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Posts posted by Brooke0707

  1. I happened to catch the reunion episode from 2012 when it was revealed that Joe was bonking some woman on his desk at work when Teresa walked in on them. She said "he's my husband and I love him and of course, I forgive him" to which Joe replied ":yeah and it cost me plenty believe me. I had to keep going back to the jewelry store to exchange what she didn't want, usually all I have to do is hand it to her and she's happy". At that, Teresa displayed her long diamond earrings and diamond bracelet with a triumphant


    I thought Teresa forgave Joe for calling her a name while on the phone in Napa.  I thought they denied the secretary on the desk at work thing.

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  2. I don't know, I realize that I am perhaps being naive, but the love between Kroy and Kim and their family seems genuine to me. I do believe they really love one another. That's not to say that if they were to go through huge financial adversity, it wouldn't affect their marriage but I don't think Kim only loves Kroy because he plays for the NFL. And for the past few years, Kim has been making her own money (which may not last).

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  3. I love how Teresa was all "I don't want to deal with this nasty gossip crap" yet she perpetuates and always finds herself at the center of people talking shit about people she knows. She is the common denominator.

    Also, when she said she told Dina so that Amber couldn't make stuff up - that story was pretty bad to begin with, so I wonder what she thought Amber would add to make it worse? Maybe we'll

    find out...

  4. All I could think of when Joe Gorga was going on and on about being Michelangelo was how I wished they would have stuck in a blurb about that tenant the Gorgas have at their old mansion, which needs a shitload of repairs.


    Boring.  The new people just suck.  They're not entertaining.  Will they make it back next season?  I hope not.


    Teresa is unbelievable (not in a good way).  "Gia said she is proud of me.  That makes me so proud of her."  LOL.  And she doesn't think her kids should wear seat belts?  I mean really?


    And I am soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo tired of them all acting like Teresa is grappling with some horrible, random event that just happened to her.  SHE COMMITTED MULTIPLE CRIMES!!! She admitted to it!! GMAFB.

    • Love 4
  5. This is the worst season ever. Every other damn scene is someone being like "oh no, Teresa must deal with such tragedy. It is so sad that this horrible event is happening to her." Like if someone didn't know what had happened, they'd think that some totally random, horrible bad thing happened to Teresa and Joe through no fault of their own. It is ridiculous and offensive. They knowingly and admittedly committed fraud. Please STFU with this season long woe is me pity party.

    And now we are going to get Jackie and Chris back to not only add to the Teresa pity party, but as an example of another "innocent" who decided to not pay their bills and misappropriate loans? Just no.

    Even if I drank the koolaid, I don't watch trashy reality tv to feel down. I want to be entertained and I want to laugh. This year isn't cutting it for me.

    Also, Amber's makeup in a number of her talking heads is way too much. One is the one with the eyelashes and another with the white eyeliner. Ick.

    • Love 7
  6. So Heather even brings up when she said "if everyone says you're dead, it's time to lie down" yet despite saying that, she comes up with some bullshit excuse/explanation as to why she isn't condescending?  GMAFB.  She just can never admit anything negative about herself.  I absolutely LOVED when Shannon was like "yeah don't tell me you remember me saying shit, and then tell me that you can't give me examples."  That just shut Heather up and the expression on her face was priceless.


    Tamra was crazy scary when she was screaming at Lizzie and Vicki.  I have a big tv and it was HD, so when the camera zoomed in on Tamra's face, half the time, her eyes weren't open but instead you saw these black/vacant/evil looking slits.  She looked like she belonged in a horror movie.  She's such a manipulative bitch.  The only reason she was apologizing to Shannon/feeling bad, was because she realized that Shannon would be invited back, that Shannon was popular, that Shannon wasn't an idiot and could articulate why Tamra was a shitty human being, and because Shannon/Vicki had formed a friendship and Tamra doesn't want to get iced out of the show.  Note to Heather, "the smart one" (LOL) - if Tamra manages to wiggle her way into the Shannon/Vicki friendship circle, guess who will be on the outs next season?  Hmm. However, the reaction to Lizzie has been more eh so Tamra thinks she doesn't need to salvage anything there.  I felt bad for Lizzie when she started crying.  Unlike when Tamra "cries" and nothing comes out, I feel like Lizzie's tears were genuine and I thought it was very real how she recoiled when Tamra was like "you go sit over there and STFU."  Tamra is just a hateful bitch.


    Really loved Vicki almost drunkenly babbling "I had a great year (and I did it without you bitch!)."  That was awesome.  I loved her telling Tamra that she was a miserable and bitter person. Too bad most of her reasoning was due to Brooks, but eh, I'll take what I can get.  "It took nine years for Vicki to become the voice of reason."  I agree with that.  Vicki also hit a nerve when she commented about Tamra's marriage several times.  She definitely knows more details about that.


    Heather is an idiot if she buys any of the shit Tamra is selling.  It's one thing if she just wants a "friend" on the show, but if she actually believes what Tamra says, she is a moron.  Why didn't they show Heather telling the mechanical bull guy to speed up the bull?  They pretty much ignored the rift between Tamra and Heather.  Wtf was Heather's blog?  "No one is perfect...other than me that is.  Haterz love to hate LULZ!"

    • Love 10
  7. Actually Tamra swore to her kids.  She spared their lives. . . this time.  It made me wonder just how often does she have to convince her children she is not lying.  Then I remembered this little tidbit where her daughter begged her to stop lying:  http://www.allabouttrh.com/tamras-daughter-speaks/


    I think Kristen is a Tamra in training.

    Really?? I could have sworn she said that she swears on her kids' lives...and Shannon apparently made the same mistake because she references it in her blog.  Still icky though...

    • Love 1
  8. Tamra pulled a Kristine Doute (Vanderpump Rules).  Kristen swore on her brothers' and sisters' lives (or her nieces' and nephews' lives - I don't remember which one, but either way it was gross) that she hadn't slept with Jax.  And then we find out she had in fact slept with Jax.  But, to Kristen's credit, at least she said at the reunion "yes, I'm a gross human being, I disgust myself."


    Tamra?  She swears on her kids' lives that she didn't lie.  That right there should be a basis for Simon gaining custody over her.  That is just sick.  And when confronted about it, she didn't really have anything to say to Vicki so I do think she said it.  


    Just how disgusting and immoral do you have to be if Kristen Doute is morally superior to you?

    • Love 4
  9. Tamra's face is proof that "don't make that face or it'll stay that way" is true.  She looked like she was smelling poo the entire evening.


    Love Shannon and David.  Shannon was great.  Tamra had no response to what she was saying.  I'm glad she brought up that if she was the one with the drinking problem, why was Tamra the one who couldn't remember something due to her drinking?  I'm glad she let Tamra have it and flat out called her a shit stirrer.  She also handled Heather well.  When Heather twitched her eyes (again, suggesting Shannon is crazy - STFU Heather), I LOVED Shannon's reactionary gesture.  And I so LOLed when Shannon was like "we want something smaller and with a better view."  And what is with the Dubrows acting like their explanations make it all okay?  For one thing, their explanations didn't really reveal anything new to me.  But also, so what?  Trying to justify your actions doesn't make them okay or take the place of an apology.  At least Heather apologized for kicking Shannon out (and only because that episode aired at that point and she got backlash for it), but I wish Shannon would have referenced Heather explicitly telling Danielle she kicked Shannon out.  Something like "well Heather, if you really think you didn't kick me out, maybe you should stop telling people on camera that you did.  Just an idea."


    And again, Miss Terry and Heather together are double the disgusting.  Miss Terry couldn't even apologize.  WHAT AN ASSHOLE.  Eddie says something far worse and it's okay because he's his friend?  He couldn't come up with something better than that?  Next time Eddie sees Heather, he needs to grab her breasts.  Because that is just between bros apparently.  And the comment kept him up for two months?  Maybe Miss Terry is the one that should seek psychiatric help because that is flat out insane, or a lie - whichever it is, Miss Terry is a shitty person for it.


    So yelling at David for being a lowly, over-sexed, dumb construction guy is not demeaning?  Interesting.  I'd hate to see what Miss Terry would consider insulting.  Of course he didn't apologize.  That pompous jackass is Heather's soulmate after all - both of them just can't admit being wrong.  I loved how David was like "well I apologized, it was sincere, and it is your choice if you want to accept it...that is the difference between us - I can admit when I'm wrong."  I do think that Miss Terry is a big enough famewhore that he would have apologized had the finale (and the ensuing backlash) aired/occurred before taping the reunion.


    I really like Shannon and Vicki's friendship, but I felt sooooo bad for Shannon when Miss Terry and Heather commented on Vicki and David flirting.  She totally shut down and looked so hurt.  Miss Terry and Heather are despicable shits.  They took glee in upsetting Shannon and jumped at the chance to take the heat off them.  And then the wives started chiming in about David being really hot and while that is totally true, it was just gross and Shannon looked so deflated at that point.  I'm glad David acknowledged that what he did was wrong.  I do think that part of her nagging was due to a past affair that he had.

    • Love 10
  10. The first look is on Bravo's website. David calls Princess Terry scary angry, which, awesome. But meanwhile Heather is STILL insisting that asking Shannon to leave is different than kicking her out. I am not being hyperbolic when I say she is the most semantic obsessed person I have ever seen in my entire life. If I ever talked to her I'd want to have a notary and a stenographer on hand. "Heather, didn't you say you had a dentist appointment?" "I did NOT tell you I had a dentist appointment. What I said was that I am having my teeth cleaned." Synonymous phrases, Heather -- look it up in your fucking thesaurus. 

    If Heather actually tries to make that argument she is an idiot.  She sat at Lizzie's party and explained to Danielle that she "kicked Shannon out."  SHE used that wording in retelling the story.  But, now she has amnesia and is claiming she didn't do that?  It's on video!

    • Love 7
  11. Wow, Heather and Miss Terry were so rotten (I shouldn't be surprised - I already knew they were rotten, I just thought that they would be better at hiding it).  I don't think I've ever seen someone look so positively angry when being apologized to (in a genuine way).  Heather and Miss Terry were seething when David apologized to them - it was so bizarre.  I really think that they had scripted the confrontation and were like "WTF you took away our moment!" when David apologized.  That was just gross.  Heather was acting like she was in the presence of a sex offender.  It was uncalled for, ESPECIALLY considering the inappropriate sexual comments that Miss Terry has made and that her BFF's husband said something that was at least along the same lines, if not worse, than what David said.


    What is with the flashbacks?  Why don't they just tell the story in order?  Is this supposed to make things more intriguing?


    I am so disappointed that no one let Tamra have it.  When is that going to happen?  And what was Heather talking about when she was like "and everyone was at Bali screaming at Tamra"?  I WISH they were doing that.  There is a scene I'd like to see.  But, that didn't happen at all.


    Heather is such a hypocrite.  She bashes Shannon repeatedly for supposedly trying to get in between Vicki and Tamra, yet she tried multiple times last night to ice out Shannon.  Her hatred of Shannon is just so intense and weird.  No matter what Shannon does, Heather will demand an apology for it and will talk down to Shannon for it.  I am soooo happy that Shannon didn't take the bait, didn't lose her cool, and ended the evening by sharing what she learned from being in Bali.  Tamra and Heather looked like they wanted to smack her for not freaking out.  Heather and Miss Terry kept pushing - you know they were just dying for David and Shannon to scream at them.  I actually think that Miss Terry was hoping that David would get physical because that would be his dream come true.  But, David was so awesome.  I loved his comments ("probably both", "I'll look that up right after I look up pugilistic").  It was awesome.  Shannon and David were great.  Every time they calmly explained themselves, Heather and Miss Terry would just get more and more angry.  Really hope the Beadors come back next year.  Oh and Heather, btw, you do have evil in your eyes and you're a shitty person.  Hope that clears things up for you!


    The comments about David being a "construction guy" and telling him to use a thesaurus?  So gross, but in that moment, Miss Terry and Heather showed who they really were.  Disgusting snobs.  The only reason that Heather wants to be friends with Tamra and Vicki is because she thinks she is up there and Tamra/Vicki are down there (thank you Kelly from RHONY).  She can't do that with Shannon and she can't stand it.


    Can Tamra please stop fake crying?  It is painful to watch and not in a good way.  She adds nothing to the show.  I really hope this is her last season.  I know she is not going to get it at the reunion unfortunately.

    • Love 14
  12. Well, I enjoyed it.  It could have been better, but I loved everyone talking about what a horrible person Tamra is.  Seeing Heather tear up was probably the first time I didn't totally hate Heather.  It seemed genuine.  However, Heather can GMAFB.  Heather really thinks people are twisting what Tamra said?  Has she seen the show ever before?  She doesn't have to take the other women's word for it - the show itself shows scene after scene of Tamra saying vicious things about everyone.  I don't doubt for one minute that Tamra said those comments to Shannon.  I really like how Shannon handled things.  She spoke calmly and didn't give Tamra ammo in terms of "OMG YOU'RE SO CRAZY" element.  Her and Vicki's friendship is really enjoyable to watch and I think it is real.  Tamra had nothing to say about any of this except "but you said Eddie wants to fuck you!!"  Even if true, that doesn't make Tamra less of a shitty person.  Her running off was hilarious.


    Wtf was up with Heather bringing up the bull thing??  Are they showing us everything out of order because I feel like that happened toward the beginning of the season and Heather randomly brings it up now?  Why not right after it happened?  It felt like Heather couldn't handle apologizing without bringing up a new grievance against Shannon (well against David in this case).


    These flashbacks are sort of annoying.  Why are they telling the story this way?  The flashbacks basically show that Tamra is a shitty, shit stirrer, which should not be a surprise to any viewer.  So, I know they couldn't have saved them for the element of surprise/suspense.  You gotta love how much the editors loathe Tamra.  They could have just shown the girls gossiping about Tamra without anything further.  However, they wanted to give the viewers examples of Tamra's shit stirring in case anyone forgot.  Lol! 


    I think Shannon is such a great addition.  Compare her to the newbies on RHONJ and it is like night and day.

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