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Posts posted by pootlus

  1. I guess this is now the Season 6 spoiler/speculation topic! Not that we get that many spoilers, they're pretty good at keeping schtum on this show.

    Predictions for S6 (I wish I'd written mine down for S5B given I predicted that Chloe would die and Lucifer would tear Heaven apart to get to her):

    1. Dan finds his way to heaven (think this is pretty much a given since we saw that Mr Said-Out-Bitch had done the same under Lucifer's guidance).  I hope we see a reunion between him and Charlotte.

    2. Chloe and Lucifer come to some kind of resolution about his celestial-ness/her mortality.  I would hate to see them end the show without addressing the fact that Chloe will be dead of old age in probably less than sixty years.  I mean Lucifer just broke into Heaven to get Chloe back, I don't see him just watching her grow old or getting dementia or cancer.

    3. Ella finds out.  This is more just a personal want.

    4. Lucifer becomes de-Godded.  I think this will happen early on in S6.  Omnipotency/omniscience just isn't fun or good drama.  

    5. Do *something* with Michael.  I can see why they didn't want either Chloe or Lucifer killing him, but either put him somewhere he won't become a threat or kill him off.  I honestly think he's run his course and would be happy not seeing the whiny little shit again.  We've only got 10 episodes in S6, I don't want any more screen time spent on him.

    6. One of the few things that irritated me about 5B is that Trixie apparently doesn't know, although I'm still hoping that she was covering as she thought God was a human person and didn't want to start talking about how her stepdad spent time in Hell.  I was in the "Trixie knows and is totally cool with it" club.  So if she still doesn't know, she gets to find out too.

    7. Maze and Eve are an item and don't have too much relationship drama.  We know that Eve doesn't want to be immortal, so Maze has to come to terms with that.  I wonder if Maze still wants to be Queen of Hell - maybe Eve is happy to join her...

    Haven't thought about Amenadiel/Linda yet.  They kind of wrapped the two of them up fairly neatly, although how Amenadiel deals with Lucifer's Godhood remains to be seen.

    • Love 2
  2. I think it's completely in character for Lucifer to be sarcastic and childish when he's trying to confront emotional issues though.  Was he annoying and selfish?  Sure, but I don't think he's ever going to completely grow out of that.

    • Love 4
  3. So someone smarter than me wondered how this tied in with Lucifer's revenge plan.  The screenshot is here:


    Not much relevance except - in very small letters - SEVERED HEAD IN A BOX.  So Lucifer managed at least one thing on his list!

    (You could also argue that "DISMANTLE HIS CAR" and "SEND HIM TO TIJUANA" came pretty close.

    • Love 6
  4. Yeah Lucifer is invulnerable around her - I should say 'again' because he was also invulnerable around her in the very first episode when he was shot by Jimmy Barnes.

    I think once he felt reasonably secure in her affection, he didn't feel the need any more and since angels self-actualise...

    • Love 3
  5. 9 hours ago, BabySpinach said:

    The pacing did feel a bit off, too. The two episodes back-to-back focused on Dan then Linda were pretty slow for me, and I just wanted them to get back to the celestial stuff. Then like a hundred things got crammed into the final episode and it was all pretty chaotic. Chloe dies, then gets brought back, Lucifer dies, then comes back, all within like five minutes! 

    Yes and no, IMO.  A little Michael goes a long way - he's profoundly irritating if on screen for more than a minute or two, and I'm glad Dan and Linda had some much-needed focus.

    So much to take in.  Mr Said-Out-Bitch escaping from Hell means that Dan can make it to Heaven too, which I'm betting is a focus of next season.  I was hoping to see Father Frank, maybe we'll see him in Heaven next season.  Glad that Chloe immediately had a catch-up with her dad.  Strongly implied that people 'forget' - as going by her confusion - presumably to ease the pain of worrying about those they've left behind.

    Eve's triumphant smirk when Lucifer was revealed to be God was funny.  Chloe's pained look of concern was less so - clearly she's worried about how Lucifer is going to balance being God and being her - I guess now fiancé? - Lucifer put his ring on a very specific finger.  My little shipper heart has pretty much melted down.

    Chloe's beating the crap out of Michael was SO SO satisfying.  Finally someone punches the smirk off his face and it's rightfully her after all the pain he's caused her and Trixie.

    Going to have to do a lot of rewatches.

    Edit: and Ella STILL doesn't know! They have to have taken that out of the original ending.  Surely they wouldn't have ended the show with her in the dark.

    • Love 14
  6. The ending made me bawl my eyes out.  I was not spoiled for Tricia coming back and it was just perfect.

    Honestly thought Michael was going to stab Gabriel with Azrael's blade there at the end, maybe she's a useful patsy to have around.  Not too bright though as I mean, come on, Michael has 'bad guy' written all over him.

    • Love 3
  7. The evolution of the relationship between Amenadiel and Lucifer is one of my favourite things about the show.  Their opening scene was great.

    "I'm sure everything will turn out fine."

    "Yes, that's what you said about the dinosaurs!"

    That whole scene was hilarious.

    The kiss-and-miss scene between Lucifer and Chloe was funny as well as sad and believable.  I hope they resolve their issues soon.  Like Trixie, I hate seeing Chloe upset.

    • Love 9
  8. That was a lot more sombre than musical episodes often are, which I thought was interesting.

    Poor Luci really doesn't know how to fix things but Chloe is being so patient and caring even though it's eating her inside.

    'Shiggles' may be my new favourite portmanteau.

    • Love 4
  9. Oh man I thought the "if I said those three words...it would be a lie" from the trailer was misdirection.

    It wasn't.

    Excuse me I'm just going to pick the tattered pieces of my heart off the floor.

    • Love 5
  10. 6 hours ago, magdalene said:

    Tastes will differ. For me there was too much of Alina/Mal in every episode as I thought they are tedious. I was grateful for the scenes with the Crows and Nina/Matthias.

    By Hollywood standards the curvy Nina is a "big girl".

    Yeah the Mal/Alina stuff was tedious.  Was it actually supposed to be romantic?  I didn't get a whiff of romance from them, more sibling vibes.  They didn't even look like they were close to even kissing, but Alina was prepared to bone Kirigan on his desk. 

    I noticed that Nina wasn't standard Hollywood-thin, and was grateful, so agree if she's a bigger girl in the books they did nod to that.

    • Love 8
  11. 6 hours ago, norcalgal said:

    Get outta my head @pootlus. I kept nodding my head along to everything you wrote above. And count me in as someone who only read the first Shadow and Bone book, and none of the Six of Crows novels.

    The only other thing I'd add is this:  I don't care that he's a baddie, my favorite character is The Darkling. Mostly because Ben Barnes is such a cutie, but he also had alot of charisma and played the part fairly well. I liked the quieter character moments between him & Alina (in the tent and his room at the Palace) and him and Zoya (in his room after they find out Alina is gone). Too bad he turned out to be such a HUGE psycho (a little psycho would have been OK), because my wish if for him and Alina to be Endgame. I really wasn't feeling much heat between Mal and Alina.  They seemed more like brother and sister to me.

    I normally don't care for the backstory to the villains and would have been fine without it for Kirigan. Just showing limited flashbacks would have worked for me, rather than the long, drawn out flashbacks. I think we still would have understood how he came to be the way he is.

    Heh, you are welcome and completely agree about Ben Barnes.  My my, he was very nice in this (in an eye candy way, not in a character way).  I too wish they'd been a bit more subtle with his character and left a way back for him, and by extension him and Alina.  There was definitely chemistry there.

    I can usually live without flashbacks, unless they're very well done, and they weren't here.  Like you said, we didn't need it - a sentence or two between him and his mother would have done the trick.  Barnes is a good enough actor - and Wanamaker certainly is - that more wasn't necessary.

    • Love 1
  12. I enjoyed this for what it was, but I don't think it warrants a re-watch.  The Crows were okay (Jesper being the best) but Mal and Alina were so bland as to be non-existent.  I don't know if the books are the same as I've never heard of or read them, but the show definitely fell into the common YA trap of making the principal protagonists have absolutely no personality whatsoever.  It made it hard for me to buy into the big Mal/Alina romance/friendship (still not sure what they were going for there) or even care much about them at all.  I feel sorry for the actors who were given nothing to work with.

    The early parts were hard to follow because they introduced 400 characters at once and of course everything had to be pitch black, but that improved about three episodes in.  The other annoying/confusing thing was not knowing where everything was located.  I had no idea what side of the Fold everyone was on (nor that the Crows started off on a completely separate island) until I looked a map/background info up on the internet.  They should have done better there.

    A lot of stuff was telegraphed in neon (Kirigan being bad, the stag not granting Kirigan its powers).  Mal recovering from mortal wounds several times in succession (and in a few days each time) became something of a joke, I assume he's shown to be some kind of Grisha in later books?

    I wish they'd wrapped it up at the end better, I don't think it's got the oomph for more than one season despite the money they spent on it.  Maybe if they concentrated on the Crows and had a side story of Nina and that not-Viking guy (if only because those two actors did have a ton of chemistry).

    • Love 4
  13. 1 minute ago, Jeebus Cripes said:

    Yeah, I'm so sure them housing Vision's corpse was strictly on the level. Can't blame Wanda for busting in and taking his body. The weird shit she's doing with said body is another story... 

    I was absolutely outraged when I saw that they'd dissected Vision.  How DARE they?

    I never really got a thought about necrophilia, if that's where you were headed.  Vision is - purely artificial, despite being fully sentient and autonomous?  So it'd be more like reconstructing C-3PO when he was dismembered in The Empire Strikes Back than bringing a living person back from the dead.

    • Love 9
  14. Well, this just gets better and better.  The fake sitcom moments are laugh-out-loud funny and I can't wait to see what happens with the main story.

    I wonder if Wanda ejected Geraldine from the simulation (intentionally or unintentionally) or whether Geraldine was pulled out.  I'm guessing the former from Wanda's odd expression.

    We now in widescreen!  I guess it's the 80s next week.

    Wish I could binge all the episodes.  Loving it.

    • Love 11
  15. 1 hour ago, Gwendolyn said:

    I think Decker is written as stand-offish. It's been a bit vague, but the character has made references to her B-list actress mother trying to make her a child star, so she didn't have a regular childhood or friends. Her one experience with a starring role, got her attention she didn't want. So Decker is written as awkward and job focused to avoid a repeat of that.

    I agree on this - Chloe is supposed to be rather emotionally stunted and I think German does fine with this (I say this because I have seen people criticise her acting, I think she's fine 95% of the time).  She does bring the big emotional moments when Chloe is breaking down (thinking of the end of S4) perfectly well and I appreciate an actress who's not afraid to ugly cry.

    1 hour ago, Gwendolyn said:

    The characters were written to be the end game, but the chemistry isn't quite there between the leads to back up the writing, but enough to make it work (which isn't quite as bad as other shows where chemistry is there for a couple who are not the end game and the writers don't course correct to take advantage). Sometimes it feels like Ellis is doing the heavy lifting, but that could just be how Lucifer is written vs Decker.

    I think he does do a lot of the heavy lifting but agree that it's partly the relative skill of the actors (I think Ellis is extremely good and hope he goes on to have a massive career after Lucifer) and partly the way the characters are written.  That said Lucifer's never been in love before and he's handling it with his trademark narcissism and a good chunk of immaturity so...heh.

    As you said it's good enough to get the job done and they definitely have their moments.

    Honestly a lot of my issues this season are to do with the way the makeup team insist on doing Chloe's eyebrows, I have a whole essay about that because it's incredibly distracting.

    • Love 1
  16. On 11/29/2020 at 4:40 PM, DarkHorse said:

    Is it just me or is there a complete lack of chemistry between Lucifer and Decker? For two people who are supposed to be crazy about each other, I just don't see it. Even when they have intimate moments, there is still no warmth between them.

    I am a huge Deckerstar fan, but there is a chemistry deficit.  I see a heap of chemistry during the banter moments, less in the big emotional scenes.

    I don't know whether it's the writing or the actors.  I finally got around to watching Miranda recently and tbh Tom Ellis has about 10x more chemistry with Miranda Hart than with Lauren German, I don't know why - maybe it's just a thing that sometimes works and sometimes doesn't.  The physical scenes between Lucifer/Chloe just seem a bit off, unless it's about emotional comfort.

    Edit because more thoughts: I take the instance when they finally sleep together.  The scene before, for all the payoff, just seems a bit awkward, like LG isn't really into it.  The bedroom scene the next episode that takes the morning after, on the other hand, is fantastic and there's tons of chemistry there.

    • Love 1
  17. 3 hours ago, WatchrTina said:

    Sam and Graham have got a new gig on STARZ -- something call "Men in Kilts," which appears to be a travel documentary series with Sam & Graham running around Scotland together.


    I'm never 100% sure if linking to Facebook works but I'll give it a try.



    I came here to say this!  There is also a Twitter account:


    Can't wait!

    • Love 2
  18. On 5/27/2020 at 12:05 AM, SassAndSnacks said:

    They could create a season arc for Ian, where we learn about what happened with him early on and then by the end of the season he could meet Rachel.  

    I flicked over 95% of the flashbacks to Ian and his ex-wife (if that's the right term), it was just so dull.  There wasn't much description of life in a Native American community from what I remember, which would have at least been interesting.  I found the Quakers were pretty dull too - it's a shame because Ian himself is a great character, he just seems to get dull plotlines after he offers to exchange himself for Roger.

    I hope they get two more seasons to wrap everything up but I wouldn't miss huge chunks of the later books.  Mind you the show has done a great job making book plotlines more interesting and relevant (having Murtagh be leader of the regulators being the example that springs to mind) so who knows.  Maybe they could make all that army stuff interesting...?

    • Love 3
  19. I FFed through parts of this episode, which I've never done with Outlander before.  However I am very glad that Bonnet is dead.  It was dragged out interminably in the books and I'm happy they bought it forward.  Makes me hopeful for some of the other interminable passages (cough, most of An Echo in the Bone) might be 'improved' too.

  20. Saw the movie this evening and I'll back up those who said it was just...a bit flat.  The locations were great, but as @allonsyalice says it was a 1-hour plot stretched out to a movie length, and not a particularly good 1-hour plot either, unfortunately.  And yes, the initial interaction with Jack and Phryne was completely off.  She wouldn't be so utterly jovial in the face of his clear anguish.

    If I came away with any singular impression, it's 'missed opportunity'.  The ingredients were there, but the script wasn't.

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