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Posts posted by Temperance

  1. I did miss a lot of the second season, but here are my thoughts.

    I think it's consistent from what I have seen of Rayna that she can't be without a man. She always has at least one if not two to chose from. It's consistent for her in my mind to not really think maybe I should be alone. I'm hoping at some point she realizes this and  maybe starts exploring where it comes from. 

    Two I like Scarlett and I enjoy her music, but I kept thinking eyebrows. They seemed really noticeable. I liked the road trip.

    Third I agree with everyone's thoughts about Juliette and Hayden. I like her and Avery, so I'm hoping good thoughts.

    • Love 1
  2. Josh was better looking than John David when Josh got married, because he was allowed to court younger.  Josh was 20. By the time he was 24, he was struggling with his weight as much as John David is now. Look at Josh when Michael was born. Look at all the moments this season focused on Josh needing to manage his weight. It's only because he and Anna work really hard to be healthier that Josh is losing weight and not as heavy as could be now. It seems to me a combination of hereditary and bad diet, not to mention lack of anything to do. The other younger brothers look out, because it may be your future too! I think Jim Bob controls his sons as much as his daughters. Free everybody!

  3. I want the person I marry to give me their heart at least by the time we're engaged. My Christian fundie-lite friends talk like that a little. I personally think if you're marrying someone they should have your heart. That's how you know you want to marry them.

    Biggest jerk moment, JB talking about if something should happen tell your momma, etc. Then John says "what about me?" Jim bob "Well you don't have anyone." What? What are you talking about?  My parents don't have my heart the way JB has Jill's but if anything happened to me, I would want them to know I love them. It's a stupid conversation in light of they are not probably going to die, but what about his parents? His siblings? Not one out of 19 would benefit from John wanted you to know he loved you! If I was facing death as a single person, I would try to give messages to my parents, siblings, friends. Meanwhile Jim Bob managed to convey no one would miss John Not even JB himself.

    Jim bob in general picked on John for being single. Maybe he'll be the next one married. John David seemed to me to be chickening out of the zip line. Sometimes people get really nervous and don't want to do stuff. I would give anyone an out who didn't want to something. Jim bob is not that nice kind of person, so JD had to go with he had nothing to prove. 

    I like Jill with her sibings and her sister-in-law. I didn't mind them going to DC to buy a dress. It included Anna, and a free dress is a free dress.

    I don't like Ben's beard. I also dislike the school picture backgrounds they put in back the family when they are talking. Why not just show the room?

  4. Still watching, I save all my other thoughts in a long post.

    Michelle at the painting place. "It will start you know with the siblings. And before you know it the grandkids" Not sure of the exact wording but something like that. 

    Translation I can't wait for her to be as infertile as me.

    As for John David, he didn't seem that bad to me. He does seem like not the brightest bulb in the box. I think he enjoyed getting doughnuts with Ben.  If I were 24 with no prospects of getting married or getting out, I would very jealous of 19 year old who gets to get married with no more training than me. JD's probably doing the same chores he's been doing since he was 14, 16 etc. with no real promotion. it would get me depressed.

  5.  I think she would be pissed because there goes all of her attention. All of the attention she gets comes from having 19 kids if her daughter or daughter-in-law surpassed her in that even by just one she's going to be so pissed and so jealous.


    So did I. The way she was talking about grandbabies it sounded like she didn't even remember she already has grandbabies.

    My first thought was her pretending her daughter's babies were hers. 


    Yeah that would explain why they're marrying Jessa off to Ben while he's  living in the attic. They'll totally be able to pass off Ben and Jessa's kids as their own. 

    Why Jessa? Well Jill's Derrick is more self-sufficient and Josh is obese. For all her supposedly godliness now; the former cheerleader still values looks above all else. 

  6. I'm confused why are they are saying less than three months. Shouldn't it be less than two months? After all, last week was Mother's day which is in May and the wedding is June, it's close to one month. Maybe they think since we already know they got married and are having a baby, TLC thinks screw time consistency and this is footage from April.

  7. Just found this article on line. It's called "the sweet nickname Jill Duggar Dillard has for her baby". Guess what she calls it?


    She calls it Baby Dilly! Oh my goodness. How creative! Isn't that just so precious and original? I'm so glad someone wrote an article to tell us this. 

    • Love 16
  8. Is it possible Derrick wants to do more mission work, because at some point he wants to be far away from his in-laws? Like a completely different country far away from his in-laws?

    The more I think about it the more it makes sense. Poor Jill has been out of her parents sight for a what a weekend with her sisters a few times. Maybe a week. In general she has spent her whole life around her family. Imagine you've never lived away from your parents. Imagine you've never lived with fewer than seven or eight people and are usually surrounded by over dozen people. Imagine you never went to school and you spend almost every hour of every day with the whole family. Imagine you suddenly leave and are living with just one person. Imagine you wake up in bed with one other person in the room and not four or five or eight other people like there are usually in your room.` Jill would probably feel extremely isolated if they had moved immediately after the wedding to Katmandu or some place. He may be trying to ween her away from the family slowly. First step move in with Derrick, second step get home of own...

  9. I can't believe people actually do the pee stick thing (Not that I don't believe you; just haven't seen that one.)

    As for announcing the name, I guess it could get old, but I personally was more annoyed  by a friend who wanted to be "surprised" about everything. She told us what her top two choices were and then called the unborn child by her favorite name for her gender. Then the baby came and surprise it was the opposite gender of what she had been pretending the baby was. 

    For some inexplicable reason, I think Jill and Derrick might pick a biblical name like Ruth. 

  10. I 'm wondering if she's having twins? Since Michelle had at least one set of fraternal twins (maybe two? does anyone know about the boys),  fraternal twins possibly run in the family. (Fraternal twins can be passed mother to daughter. Fraternal twins are basically created when a woman releases two eggs at the same time. It can be a trait of a woman's cycle that she might share with her daughters. If this isn't clear, you can google it.)

  11. I feel exactly the same way. I was so happy for them, and I think they are a cute couple. I had some hope that they could have some time together. And, I admit, that I hoped that they would be able to provide another option for the younger kids -- look, you can be married, and happy, and have a career, and not just pop out babies every year.


    How could she have possibly waited? She has been told her life by parents.that birth control is evil. Jim Bob and Michelle and the other kids prevent her from having any privacy. She's a doula so she loves babies. She's 23 which is most likely an old age in their culture. 

    It probably could have taken a few more months, but any woman not using birth control and sexually active will most likely get pregnant within a year of starting the physical relationship. That's biology and sex ed 101. Also most young healthy couples conceive within the first four monthes of trying.

    I think personally it's a lot easier to think about having that 19 kids than it is to have them. I think it's possible Jill and Derrick may come to their senses after 3 or 4. Once they see how hard it is to have at least three little ones they may change their minds.

    • Love 1
  12. Hello First of all, I am a longtime lurker of the Duggar thread at TWOP, and I enjoyed reading the comments. I am delighted to be with you now.

    I am sort surprised about the engagement given his lack of employment or maybe not.

    One thing that has stuck in my mind was Jim Bob saying that the courtships work out about 50 percent of the time. That sounded possibly true, but it also sounded like something they would say to make courtship seem more reasonable to non-courtship mainstream Christians and non-believers. 

    My understanding of the courtship process is that to break a courtship is serious business and not done lightly. Young people particularly women are advised to keep their hearts pure for the future spouse. If you google courtship failures or bad courtships or something and read some of the courtship stories on Recovering Grace, young women talk about how when the courtship broke up they felt like failures. Like they had done something wrong. They may even see themselves as damaged goods.  

    There was a pro-courtship website aimed at Teen girls, which I haven't been able to find lately. (Maybe someone else will have better luck.) It had one story written by woman who had been dumped after she had done everything right. She had Daddy's permission to see him, and he was a member of their church. She was now married to her husband who was able to look past her courting someone else before him. I remember one line from the story was "Girls, be careful about giving away your hearts....". She still seemed to feel shame about it, even though it was by the book.

    So while I hoped Ben and Jessa might break-up since they seem like a bad match, I think once you're in a courtship, you're supposed to stick it out. There was probably a lot of pressure to get married all around. Since boys and girls are only allowed to court and not date, it seems unreasonable that they can't really end a problematic relationship and you can't always tell a problematic relationship until you're in one. I think the Duggars try to down play the shame brought on by the culture for ending courtships, because the ritual seems extreme enough as it is. 



  13. Goblin instead of Goblet is one of the dumbest thing I've seen on this show yet. Except for Hogwarts, none of the Potter clues seemed too specific. Of course you always run into trouble when you have fans of something versus people aren't fans. (Like in the Stars Wars one, where Falcon was the word and the clue was the name of the ship versus a bird used in medieval times or Peregrine, etc..) Seth Green was my favorite member of that team. The civilian I think really panicked and blanked out. He probably feels terrible for missing the very easy Lohan and McCartney, which would be a great band name.

    I agree the episode title was iffy, but then a lot of the episode titles seem either random or overemphasizing something said. I would have called this episode Picture Pussy. (Picture Purrfect and the Bond girls).

  14. I like Andi for a reality show contestant I don't care about. I only saw part of last night's episode. 

    I thought that was nice save effort from Dylan with his Purell. 

    I think Josh may be  hiding something. I'm actually shocked Andi didn't find out what the lies were. If it were me, I would want to know, since they have already did the test and have the answers. I wouldn't make a date out of lie detector test, but if it was arranged, I would probably read the answers.  

    I wondered if the note was from one of the F2s complaining about the week before with the fantasy suites. Like he was surprised he wasn't the only one she chose to share a room with...

    I liked the bloopers, but in the plates one I was struck how huge Nick's family is. (Again!) 

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