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Everything posted by wallflower75

  1. Yes!! Given some of the people on the jury, I was very surprised--and pleased--with how it went. I'd say the closest was Kimmi, and Jeremy pretty much shot her down with the truth.
  2. Um...am I a cynical witch if I hear Jeremy's story and think, "he saved the baby news for when he needed it most?" And if you're Tasha and Spencer, is that when you knew for sure you were going to lose?
  3. So the question is: will Tasha or Spencer get even one vote here?
  4. And she'd played with her twice!! Oh God, here comes Abi...
  5. Aaaaand Ciera is more than welcome to join Savage on the "pot and kettle" train. Calling them out for being flippers??? If it had worked to her advantage, she wouldn't have cared.
  6. I find it rich that Savage is calling people out for being arrogant. Really????
  7. Yup. As interesting as a F3 of Jeremy-Kelley-take your pick of one of the others would've been, give Jeremy credit. Except for that move of giving Fishbach his first immunity idol, which he was lucky didn't come back to bite him in the butt, he's played a good game. Kelley was a threat. Keith was a threat. Made no sense to keep them around.
  8. Oh, jeez...Spencer, REALLY??? I've liked you a lot during this whole thing, but you're starting to get on my nerves.
  9. Looks like the reunion's going to get the shaft. Only thirty-five minutes left on the finale portion and we've still got two tribal councils to go--unless they don't bother showing us any maneuvering before this next vote. I really don't like making the final episode with six instead of five like they usually do. You're trying to tell me that with as dramatic a tribal council as the final 6 vote was, they couldn't have squeaked out enough material for an entire episode? Or is it that everything happening after that was so boring and predictable that this was the only way they could salvage it?
  10. Do you suppose if Keith had pulled out the idol that that would've made the difference? Or would the disappearing/reappearing rules mean that Jeff would decide to tell everyone that Keith's idol was fake?
  11. There are rules on Survivor? I have an idea for a future season. Survivor: No Stupid Rules.
  12. YIKES!! Clearly I forgot how the rock thing worked. I thought in the case of a deadlock that the ones not immune had to draw. By refusing to make a decision, they give Tasha and Kimmi immunity??
  13. And just like that, Spencer says something that makes me shake my head. ARGH!
  14. Jeremy, Jeremy, Jeremy...listen to Tasha and Spencer!! Grr.
  15. Ooh, live thread, live thread!! Goody! I had so much fun here during the last finale. Thank goodness we don't have the ten-minute recap like we usually do.
  16. Whoo-hooooo!!!!!!! Yes, I cheered out loud. I was convinced Keith was gone from his last words before the vote. I was like, "Whoa, dude, you don't ever admit something like that. Even Spencer didn't and he had an immunity necklace around his neck." And then it was Abi. Awesome.
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