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Posts posted by Fallacy

  1. Reading through the church’s statement of faith, I can tell that church is 100% Calvinist. They’ve got all five letters of CalvIn’s TULIP embedded in their page:


    And here’s the background information on the TULIP for comparison:


    The Puritans were Calvinists by the way, but your more progressive Christian churches today subscribe more to Arminianism. https://www.thoughtco.com/calvinism-vs-arminianism-700526

    In short, Jeremy believes he is one of God’s “elect” so he really does think he was chosen by God. 

    • Love 11
  2. I fast forward through the sex scenes on this show now and have done so since season 1; they make me uncomfortable for the actors. Roger and Brianna’s was particularly uncomfortable to watch, so I hit the fast forward button as soon as he removed her dressing gown. 

    I read through book 7 of the series, so I knew Bonnet would rape Brianna, but it’s been so many years since I read the book this season is based on that I had forgotten all the details. I enjoy watching the show from this perspective though, knowing major plot points but not the details. 

    • Love 3
  3. I honestly don’t see anything wrong with any of her latest pictures, not with her hair, her skin, or her fashion. To me, she looks like a perfectly average young woman, and she’s actually quite pretty in my opinion. Her posts hawking that discount code all seem normal to me too. 

    Jill does enough stupid stuff that I don’t bother much with the boring stuff she does, and these posts are normal and boring to me. 

    • Love 13
  4. I love Abby’s dress, especially the belt, but then again my wedding dress from 20 years ago is nearly identical, except without the awesome belt. Still, I’m pleasantly surprised by how beautiful they both look in the pictures as I always thought John’s head was shaped like an alien’s oversized head with a huge, bulging forehead, and Abby has a bit of a pug or French bulldog look to her, with her eyes and nose specifically. They both look attractive enough to model for David’s Bridal though so well done to them and their talented photographer. 

    I swear that I’m genuinely complimenting them in this post though. They look great, and I think bridesmaids’ dresses are nice too though everyone is right: they need better bras ASAP. 

    • Love 13
  5. On 10/31/2018 at 10:33 PM, Lady Calypso said:

    I had a whole list of things to comment on about this episode, but honestly, the scene with Meredith walking in the hallways at the end of the episode made me legit tear up. Good job, Grey's. You got me to actually cry a little bit.

    Also, I honestly thought Thatcher was already dead, since we haven't seen him in ages.

    I had the opposite reaction. I thought it was cringe worthy and just reminded me how much this show sucks compared to previous seasons. Plus the CGI was ridiculously low budget bad. 

    • Love 3
  6. The version of this episode posted on Amazon cuts off right as Josiah leans in for the kiss, so I missed the introduction of Abby entirely, which is ridiculous considering I paid actual money to see this episode (I don’t have cable). Anyone else having this problem? Maybe there’s a part two to this episode that Amazon hasn’t posted yet. 

    • Love 2
  7. 3 hours ago, queenanne said:

    True, I have a slightly more practical associates degree and got a Bachelors and then Masters, but the community college absolutely offered ‘an AA in liberal arts’ to their gen studies people, and when I heard about that I was all ‘WTF?  A catch all two year version of the same degree people usually take four years to get? What’s the point in that? Learn a trade instead, or read at home like Abe Lincoln.’

    That AA in liberal arts is for students who will transfer to a four year college to earn their bachelors in their chosen major. It’s just a way to give a degree to students who completed their first 60 credits of gen ed at the community college level. No one who earns that degree plans on stopping there. At my community college the AA in liberal arts is even called the “transfer degree.”

    • Love 14
  8. She needs to take the dang test already because I need to know if she is pregnant or not. It will be an epic BB moment if she is, and I, for one, really want to see them edit this storyline! 

    • Love 6
  9. I think Lauren looked beautiful on her wedding day, and I don’t believe I know the first thing about what she is thinking or feeling during her honeymoon based on a brief video that they seem to have written a transcript for before they ever hit the record button. I don’t enjoy how soft spoken she is, but I’m withholding judgment until I see her on the show.

    • Love 10
  10. 4 hours ago, tarheel220 said:

    I don't post hardly ever, but yes, regional accreditation is what colleges need to ensure their students' transcripts and degrees are legit.  I work in the department at my university that is responsible for making sure our school stays accredited and we're right now in the throes of working on the 10 year re accreditation report.

    Sidenote: I just looked up Crown (Clown) College and yes, they are accredited so their degrees are legit useful.

    SACS is the standard for regional accreditation of public and many private colleges in the south, so since Crown is accredited by some Christian accreditation agency, not SACS the degree is useless. The credits from Crown won’t transfer to any college outside of their own Christian accreditation system, which means Tori will never be accepted into a teaching credential program at a public university either. She can only teach at a small group of Christian schools that don’t care about their teachers having proper degrees or state licenses  



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  11. On 4/2/2018 at 7:29 PM, Sew Sumi said:

    Erin's condition is treatable with the heparin shots, it's not an unknown or sudden issue; she just needs shots to sustain pregnancy, like her mother required progesterone to sustain her last few pregnancies. These weren't life-threatening conditions. Izzy? That was plain stubbornness on Jill's part. We don't know the deets with Sammy, but we do know it was a 40 hour attempted home labor ending in another emergency c-section and a two week stay in the NICU for the baby. 

    Once bitten, twice shy AFAIAC. 

    Regarding Giddyup's birth, apparently TWO incompetent "midwives" couldn't properly figure out the baby's position. Trained women have been able to diagnose breech for centuries. Trixie even delivered one last week on Call the Midwife, set 55 years ago.  

    Jill is incompetent, period.

    Okay, I have to say this because I just rewatched the episode. Israel was not in fetal distress. If he was, the doctor at the hospital would not have waited another 10 hours to deliver him after Jill arrived at the hospital. People act lie Jill was whisked straight into the OR for an emergency csection. She had an unplanned csection, yes, but Izzy could not have been in any real danger given how long the hospital staff waited before doing the surgery. 

    As for Samuel, we have no idea at all what went wrong or why he was in the NICU for two weeks. It's all just speculation often stated as fact around here. 

    Finally, with Gideon, we again have no idea why Joy didn't go to the hospital immediately. Maybe she thought the baby might turn and fought going. For all we know, Jill told her repeatedly that Joy needed to go to the hospital and Joy insisted on waiting. Or Jill did try to turn Gideon unsuccessfully, which happens with even the best doctors. We just don't know. 

    I'm certainly not saying that Jill is a wonderful midwife or anywhere close to it, but I do get frustrated when what we do not know is taken as fact and what we do know is exaggerated to make a point, like Izzy being in serious danger when he clearly wasn't when Jill arrived at the hospital. 

    • Love 9
  12. 42 minutes ago, Totally said:

    I’m also don’t give a toss who wins the competion, I wouldn’t buy the book, I wouldn’t enter the comp. I guess I don’t understand why anyone is so invested in this that they would try to alter the results of a competition that they probably wouldn’t even have come across in everyday life, just to make someone else lose. 

    I agree. I'm not going to waste my time voting in some stupid contest to try to make Jill lose because I think the Dillards are obnoxious or because Jill was smart enough to use her semi-celebrity status to generate votes to win. She played by the rules, so I don't understand the claim that she is being unfair to others who entered. It's a company sponsored contest to generate interest in those stupid books, and all these moms are using their kids to try to win some Amazon cash. I say live and let live. 

    • Love 10
  13. Those poor, poor children. Their collarbones stick out, they have long skinny necks, and they're so thin, they look like bobblehead dolls with an oversized skull. I'm sure they're skulls are perfectly normal in size, but when sitting atop such thin, pale, and frail bodies, they look big. There is just no possible way those children aren't malnourished. Jill and Chimp very much remind me of those other fundie parents who were just arrested for severe child abuse of their dozen plus children. 

    My sincere prayer is that the oldest son breaks free and takes his siblings with him. He needs to report his parents as soon as he starts this Christian college he's going to. I'm sure there is a pay phone somewhere he could use. 

    Do we know what town they live in? 

    • Love 11
  14. 1 minute ago, chocolatine said:

    They do look alike, but I disagree about the personalities. Emily was always gracious and tried to engage all her dates in conversation. She found nice things to say about every locale she visited even if it was just "it's so pretty here." And if didn't like something she clearly said so politely but firmly instead of scowling into the camera. Emily was not the sharpest tool in the shed, but with her you never had to wonder whether she still had a pulse or brain activity.

    I agree that Emily has more personality by far than we've seen out of Lauren, but to be fair, we've seen many hours of Emily footage compared to about 20 minutes of Lauren It's just something in the way they carry themselves and the way they talk that seems eerily similar to me. Perhaps it's the fact that they have the exact same haircut and clothing style that's making me think they could be cast as sisters in a movie and the audience would believe they were really related. 

    • Love 4
  15. They look so much alike to me. And again, it's not just appearance. Their personalities seem to be lining up too. We don't know that much about Lauren yet but I never thought Emily had that much to say about her surroundings either, and they both seem like the "I'm so vulnerable that I have to guard my heart" type. Who knows...maybe Arie and Lauren will shock me and live happily ever after, but I highly doubt it, especially when Arie sees that many on the internet think he just found a replacement for Emily. 


    Lauren B.jpg

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