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Posts posted by JasminePhyllisia

  1. Are corporate-produced commercials planted on YouTube actually going viral and building brands? The whole concept seems dated and out of touch to me. As I remember they've had the same challenge before for at least one other brand, and I'm pretty sure the winning entry didn't go "viral."

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  2. Aleksandr was my least favorite of all Carrie's men.  I know we weren't supposed to like him in Paris but right from the beginning when they met at the performance art show I wasn't feeling the chemistry. Ugh, so arrogant and superior and always using that patronizing tone with Carrie.  And not attractive at all. 

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  3. I'm all for married couples making decisions together but it seems Adam and Crosby handed their balls over to their wives and let them decide what they should do. Looks like Jasmine won out.

    Am I the only one who is very concerned that Amber is going to be living alone in that dingy apartment when the baby comes? I know her mother said she is totally going to be there for her but not really, she has spent most of this season with Hank and his evil daughter, now she's marrying into that mess. Good luck raising your baby alone, Amber.

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    (I feel compelled to begin my sentence with "So" because it seems to be a requirement for Shark Tank presentations. Drives. me. crazy.)


    Ooh--ouch, I didn't realize this sounds bad, I use this at work quite often.  I wonder if Toastmasters has this on their list of poor speaking habits.


    The Kang sisters, with all that impressive business education, surely could have come up with something better than a dating app?  Or maybe not, but so much potential there, they could have started just about any business they wanted.  I wonder if it will really ever take off.

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  5. If Crosby really intends to make a go of his business, does he understand that he has to lower his standard & work with all sorts of artists?  Commercials, pop, indie, etc will all help pay the bills.  Why does he think because his dump of a place was once a landmark he can just hang out an "Open" sign and artists will flock to his door??  It didn't work before the robbery and that biz philosophy won't work post insurance pay out either.  He can't work with temperamental artist as we've seen.  He has nothing for disdain for any paying customer who isn't part of the Bay Area Kool Kidz Klub. He has no patience or people skills to hustle for clients.  If I were his spouse I'd tell him take the insurance check and cash it before the company figures out they made a mistake. 


    The unrealistic portrayal of the insurance nonsense may be one of the final straws for me re. "real world" issues covered on this show.  Cancer, cost of college, divorce, illness, aging parents, bullies etc have all been handled with very fuzzy ties to the real world, but I know this is a TV show and these are not real people.  However, the insurance story really irks me.  I have a friend who's home burned to the ground 2 days after they signed the papers.  They had workers come in to start renovating on their first day of ownership. One of them left a heat gun on when they stopped work for the day. The fire started slow and burned for hours before anyone knew it.  That was over a year ago.  They are still dealing with the bank (and still on the hook for the mortgage payments) and the insurance company hasn't paid one cent.


    That's because your friends don't live in the fantasy world of the Bravermans where unrealistic timelines (and salaries) abound.  I'm surprised the insurance rep didn't have the check FedEx'd straight to the hospital after their 2-minute appraisal.  Then Amber could have gotten a check from Adam right there at her shower as a "gift." 

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  6. I recently discovered Ralph Senensky's website and I've found it so interesting that I'm working my way through every show he told about directing and watching what's available on tv or Netflix. Now I'm watching "The Gift" where Ron Howard plays Jason's terminally ill friend. Great performances but my real takeaway is this really was the Richard Thomas show--we barely see Jason, and RS told of how RT rewrote a critical scene between him and Ron Howard because he wanted more lines.

    Also enjoyed "The Chicken Thief."


    Geraldo - it's all been said.   He was a war correspondent in case anyone missed that.


    Oh is he?  I guess I missed that it was only reminded to us about five times.  Isn't he the one that got sent home for giving away the troops' location?


    Sorry to see Keshia go, she seemed sincere.  But again I'm wondering what options these contestants have if they don't have tons of generous friends with deep pockets, as she clearly didn't.  Why were they picked to be on the lineup then?  Unless they assumed she would call BC, or she implied that in casting.

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    I haven't had time to check and compare the credits but the cinematography of the final section (and the poofy Westwood gown) reminded me a lot of the work done in Sex and the City's "An American Girl in Paris" (Parts I & II).


    Good catch, I hadn't thought of that but I liked the filming of the scenes and was happy that she got to wear that beautiful dress and the designer who was crappy to her earlier in the season fell in crap while delivering it to her. 


    Paulie G got his comeuppance in my eyes despite the fact that apparently, he had his character portrayed by the likeable Seth Rogen as a nice guy dealing with the "stress" of evil VC and using the drugs to cope, at least that's how he spun it in Seeing Red.  It wasn't really hammered home to me until last night's episode that's what he was doing. 


    I would love to see more of these characters, but on the other hand, I like where it ended and we really don't need to see anymore-- kind of like the first SATC movie--we did not need that horrible sequel.  (Or as Valerie would say, "I don't need to see that!")

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  9. I'm hoping for a reconciliation between Valerie and Mark, but it's not looking likely.


    I didn't like Jane in this episode. 


    One thing I can say for Valerie is she has her own coping mechanisms which don't include those which many other faded, D-list celebrities might turn to, however annoying she may be.  No addiction, no starving and/or overeating.  And she chooses self-delusional optimism over bitterness (remember how bitter and angry Paulie G's former co-writer was at Nickelodeon?)  Yes, she paused for applause for I'm It, but when she didn't get it, it didn't seem to phase her, she just moved on.


    On the other hand she's also had two devoted cheerleaders--Mark and Mickey.  What happens if she loses both of them?      

    • Love 6
  10. I'm deeply saddened to log on this morning and see no new snark because the finale aired.

    What ever shall I do with all the new found free time?!

    *damn autocorrect


    Yes, I need one trainwreck reality show to add some spice.  What's next?  House of DVF was a boring, unsatisfactory replacement.


    With the season over I think it's safe to say that there is not and never was a "fairytale romance."  And just in case there was any doubt Mary Jo spoke to the subject in an invited appearance saying that Dean was "determined" (in other words a fame-seeking whore attracted to the Spelling name and fortune.)  Therefore if any further reality show deals get made I think they must be under the condition that Tori never utters the "F" word again because we're all sick of hearing it.

    • Love 4

    Lifetime has A Christmas Wish available on demand. Debbie Reynolds, Neil Patrick Harris and Naomi Watts, classin' up the Lifetime joint! This would never win any awards but it's got a lovely story to it with a message, albeit shmaltzy and melodramatic. But what's Christmas without shmaltz? (Katherine Chancellor's widower makes an appearance, for any Y&R fans.)


    I totally agree.  I'm not a big fan of Lifetime and Hallmark Christmas movies but I watched this a few years ago and enjoyed it.  Glad to see it's available on demand.  Two solid and heartfelt performances by Debbie Reynolds and Neil Patrick Harris.  Not a big fan of that little kid, though, wow what a bad actor. 


    I liked seeing the "mystery" through to the end and was truly surprised at the outcome.

  12. The pig was some kind of shield or security blanket for Tori, she walked in holding it to avoid an uncomfortable confrontation with Dean after their big blowout. I noticed she was holding Finn when she greeted Dean's ex at Jack's birthday party, and again when she greeted her mother at Hattie's party--in both cases she was nervous about seeing those people. Just an observation...

    • Love 7
  13. On the other hand it seemed like one of the few times she even noticed Hattie this entire season, so at least the kid got some attention. Meanwhile the birthday party ended up being all about Tori.

    • Love 1
  14. Yes, doesn't seem like there's much DVF can do at this point except cut her losses and choose the least objectionable candidate (Lenore or Amanda) and make them a dressing room attendant at her least busy store. 


    But it does seem like they were kind of set up to be late for the Hamptons house fitting, and the whole "let's have a big party and invite a bunch of people we don't know!" was obviously staged and scripted.  Really, they left the girls alone, unattended overnight in that big house with a pool?


    I think the objective was to get a bunch of young people on a show on E, get them to fight and incite drama to get young people to watch, giving exposure to the line.  And they are all attractive and wore the clothes well.  Not sure if this would actually inspire young people to flock to DVF stores to buy her stuff... 

    • Love 4
  15. Sorry if it's already been discussed on one of these Tori-related boards before and I missed it, but has it occurred to anyone that Tori is in some kind of post-natal depression bordering on post-natal psychosis after having the last two babies so close together?  If so, that's no joke and she should be getting attention for it.  I'm assuming that Dr. Wexler would have caught this, and gotten her a "real" doctor for treatment, but then again, it is Dr. Wexler we're talking about.  


    I only randomly watched the earlier reality series, but from what I remember Tori was a lot happier, more cheerful, more grounded, more attentive and affectionate to her babies, more everything. And she appeared to be at a healthier weight then, even when she wasn't pregnant.  Yes, it must be painful to have your spouse cheat on you but is that really all that's going on here?    

    I'm calling "foul" on the so-called "Dean called his rehab buddy without telling Tori." Ms Spelling has been shown to be a micro-managing control freak. Do we really think that she doesn't know every release that gets signed? Made-up drama by the show, because Tori's expired breasts didn't get her enough sympathy.

    Agreed this was all staged and scripted bs.


    And can I just add that Courtney comes across to me as that friend who only shows up when there's drama, so she can get all the gossip.  But like others have said, she's a paid cast member, not a friend at all.

    • Love 6
  16. Just tuned in the past few episodes and not liking anyone at this point. I actually thought maybe it was ok for Amanda to try to help out the daughter while Lenore was picking out stuff for the mother. But the way they argued in front of the customers was so wrong on both parts. Lenore is unpolished, Kier is just strange and Brittany is always going to be the bitchy one. Everyone deserves a goodbye bag. But if I had to choose anyone I guess it would be Amanda because she's the least objectionable. And a little dull so maybe malleable enough to be a spokespuppet for a dull fashion brand.

  17. Leave it to this dingbat to make Hattie Cat's birthday party all about her. BTW how cute was Hattie in her fairy outfit! Anyway... Why did she invite Mary Jo? There was no reason to invite her. Why did she invite Candy Gram if the woman is going to make you get a migraine? Tatum O'Neal was a mess, obviously still on something. I thought that it was sad that a 3 year olds birthday was all conflict and drama all because Tori couldn't just focus on her daughter and her daughter alone.

    I hope those fake friends are getting paid a lot. Tori was a total buzzkill on that whole trip. If I had a friend like her I'd run as fast as I could away from this selfish, Whiney twit!

    I don't condone Dean cheating on Tori but I'm almost 100% on Team Dean at this point.

    And why are they looking for help with the kids while Dean is working? Can't Tori take care of her own kids? And she was worried again about Dean being alone with the kids. Why? It looked like he was doing a good job while she was on her whine trip. Plus helper Laura was there too.

    This really is the show I love to hate!

    This is an awesome synopsis of tonight's episode. I really have nothing more to add except the female friend of Deans being interviewed for the babysitting job the minute Tori was out of the house was too strange, either the producers arranged it because they wanted to create drama or there is something, or the potential for something going on between her and Dean.

    • Love 3
  18. Dean gets a call from his agent that he got the CSI booking on his home phone land line, not his cell, and he just happens to be standing idly near it with a camera crew when the call comes. Ok.

    • Love 4

    Poor Drew, the only sympathetic character left on this show.  Run away, Drew!!!  Go meet up with Haddie in Europe and form an ex-Braverman support group.  Take Nora with you so she has a fighting chance.


    Agreed.  Drew is about the only one I still like at this point.  RUN DREW RUN!  Otherwise I see him quitting college in a year to help support Amber's baby for the next 18 years.  His mother has been checked out these past few months, seemingly leaving Amber alone to figure out just how she's going to support herself when the baby comes, and Drew has taken on this burden.  Amber is harassing him all the time, doesn't seem to get that HELLO college is intense he needs to study not go out on "dates" with you or drive you to Wyoming.


    If Zeke lives he will continue to harass the poor kid.  And yes, Haddie was wise to get FAR the hell away from her Max-centric family, and even as a single college student would probably still be more attentive to Nora than Kristina and Adam are.


    Edited to say I still like Nora and Aida, so added to my list of the Bravermans I still like.  I would also add Victor but he's not technically a Braverman because he has a different last name.

  20. So during Dean's meltdown the white guru supposedly morphed into a dark-skinned guru which implied, what exactly--more wisdom? More credibility as a new-age guru? Sounds a little racist to me.

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  21. If anything the reality show gave Dean exposure.  Seriously, before the past few years and the much-publicized scandals, plenty of people knew who Tori was, but was Dean really that well-known outside of Canada?  I'm sure he can find some way to cash in on his notoriety.

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  22. I watched all of the first season and now I'm caught up on S2. I get Valerie's ignorance of pop culture, I think it's because she lives in a self-centered bubble which is her way of coping with her loss of fame.

    The dress she ended up wearing to the golden globes looked like a bad, Ill-fitting prom dress--was this just my take or did the designer just not care?

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