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Posts posted by Brooke0707

  1. Crystal is just awful. Cold, mean, and projecting her issues onto Sutton. She insults Sutton over and over, calling her crazy repeatedly, yet she sobs and has a breakdown because Sutton knocked on her door and entered when she was not clothed after she didn’t tell her not to enter?! Wtf? And for some reason she had no reaction to it until 24 hours later? It was bizarre. She sucks.

    Kathy is amazing. More please. 

    Erika is a liar? Uh huh Tom Girardi was at the “firm” in the middle of the pandemic. If she means he was at the firm trying to figure out how much more he can steal, that I could buy.

    I want Erika, Kyle, and Rinna to be taken down.


    • Love 14
  2. On 12/22/2020 at 9:51 AM, Neurochick said:

    But if the show is supposed to show their "real lives", BLM and COVID are part of it.  

    The only way they could have avoided COVID and BLM is if they hadn't filmed at all this year, but IMO, that would have been very dishonest, and ignoring the "elephant in the living room" meaning what has happened this year.  Like it or not both COVID and BLM are a part of many people's lives.  

    Yeah, I like my reality tv with no reality. I think the bigger problem with RHOA and RHOC is the influx of newbies.

    • Love 4
  3. I think both RHOA and RHOC suck this year. And I think part of the reason is that I watch reality tv to escape reality and see the glamorous/mindless petty fights. I know they can’t help it to an extent, but watching both shows it’s a constant reminder of COVID, and social and political issues, and I just don’t want to see that when I’m watching a real housewives show. I also don’t care about the newbies.

    • Love 5
  4. This is a great series. I feel so bad for Betty. She dedicated her life to supporting Dan and putting what he wants first, and he treated her like flaming garbage. Dan and Linda were disgusting people. The way Dan treated his wife and the mother of his children was so twisted. Ugh. Great casting with Dan and Linda though. Christian Slater does smug, emotionless asshole super well and the woman who plays Linda looks just like young Betty.

    • Love 23
  5. I generally like Kristen and hated Katie and Stassi for ganging up on her, but I think she was shitty to sleep with Max. Not because they weren’t each single, but because I don’t think it’s cool to sleep with people your friends have dated/have feelings for unless they’ve given their blessing. And I don’t even like Dayna.

    • Love 11
  6. 4 hours ago, biakbiak said:

    In theory I kind of get what she is saying. One is a place you go all the time last minute, casual hang out vs a restaurant that is an expensive date spot. However, I don’t think Jones the Italian restaurant really qualifies as the later and also she drew a bunch of conclusions about him giving her a T-shirt that he didn’t pay for so her thought process is all over the place.

    For me, the brunch spot could be worse because I associate it as something you'd do with someone you're more settled with/in a relationshipy type place with.  

    • Love 1
  7. 4 hours ago, GonnahearmeRoar said:

    I was thinking the same exact thing. What is the difference? I think she is thirsty for air time and Max and her relationship was developing her storyline.  

    I agree, especially since the previews showed her hooking up with Brett next.  I sense a theme!

    • Love 2
  8. Dayna really embarrassed herself groveling for Max.  I wonder what she likes about him.  Air time?  All because she thought he was at an Italian restaurant and not a brunch place?  That is the strangest rationalization I've ever seen as to why someone wasn't cheating.  She's delusional or thirsty for air time.  Probably both.

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  9. 1 hour ago, MissFeatherbottom said:

    I believe their main issue with Kristen is because she has complained to them how she is unhappy and that Carter doesn't contribute financially or any other way. They have shown us all of that, so yeah after awhile that would get super annoying especially since she can free herself of him at any time but chooses not to. They were probably understanding at first but Kristen seems to keep expecting them to listen to her problems over and over again without doing anything herself about the situation she is in.  Personally, I wouldn't compare Kristen/Carter with Stassi/Beau or Brittany/Jax - their relationships are not the same and both people involved seem to be happy with each other.  That's just how I see it, but I could be wrong. 

    Yeah, but it seems like she hasn't complained in some time since all the clips they show are old.  Often times, they are the ones who are bringing him up.  And they've all complained about their crappy relationships before, especially Stassi/Patrick, Stassi/Jax, Katie/Tom, etc.  Jax cheated on Brittany and they certainly weren't happy when that was going up or when they took a break.  But all of that was overlooked and they were allowed to get past it.  If Kristen wants to get past it and be with Carter, what is it to them?  Stassi may be happy that Beau doesn't have a job and follows her around and cares about no one but her, but it's pathetic.

    • Love 8
  10. I really don't get the fixation of Stassi and Katie on Kristen dating Carter.  How is this any of their business?  There isn't an allegation that he is abusing her.  She isn't being threatened.  If she wants to go back and forth with him and support him financially, this affects them how?  So what?  Did anyone tell Jax he needs to dump Brittany when he started dating her because she didn't contribute enough financially?  Is anyone going to tell Stassi to get rid of Beau because it seems like he dropped his life/job and now just follows her around?  It's so controlling and crazy that they are making Kristen feel like she owes it to her friends to not be with Carter.  It's not like someone is telling them they need to be with Carter.  This feels like an excuse to me.  Like they just hate her anyway and they're blaming it all on her being with Carter.

    Also, Beau didn't accurately represent what Kristen was shocked at to Stassi.  What she reacted to was him saying he doesn't care about anyone other than Stassi.  He also said Stassi was his #1 priority, but the more alarming statement was that he didn't care about anyone else.  I imagine that if one of the women said that (like Raquel), they'd be pounced on as engaging in unhealthy behavior.

    • Love 8
  11. 3 hours ago, Crazydoxielady said:

    Kandies Mama has a point.... Riley is now one of THREE children. If both Kandi & her Mama Joyce passed and everything went to Todd (outside of a trust Kandi would set up for all three kids) , do we really trust Todd to set the kids up? He seems way more interested in being a "bizness" man (rolling my eyes with his multiple pie in the sky ideas), attend strip clubs (including just a few days after the birth of his new daughter) and trying to not appear to be the coat tail hanging little man he is proving himself to be.  I tried to like him. But the jury is no longer out. He is a big thumbs down. 

    I agree with this, but I also don't know if I'd trust Mama Joyce either.

    • Useful 1
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  12. The show feels too sprawling now.  It worked much better when it was focused on the main core cast.  Also, the newbies feel really fake.  I don't like any of them.  Dayna is the worse.  She is the epitome of the "cool girl" from Gone Girl and I don't mean that as a compliment.  A poor version/conglomeration of Ariana and Stassi, and she seems hyper aware of the cameras.

    • Love 7
  13. I’ve watched the show from the start. But I’m 10 minutes in and I need to pause it because it seems sooo fake and cringey to me. I’m not saying it was all real before, but this definitely feels like an act and like everyone is really aware of the cameras...I may have to reassess my love for this show.

    • LOL 1
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  14. I dislike Beau because to me he seems fake.  I dislike him the same reason I dislike "Mary Sues" on regular tv shows - because he is portrayed as being perfect and that naturally triggers something in me not to like him.  Also, how in the world did no one mock him on the reunion for the battered man response?  Whatever.

    • Love 11
  15. Wow, I essentially hate everyone other than James/Ariana/Tom/Scheana.  They're gross people.  Like a pack of wolves, they wanted to shred James alive.  What does Katie's situation have to do with anything?  It didn't happen on the show.  So what?  I don't even get the comparison?  Ugh, I just want them all fired other than those four.  Let them live off camera in the Valley.

    Don't want to see Beau next week.  He's fake and just there for the cameras.

    • Love 5
  16. 2 minutes ago, HunterHunted said:

    I agree with you. The rest of the cast has some sort of agreement to not criticize each other, which is why they go after Sandoval and Ariana like rabid dogs when Sandoval and Ariana offer the least bit of criticism. James has been the only source of conflict this season even when we've seen that there are issues in the group. Multiple people have expressed concern about Jax' motivations for proposing, but they aren't really allowed to say anything about it because of the mutual destruction pact. Katie has been a do nothing lump, but no one is going to say anything about it. Kristen has fallen back into her same old patterns, but it's Carter's fault? Stassi looked legitimately disgusted by Lala's revelation about her relationship with Randall, but didn't say shit about it. It's been James all day. All season.

    Jax' behavior has been abhorrent. The fake twitter account and the cocaine video is beyond fucked up. Jax deserves to be excoriated for this. Since no one has or use criminal defamation anymore, James and his attorney need to contact the producers and explain the difference between dumb Twitter beefing and what Jax is doing. They need to lay it out that if Jax continues to pull this kind of shit uncensured by production, that James and Raquel will need to go to the police and report the harassment, which is what this shit is. They then need to send a cease and desist to Jax.

    Agreed.   I was going to mention that in my original post actually, that it's like they all have this agreement now not to criticize and it makes for terrible television.  Lala sits there and calls everyone a loser basically for being on the show and how MYMAN is too important for such things, but Scheana and Stassi just very carefully, like they're afraid to poke at the beast are like, "woah that's a little not cool.  We'll still be BFFs of course, but please refrain from calling me and my bf/date a loser."  It almost reminds me of how the women of RHONY were with Bethenny when she first returned.  Except that (and I say this as someone who is not a Bethenny fan), Lala is soooooooooooooo not on Bethenny's level in any way.

    • Love 16
  17. Unpopular opinion, they need James IMO.  They need conflict.  They need people who aren't buying million-dollar mansions and who don't all get along.  The rest of the cast, great that they're in good (? - well that's how they want to portray it) relationships and have money now, but it doesn't work with the premise of the show, which was to watch poor, struggling waiters in LA who have unstable relationships.

    I think they need new blood without all the money/fame and more people that hang out with James.  At least he's funny.  Take him out of the equation and what's left of the show?  Stassi going to a fake oracle and the girls sucking up to Lala? Zzzzz.  Oh and Stassi, yeah, Lala "worked to" be your friends because she essentially bought your friendships.  Do you think for one second if Lala's boyfriend was another waiter at Sur the women would have given her the time of day?  Nope.  They only are good with her because of the PJs/status and money of Randall.

    Because they gang up on James, it makes me root for him.  Can't believe I'm on team James/Tom/Ariana/Scheana.  That said, Raquel is super grating to listen to.  But it is a total double standard.  They can all attack James/Raquel and it's fine, but if James dares say something about Brittany, suddenly he's attacking her family? WTF?

    • Love 14
  18. 11 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

    If you listened to Stassi's podcasts you would like him even less. Stassi has him on quite often because well, they are the perfect couple. And Beau is drunk much of the time on these podcasts. Talk about grating! He's not the most intelligent guy, either. According to Stassi, her fans at her book signing tours were more excited about Beau being there than they were about Stassi. Stassi also said that day when she got home she took a 2 hr nap because she was tired from the tour and when she woke up Beau was shitfaced drunk. So you can add me to your table. I also think he has a drinking problem. It may not be an issue for Stassi now but when they start having kids, likeable lovable Beau is going to have to get his shit together. 

    I wonder if his job is full-time or part-time.  It seems like he is with her a lot, even during the day, and then night times are always full.  Must not have a demanding job.

    • Love 3
  19. You know, as awful as Scheana is and I think she'd be a pretty terrible friend IRL, I was thankful for her last night.  Because this may be petty of me, but I'm not watching this show to see mature people lead calm, happy lives.  That is great for people generally, but not really great for my entertainment.  Beau and Stassi may be a wonderful couple, but that doesn't mean I am entertained by them being lovey dovey every episode.  I need the cringe, the fighting, the drama.  If it's just them complimenting one another, it doesn't really do it for me.

    Also, are Kristen and Carter over?  I didn't see him last night and I think he has been absent from her Instagram?

    • Love 6
  20. I really thought it was mean and hateful how Camille brought up Lisa's teeth.  And the way the other women cackled was just gross.  That said, even before RHOBH this year, while watching VPR, I thought that Lisa's teeth looked bigger/different.  Did she get veneers?

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