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For Cereals

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Posts posted by For Cereals

  1. On a serious note, I hate that poverty/circumstances forces these girls (I guess boys too thinking about the girl who went to Morocco last year) and their families into thinking this should be an option and that these men are somehow worthy of their children.

    Larry is definitely the male version of Danielle.  Is there an IQ test?  If not, maybe there should be.  Jorge might have passed but I think it would've stopped Danielle and now Larry.

    • Love 5
  2. Boxing kid reminds me too much of Nick Cannon.  It takes me out of the story, which, as everyone pointed out already, isn't that great.  A Mickey/Darrel spinoff with Mickey as The Bumbling Cleaner could be fun.

    • Love 2
  3. 34 minutes ago, Mu Shu said:

    lydia ya stupid fuck, Shannon is not at the Spartan race because she's a middle aged woman who has never been athletic, who is also out of shape and over weight.  Another one dumb as rocks. 

    Word!  Shannon could still support David...I'd sit on the sidelines with my hot dog and popcorn.

    • Love 21
  4. 1 hour ago, tribeca said:

    Shoot I came here with the same question 


    2 hours ago, Hockeymom said:

    I had hurricane coverage break into today's episode so I didn't see how things turned out. It was the one with Rick, a  middle aged You Tube rapper and Leonard(? I forgot already!), a guy who was supposedly stalking him online for years.

    They had never met in person until the show.  Both were super creepy, but Rick was coming out as not so innocent when news coverage broke in.

    Did anyone get to see it? How did it end?

    The Leonard guy was batty as Hell.  The rapper could pretty much explain all the things that made him look bad--picture of Leonard's kid's room was an image he got off Google Earth when the cops, who were so tired of Leonard's BS just gave the rapper guy Leonard's address so he could fill out his restraining order against Leonard, for example.   Leonard said he had texts of threats that he sent the producer, but the producer came out with a binder of all their correspondence and no texts.  Rap guy did threaten Leonard, but I think anyone would out of frustration at that point.

    They ended it with Dr. Phil asking them not to engage each other--I'm thinking law enforcement and the Camp Crazy experts were needed for Leonard to adjust his meds OR put him on some and clearly explain how you can't make up things about people and harass them and their family--they both agreed to disengage.  THEN, Leonard added the caveat about if he saw rapper guy talking to kids online and being a prophet, he would harass him again pretty much canceling his pledge not to engage anymore because HE'S CRAY CRAY.  So no real resolution.

    • Love 2
  5. 1 minute ago, Straycat80 said:

     If Jesse if such a gift to women why did he have to go online and choose a cougar? Somethings off with this guy. 

    Because he wanted something more substantial like those fake pictures of an attractive person Darcy sent.  I want to know what Jesse really thought.  First I thought Darcy was being catfished now I'm not so sure.

    Sean walking up to Abby, and I'm being completely honest with my response out loud with my dogs staring at me "eww eww...eww eww eww."  She's a baby. I'm sure probably more mature than both Chris and Sean but still.

    • Love 8
  6. Well that looks professional...throwing up and being all "my husband, my husband, my husband." I'm sure they don't want to hear it.  I would never book her again.  I agree that she was way more covered up in that outfit than the bad club wear.  It almost looked tasteful by comparison.

    Loren and Alex cute but totally FFWD...

    I thought Daniel's gettin' ready for court bit with the sensible shoes was a sad little montage...

    • Love 12
  7. Please know that in Louisville, we (at least we used to--born there but haven't lived there for 15 years) do have some decent schools that do teach other languages, geography, grammar, and about other cultures.  That is all.

    Ok it's not.  I'm not sure what makes Sean so different from Chris.  If Abbie doesn't work out, and he flips more houses, he's Chris in a couple of years going on fiancé tours.

    AND Darcy, I could see leaving your kids for 6 weeks to build your business if you knew things would come to fruition, but chasing a boy toy is all about you.

    • Love 13
  8. I can understand Bethenny being pissed at Ramona but WTF was that with Dorinda?  You know what she's like when she's drunk, plus none of it was meant to upset or attack Bethenny or her success, Dorinda was actually being supportive.  I thought Beth's neuroticism had gotten better since her marriage to Jason, which still makes me question whether or not all the reports about his behavior are true, but clearly Bethenny still has a newsstand of issues.

    • Love 24
  9. 2 hours ago, Mu Shu said:

    Why would a bagina need to be revitalized?  Isn't it by nature elastic and resilient?  Are they experiencing prolapses?  Can't they do kegels?   I'm sick of hearing about nu nus and cooters on this damn franchise. 

    Ok Mu Shu, what's a nu nu?  :)   The closest thing I've heard is nuk nuk which is a pacifier in my family.  Somehow I don't think they are the same.

    • Love 1
  10. 31 minutes ago, islandgal140 said:

    Kelly Dodd must definitely pre-gamed before getting to the restaurant.  She has not one redeeming quality. Even her interactions with her loved ones, even her daughter are assholey. 


    Seriously by the 3rd WoW, I would have been tempted to bust his head open with a barbell spewing wows myself as I watched him twitch on the workout mats. What the hell kind of trainer/weight loss professional makes those kinds of exclamations about their client's weight gain, especially after the person disrobes for before photos? POS! 


    YUP! His ass is super tan too. I didn't even realize that was him working out on the bars. I was like who is that Latino dude? Shannon's trainer?

    Nobleman is just about the worst name for a magazine I think I have ever heard outside porn mags!

    Lydia reminds me of that crazed pre-historic squirrel from Ice Age and she needs to take her acorn chasing ass off my screen. 


    The less Vicki the better.

    Speaking of shared storyline, I know ever franchise seems to have done the vag rejuvenation, but can we talk about that black shirt with the laces up front. I feel like every freaking housewives (plus Anfisa from 90 day fiance) has worn that ugly ass shirt. 



    This isn't it exactly, but you get the drift. I wish they would retire it.

    I hate the wench-lace up look.  Makes me think of Deb stores.  I feel like women who wear these use the other "c" word, "classy." If you have to use it, you're not.

    • Love 9
  11. Lydia is about to get her deer in headlights eyes clawed out the next time she tries to make these harpies hug and be "buds."  I will LMFAO when it happens.  Can she be the new Jesus Jugs since she had them done?


    I know I could probably Google it, but what is up with The Quiet Woman anyway?  I'm kind of glad there was loudness and plate-throwing.  Did anyone catch the stained glass image of a headless woman?  It's not good imagery for me.  The Friday night wife-beating joke wasn't funny.  Not sure that we need to know the cultural significance behind it to make it funny.


    I liked Shannon too but it's painful to watch the self-depreciation, blaming, the almost child-like tattling of emotional distress, etc.  She needs meds and couch time with a real doctor.  Who didn't give her approval as a child?  


    Kelly is gross.  I wonder if one of the quiet women has to clean Kelly's awful lip prints off the glass.

    • Love 15
  12. I hate baby headbands.  We know she's a girl or at the very least, a tiny human with no hair yet.  It was good to see Jimmy be present.  I just knew he was going to be hands off and distant.  Best part that I can remember and I don't even like them.

    I think I fell asleep.  I can't remember the end of the show.  I'm with everyone who doesn't want to see the Bible-study and God stuff.  This is not the show for Lydia.  Maybe her crazy mom can pair up with Shannon.  Move it to ABC Family or that other Christian channel with the girl who talks to dead people.

    I liked Shannon but I can't take another season of her batshittery and quest for a skinny cure and mental anguish.   Be chunky and happy and buy cute clothes that fit and get a divorce or shut up and get a trainer and a personal chef or hire a live-in to monitor you.  She has money and options. It's not like she has a job, but maybe that would give her something to do instead of wallowing in emotional baggage.  Blaming Vicki just makes her look silly.

    That was good tea about the Dubrows.

    • Love 20
  13. Troy is going to backfire.  Psychopaths don't know how to control it.  

    Is Chris getting desperate for guests?  Last week Snookie, this week Sinbad?  I know Chris likes to fan out, but you don't have to be friends with EVERYBODY.

    • Love 3
  14. Did anyone catch the date of the Dr Drew finale?  Is this a season finale or show finale?  Since they are adding "moms" from other seasons to liven things up, I wonder if this one is wrapping up as these "moms" are reaching their late 20s.


    Everyone said everything I was thinking.  The onesie, custody complications, boxes in crib, batshit Farrah family...


    I think in addition to being crazy, Deb has changed because she has put herself in a position to rely on Farrah's money which forces her to obey Farrah and justify her brand of crazy which I'm sure only adds to the batshittery.  Farrah also seemed to imply that she knew the Dr would also be receiving some of her financial support, which is why he needed to show her some respect.


    Amber is just dumb beyond words blaming Matt for getting access to her money.  "He did that."  No, your lazy ass did that and you just look stupid and dare I get into my southern roots and add trifling when you need a lie detector to confirm what you already know and yell about missing money in the reunion preview.  I would be too embarrased to bring that up.  Leah is not looking for Matt.  I'm sure she has just been tolerating him to see her "mom."  He has shown his hatred towards Leah over and over again.  I'm sure she feels that.  Matt didn't have sex with anyone because they aren't as dumb as Amber.  I'm sure he tried.  ETA and don't sit there and lament your wasted years.  Most of them were spent sleeping.

    • Love 17
  15. Chrissy Seaver does not want to get married.  Lyle is also a gross social climber.  He had a lot of nerve looking down on Ashley and her airport job (she bugs too though) yet he's trying to improve his position by marrying Catherine.

    I really don't care about these people...they are all annoying.

    • Love 3
  16. 10 minutes ago, mbaywife123 said:

    Watching Craig writing before Naomi came home it was no surprise  to me that Craig is left handed. Lived with one for 16 years and they do tend to march to their own drummer. (No offense to any left handlers out there, just my opinion).

    None taken...we march differently because everything seems backwards or like a mirror image...dance team and trying to learn guitar was fun.  

    Craig is stupid if he just wants someone to blow smoke up his ass and not call him out on his bullshit.  Naomi is just not mature enough yet to do it tactfully, but I'm glad she told Craig that she wouldn't put up with his disrespecting her.

    I hope Chelsea and Austen work out.

    I don't need more Landon.  I would be fine if she didn't return.

    • Love 10
  17. The ponytail just no.  If Ramona was going for severe, she should've gone full-on twisted bun.  The ponytail looked unfinished and drew attention to her bad ends.

    So, did Tinsley get arrested?  I guess mugshots are also a new thing, a recent addition to the booking process. I'm surprised she hasn't mentioned being fingerprinted at least 30 times by now.  Maybe that part wasn't as traumatic.  I guess they have good alcohol wipes down at the precinct so as not to ruin a good manicure.

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