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For Cereals

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Posts posted by For Cereals

  1. Does anyone know why she sounded strange today?  As she got further into Hot Topics, she almost sounded as though her throat was closing up or something almost like a hearing impaired person...it was very strange.  She started out clear, but then it got worse.  All shade and critiques aside about the quality of the show lately, but she really needs to prioritize her health.  Other shows have come back after a long hiatus...Curb, or just end it.  Do a podcast or XM.  Other people will figure out the technology for her.  

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  2. 5 hours ago, jumper sage said:

    If I had a group of friends that I had to compromise and have heart-to-heart talks with all the fricking time I would find new friends.  Either these ladies are too involved in other's lives or they have friends that don't mesh with themselves.  Friendship shouldn't be that hard.

    Toya - You are absolutely ridiculous.

    They’re exhausting

    eta Simone’s wig is awful.  She needs a stylist.

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  3. Kalani and Asuelo are like a bad SNL skit.  It’s like Jane asking Tarzan to go to couples counseling.  What does Ausuelo know from your hurt feelings?  You’re clothed, you’re fed, you live in a big house in America...he’s not out pig farming for his dinner.  He’s just happy to make the baby smile and go to the Golden Corral buffet.

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  4. 1 minute ago, Eldemarge said:

    What is the purpose of a "wedding website?"  Can someone explain this?   Is it like a FB post where people can comment?   

    We used one for RSVPs and to give guests info on where to stay or what to see,  you can use them for your registry, etc. but it was only open to our guests.

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  5. 3 hours ago, patty1h said:

    Then she told a story about a man who found $7M in a storage locker that he won at auction, which turned into us finding out that Wendy doesn't like the whole idea of anyone using those facilities for their extra items.

    She totally botched that story.  It was already all over Yahoo "news" and it was in a safe, not a duffel bag.  Of course she said she'd keep it all.  I think I would question why someone has that kind of money in a storage unit and how they came to have it.  Rather than lose my life, I think I'd take the settlement, OR SAY NOTHING and just pay off the guy who cracked the safe.  Maybe I've seen too many true crime movies/shows where the crime boss tries to get their money back and will take out anyone in the way to get it.  

    These shopping segments only make me mad because it just shows how much mark up is on crap.  It's been a while since the studio audience has gone home with all the stuff featured.  They've only gotten lotion and cook books.  Maybe she's saving the big ones for the holiday giveaways.

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