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165 Excellent-
she needs to spend half as much of that time on her arms
oh I totally noticed her calves on Wendy Williams' show… I thought they were horribly unattractive. She has those overdeveloped calf muscles that women get when they spend way, way way too much time on the stairclimber and such. Rather than nice, smooth sleek legs they have lower legs that are all ripped, and massively wider around than their knees…so their legs take on a weird hourglass shape-- wide at the thigh, cinched-in looking at the knee and then wide again through the lower leg. Blech.
Glad you enjoyed the clip on Bits. I enjoyed it so much that in the light of day now I listened again and just have to relish this right wing ranter who is one of the top radio hosts in the NW hating on Bits. Even her own tribe can't stand her. It's too great. So I just have to repeat his exact comments about her: Monson: And Elisabeth Hasselbeck… I adore her brother-in-law, Matt. But, uh…WOW! There is NOTHING there! I mean just… just nothing there (laughs) His producer/sidekick: It is tough. We've played audio from her before in interviews. She has a tough time-- Monson: She can't talk! It's really something to watch. She strings words together---if you had a transcript of most of the stuff she spontaneously says, it would be a world JUMBLE. It really is amazing. So there's that, and then this morning I had to record this……(explains how he came to record show) [tape of newscaster mispronouncing Kauai several times, finally saying it to rhyme with Hawaii and he and his producer go over the newsreader's words again] Monson: I have to play the whole report coz you have to hear the interplay between her and the, uh, anchors at the end [more audio and commentary] Monson: Then it gets even better... [plays audio again of newsreader saying Kauai rhymes with Hawaii so that must mean it's near Hawaii] [on audio] Hasselbeck: I like that rhyming. Thank you Heather. Monson: Do you hear Elisabeth Hasselbeck? Producer: what'd she say? Monson: 'I like that rhyming' (hysterical laughing). I swear to you it was one of the funniest things I've ever heard on tv news (more hysterical laughing) Producer: you know it's weird they have that reputation isn't it? (Hysterical laughter) Mosnon: I'm sorry, I gotta play the last few seconds, I haven't heard this since 3am. I was hoping it was as funny at 1:25 in the afternoon as it was when I was sleep-deprived at 3 am [replays tape of newsreader again and Hasselbeck's comment] Monson: (mocking Bits) "I like that rhyming" (hysterics) Producer: rhyming is fun. Monson: OOOhhh that is just the best! And that is the fastest 15. [plays audio logo for show] Monson: "I like that rhyming!"
Well, speaking of Bits…… I was in the car yesterday afternoon and almost drove off the road laughing. There's a radio talk show host in Seattle named Dori Monson, a guy who is a total right wing, Limbaugh-loving ranter. Unfortunately he's on a station that gives regular traffic updates so I sometimes listen. Yesterday there was a mild earthquake about 3am here and he's talking about how he felt it, it woke him up at 3 am, he couldn't go back to sleep, so he switched on the tv-- Fox News, natch. And he said that morning show with Elisabitch was on and he was watching it -- and he said he couldn't believed HOW bad that team of Bits, Doucy and that other doofus is. He said he's not normally up at that hour so he hadn't really watched it before and was shocked how terrible they are. He played a clip of some airhead reading the news and mispronouncing stuff, and then on the clip Bits makes some inane comment about the newsreader's mistakes. After he played the clip of Bits' idiotic comment several times, he was laughing so hard he could barely talk. And he said about her "whatever she says makes no sense. These strings of words come out of her mouth, but they make NO sense! She can't talk! If you could get a transcript of what she says on that show, it would be like a total word jumble!" And then he cracked up even more hysterically, played the clip again, couldn't stop laughing and said again what an incompetent moron she is. And he is a hard-core Geddie right-winger. For y'all I dug around on the inter webs and found this link for you. The bit starts around the 14:00 mark, his comments about how bad the show is are around 15:00 and the Bits comments are around 15:25: http://mynorthwest.com/?nid=577&a=9977070&p=&n=
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So her Joan Rivers story was that when she left the View Joan sent her a message saying "Funny girls always work" or something very close to that… i.e., giving her encouragement to be positive and that she would find new work (stand up or whatever). And they made a date for lunch… sounds like for Joan to give her some advice about bouncing back from adversity. How that makes someone your "mentor"…. maybe she meant "idol'??
Story on Sherri on The Insider and she now says Joan Rivers was her mentor (not Bawa) and that they were supposed to do lunch before Joan's medical thing happened. She also said, when asked about her personal stuff, and I QUOTE: "I'm not on The View anymore so I don't like putting all my biz-ness out there I just don't talk about that stuff, I just smile and don't say anything" knock me over with a feather. at first I thought she had bandages on her feet…. then I saw the stiletto heels. Maybe it's just me, but those just look like streetwalking shoes to me... I think there's something jarring about the contrast between the bright whiteness of the foot ware and the dark skin tone. It breaks up her leg in a non-flattering way rather than elongating her legs like darker boots would.
Wow, using your baby as a way to meet women. Nice.
I would disagree with her that her makeup was still intact… looks pretty smudge up to me. yeah, ok it's still ON YOUR FACE…it's just on MORE of your face than at 6 am. oy.
well, she's flying commercial andshe's sitting at the gate like all the other ordinary shmoes…. 'real' stars are at least in the airline's lounge away from prying eyes-- IF they're not flying private. just sayin'
she's walking around alone, at night, in the city? with no big man to protect her?? unless she's just streetwalking. ha ha. just kidding; couldn't resist the obvious pun. She just needs to get off Twitter, period.
who the hell shoots a video of someone talking and NEVER shows the person's face??!?? She is so clueless on so many levels. I thought maybe she didn't want to show herself without makeup but when she bends down she's got those big-a$$ sunglasses on so no one would see her face anyway… Then she pours the water over her head, the glasses probably flew off making her look doofy. What a twit.
This article is too much for oh so many reasons. AMong my faves: When oh when did Sherri "sit under Condoleeza Rice"???? I love that when Jeffrey started crying at his track meet, Sherri "started balling." As George Takei would say "OH MYYYYYYY" And who is that woman snuggled up to Jeffrey while he sleeps? That is not Sherri, though the photo is credited to her. Is that his nanny, while mommy is busy snapping pics for her "fans"?? And apparently her god is ok with lying, coz she tells a whole passle of 'em.
I'm willing to bet the money blather "oh gotta hustle to pay my bills" is all for the lawyers and even more for the court of public opinion. She's being sued by Sal for money-- money she doesn't want to pay him. If she creates this whole image as someone just hustling to get by even if the judge doesn't buy it, ("we can show, your Honor, that Ms Shepherd has been working diligently taking whatever jobs are available yet she's only making x amount"-- why she's taking crappy gigs for little money in small clubs) she's hoping the public will.
was she replying to some comment of Whoopi's on this topic or did she just include Whoopi so she'd see it? I get so confused with all the @'s on twitter sometimes
E! channel is reporting that Rosie and Whoopi are already a loggerheads….Whoopi doesn't want to change seats, and Rosie wants that moderator seat, she "already thinks of it as HER show