  It was surprising to hear him slur his words a little and see his eyes had that drunken slight closure. 

    Not to mention the constant tongue poking I was like WTF is he doing, he did it a few times at their dinner but when they meet the other couples is was like he couldn't keep it in his mouth.

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