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Posts posted by BigDfromLA

  1. No surprise that Smitty turns out to be a dipshit. Bridget sure can pick them!

    What happened to Bunchy's settlement money? Wasn't it over a million dollars? Did Teresa take some or all of it?

    Didn't Terry have a very elaborate/complicated medical procedure that cured his pahhhkinsons? Getting smacked in the head over and over would seem to mess all that up.

    Mickey is an idiot. I thought he was going to try to kill Ray as revenge for putting him in prison. Instead, it seemed he just wanted to use Ray to get $3 million. He seemed a lot more angry at Darryl than he was at Ray.

    • Love 1
  2. I have always hated the Mickey character. He is a rotten human being...true scum. Evil, manipulative, narcissistic, selfish to the core. He has ruined the lives of his children and is the one ultimately responsible for 95% of the problems/negativity/destruction in the show. I agree with Ray 100% regarding his opinion of his father and wanting him dead. It's maddening to see all the crap Mickey has gotten away with over the seasons. I would really enjoy seeing him go down. I have to give credit to Jon Voight for his excellent portrayal of the character. 

    It is shocking to me that the other brothers don't hate Mickey at the level that Ray does. Unlike Ray, they are too stupid to realize how much horrible damage he has done to their lives.


    "My father is a dipshit...he has always been a dipshit!"  Ray in Season 3 (which is my favorite season of the series). Season 3 also featured the amazingly classic line from Avi referring to Mickey, "This fucking guy!!"

    • Love 2
  3. I'm really looking forward to Season 2. It looks like Penelope and Miguel will be back and probably Pete. It would be great to see all three return. I doubt Jenna would have anything to do in a new season since she is out of the country. No one else to return since everyone else basically died. Maybe the group of women who saved Jane would appear. Season one ends as the next purge a year later begins. So season two would cover the events of this new purge night with Miguel and Penelope doing their thing, Pete's Cantina serving as a sanctuary and a host of new characters and stories as well. Hopefully the new season comes sooner and we don't have to wait until all the way to September, 2019!!

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  4. Think of Joe's story. He had become redundant. At his all time low, he gets sucked into the pro-purge "motivational speaker", to the point that he listens to it 24/7. He was definitely brainwashed by the pro-NFFA speaker. Notice that the speaker worships the purge and thinks its the greatest thing ever. Joe just became a useful idiot and anything he does fits the NFFA/pro purge mentality of his masters. I just don't get why he picked those people as hit targets. Why Penelope? Because she "killed" Tavis who was an NFFA stooge?

    Maybe Penelope's brain was fried by the drugs that scumbag ex gave her, leading to her crazy decisions? She's too cute to die!!

    Speaking of beauty, it's sad to see Lila go. Actually, if a guy wrote that lesbian love triangle story, Lila and Jenna would have ended up together.

    • Love 2
  5. Rick is such a weasel. I am actually rooting for Lila and Jenna to end up with each other. Honestly, it seems like she loves Lila more than Rick, deep down. No surprise that their marriage was in the dumps before they met her.

    The actress who plays Penelope is a VERY beautiful woman! On a scale of one to ten she is a ten plus!! I have never seen her before. Her beauty just glows whenever she is on the screen. I hope this is the beginning of a long career for her.

    So it seems that Miguel and Penelope are close in age. During their flashback scenes as children, I couldn't tell who was older. I imagine Miguel is maybe a year, two at the most older than Penelope.

    • Love 2
  6. Wouldn't there be massive mayhem and destruction of the society if an actual purge happened?

    MASSIVE killings, ex-military veterans who would create bombs, maybe even drop bombs from aircraft, huge property damage, attacks on buildings, stadiums, complexes, colleges, etc., attacks on the infrastructure (roads, bridges, airports, the electrical grid). Yahoos who couldn't stop their destruction after 12 hours, as if they were turning off a switch. 

    What has been portrayed in the purges of the movies and show would be a drop in the bucket compared to the destruction in an actual purge.

    Our country and society would not survive it.

    • Love 12
  7. Joe is an idiot...a schmuck...a putz. Has been since day one. He is bad enough, but then add Brand's character and its really cringe-worthy.

    The Troy Garity character (what is his name?) has become a p-whipped wimp. Surprised to see that. His girlfriend is a piece of work. She should get together with Lance...they would be quite the pair!

    • Love 1
  8. Outstanding use of the Genesis song, "Man On The Corner" to end the episode. This was not a big eighties hit single, but an excellent "hidden gem" 80's song!

    I love the Justine character. The actress who plays her is excellent and she is a amazingly beautiful as well.

    • Love 5
  9. Is the "senator" who is in the chief's hip pocket a U.S. Senator in Washington or a Montana State Senator? 

    Does the governor have the hots for father John, the lawyer son, or both?

    Cole Hauser was in the show? What character was he? Didn't recognize him at all.

    What is the significance of the branding? Why would the youngest son have it on his chest? Confusing.

    They should have set the show and filmed it in the Missoula area. That is the most beautiful part of Montana.

    • Love 1
  10. Hopefully the second season will have 10-13 episodes. Six episodes is an extremely short season, especially for a half-hour show.

    I'd like to see Mari's character become more prominent and developed. Maybe soften the chip on her shoulder and examine her family relationship more and how she is given extra family responsibilities (taking care of her father) compared to what's expected of her brother. Does that keep her from going to college and bettering herself/does she resent that, etc.?

    Lyn seemed like a completely different person in the last few minutes of the episode...after her tirade at the lady who "cleansed" her. Hopefully she matures for good.

    By the way, the actress who plays Lyn is stunningly beautiful. I can't think of an actress in movies or TV who is as attractive as her. I have never seen her before until this show.

    • Love 1
  11. How old are the two sisters? Emma looks to be 30 and Lyn, maybe 26? What does Lyn do for a living? I know she lives in San Francisco, a VERY expensive city to live in. Is she a golddigger using her looks to be supported completely by men? Were she to move to L.A. and live with Johnny, does he have the means to support her in a lifestyle she is used to. Is she even capable of having a lasting relationship or earning a living for herself? She seems horribly incompetent in that way. 

    I feel sorry for Emma. She is the only one who is responsible and realistic. She is surrounded by f-ups, to be honest. I don't blame her for resenting her mother, a complete hypocrite who caused her tremendous pain. It's amazing how Lyn is so oblivious to everything.

    The actress who plays Mari is excellent. She is also a beautiful girl. I wish she would trade her ugly black lipstick for red!

    • Love 3
  12. That school is a cesspool. A massive fight in the hallways? Multiple students would be suspended and/or expelled, but not at Liberty. Where were the adults, security, cops (or at least campus cops) would have been called. Where was the bureaucrat principal? I can't believe that every single adult could be so clueless and out to lunch, as they have been since the start of the show. Everyone from the principal to the lowest janitor should be fired at that school. A complete housecleaning is truly needed there. Why is Porter still there...he should have been fired months before that.

    I have always thought Tyler was a creepy, disgusting idiot from day one. He has this girl who is out of his league actually interested in him, and he not only rejects her, but treats her like crap? What's wrong with this guy? He obviously needs therapy. 

    • Love 4
  13. Where is/who is Emma and Lyn's father. Was there father ever a part of their life. Did he have a bitter break up with their mother? The father has never even been mentioned or referred to once.

    This episode reminds me how much I can't stand narcissistic, jerk-off hipsters. 

  14. I actually like that Axe and Chuck are no longer at each other's throats. We can use a little break from that. It would even be intriguing if they came together/cooperated with each other to take down a common foe or threat. That would be something that no one could have ever imagined happening throughout much of the life of the show.

    • Love 9
  15. The school lawyer is absolutely disgusting. Smug, arrogant, condescending. I think the way that she crucifies each of these kids would offend the jury, make them (justifiably) hate her and hurt her side's case. At least pretend to show a little compassion and sympathy for these kids as you cross examine them. That would go a long way in trying to convince the jury.


    Skye should delete Clay's number from her phone. He needs to get off her back and let her recover and not call her every ten minutes. But Clay is too selfish for that.


    Tyler is really turning into a rotten human being. 


    It's funny that I thought Justin was the most rotten of all of them (along with Bryce) in Season 1, but now I see him in a much more sympathetic light in season 2. Weird.

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