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  1. Yikes, Drew was so creepy trying to sell Willow on moving in. Dude, she's still MARRIED. When he walked over to the framed picture of the two of them, I have expected him to start monologuing about how happy they'd be, I was not expecting Jason to show up. And after dragging on ( Sam died during November sweeps) this story certainly wrapped up in a hurry. Was Kober's contract up or something?
  2. So LnL's kiss, the confrontation with Cyrus, and Liz fighting to keep Lucky alive will be filmed with the sub?!? I don't care how much block taping saved, leaving the big moments to temp actors just destroys the emotional payoff these scenes are supposed to have.
  3. Careless writing. In the scenes with Sonny and Jason at Bobbie's, Sonny offered to send Diane to meet Jason at the PCPD. When he spoke to Nina, he said he was there to meet Diane ( not Jason) but she was held up in court.
  4. "Ava tried to kidnap Avery' is the new 'Nina hid Sonny for 9 months' Y'all weren't kidding, Kristina is certifiable.
  5. WTH!?!? Cyrus went to Kelly's/Bobbie's on his way to work AND stopped by Charlie's and still hasn't shown up for his shift at the PC Grill? I hope he shows up at the Floating Rib next, how many stops will he make before work
  6. Well, one thing is for sure, Liz will never agree to another walk with Ric. 😁
  7. Yeesh! That look Cyrus gave Liz was super creepy. And I'm liking Maxie as the non-crazy, non-judgemental talk-to. She gave Nina good advice, knowing Nina probably wouldn't take it, and offered friendship to Willow, and since joining the Corinthii cult, she doesn't have a single friend that isn't Team Michael.
  8. I'm gonna push back a bit on this point. When Ava was being stalked, she gave up custody because it was in her child's best interest. That is something Sonny would never do. His ego is so tied to his kids being his possessions, I think Michael's shooting was the only time he put his kids safety above his own need to 'have them' Ava has always been shown as a caring parent. She only loses custody because Sonny has money/ power and works the system.
  9. So, what I've learned from this, is that the only way to escape alive from a relationship with Michael Corinthios is to sleep with one of his uncles ( or be rumored to have slept with... But, give it time.) Willow/ Drew Sasha/ Jason ( The exception being the ONS he had with Nina's former nurse whose name I can't remember)
  10. Them's fightin' words... Raise Hail! #HTTC Boo to Laura for bailing on Ava, now that she's not horrified by Sonny's criming. ( This week) And why isn't anyone suggesting joint custody? The Corinthii always insist on sole custody.
  11. Co-sign except ( shallow alert) WTH was Liz wearing strappy heels on a night out in upstate NY in January!!!
  12. Thank you!!! I was coming to post this... Willow never thought to call the nanny!?!? Is that because Drew hasn't given her the idea yet? And if Drew ( not Willow) is the issue, why can't Willow just stay in the gatehouse with the kids while Michael is in Germany. And please tell me Carly will be off screen for a while with Michael in Germany.... I am so sick of her.
  13. Depends on when she last updated her will, if she left the house to Drew ( before she learned about he and Willow) that would cause the most chaos. Leaving it to Michael/ Willow jointly would also be a nightmare ( but good for conflict/ storytelling). But who are we kidding, she's gonna leave it to Jason.
  14. This reminds me of her being insistent that she could find a cure for Oscar, because she's, like, really good at finding stuff online
  15. I'm glad Willow is leveraging her medical proxy in this situation, but it was weird ( and sloppy writing) to have Drew suggest it. Martin told Nina about the medical proxy before Willow and Drew returned from DC. How would Drew have known the proxy existed? Someone may assume that as Willow and Michael are still married, Willow has authority to make care decisions for Michael, but the proxy is a specific legal thing. And Willow better insist that Carly relinquish all custodial claims on the kids before allowing her access to Michael. Carly regularly used Michael as a bargaining chip, so this would really be perfect karma.
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