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Posts posted by wayne67

  1. If Fish rebelled and caused the prisoners to be unmanageable it would have been far easier to just separate the prisoners into smaller groups where they'd be easier to handle. Honestly it made no sense for 100 prisoners to be all locked in the one cell together. It makes it way too easy for them to overpower the 3 or so guards that seem to run this prison. Also it means that the prisoners are prone to all sorts of communicable diseases. WORST RUN PRISON EVER. Even worse than the Arkham asylum that has a switch that opens all cells in the place. 

  2. HELE = Human Extinction Level Event


    Whatever is going to happen is going to wipe out the entire population, making the wasteland we see in the future.


    The plan of Erica Kravid is to time travel selected humans and evos, along with materiel to create a new civilization.  


    Yeah I got that ... The problem is I'm not clear on what's supposed to kill us all. The changing magnetic poles or the giant sun spots ? 


    It would have been easier to just say there was a giant comet heading to wipe out the Earth. It would have been less stupid.

    • Love 4
  3. Phoebe's emo act is really annoying. Take a damn shower and shut the hell up, Phoebe. You don't want your evil power to stop other's abilities and steal light? Then stop conjuring a shadow at all times. She was acting all "woe is me" when talking to Quentin about her power, but it seems like if she would stop using it then it wouldn't have that effect on people. It's a situation entirely of her own choosing. Ugh, she was so likeable in Dark Matters and now I don't think I'll be satisfied until someone murders her. 


    Maybe they fire her from a cannon into the sun and her dark power can reduce the amount of sun spots... or whatever... At this point it'd be the only way to redeem her character after she helped to kill 3000 people or whatever the total number was after the rubble had been cleared.


    It's bad that after 10 episodes of a 13 episode run I'm still not clear what the actual danger is. They made it much clearer in the first season of the original show complete with catch phrase, don't let Claire get eaten by Sylar and don't let Nuke Man get upset. or Save the Cheerleader save the world. Here we have dull and duller siblings. 

    • Love 6
  4. That sounds like a possibility :)


    Back to Nathan/Tommy possibly going back to stop Claire - if she didn't listen to reason, Tommy could just steal her powers, thus keeping her from demonstrating them :)  Of course, that means he's stuck in the past, but maybe wouldn't cease to exist.  (Okay, I'm reaching here LOL)


    It would be an interesting test of Claire's regeneration ability. Would her power be stronger than the disappearing from time tv cliche? I don't know why they just don't push Erica off the stairs and come up with their own plan to save the world. Though with these heroes... They're not exactly the brain trust. Then again neither are the citizens judging by their bigotry against Evo's, who think picking a fight with a chick that has weather control is a smart idea. There's no Xavier in this universe so I'm not sure why the Evo's aren't just going F U to the bigoted humans and saying "Think you're hard enough ?"

    • Love 1
  5. Even though the promos aren't considered spoilers, since the last 3 episodes are several weeks away I thought I would post here in talking about it.  So Nathan/Tommy believes that he knows the right place to undo everything, while Erica claims that they will all cease to exist if he goes back and makes the change.  I thought at first that the change might be preventing Claire from revealing her powers; if that included Hayden P. actually appearing, it would be great - Tommy would get to meet his mom before ceasing to exist.  But why would that mean Erica would no longer exist, unless she was lying or just plain wrong.  Any thoughts?


    I'm assuming that if Erica is stuck in the future timeline where the apocalypse went through and he changed the past to stop it from happening... She'd be stuck in a future timeline that won't exist any more. She and that future colony would either be erased from time and space. Or at least that's my guess.

    • Love 2
  6. Why they don't just go back in time to when Erika was a baby or a child and kill her I'll never understand. Of course there would be no show but it makes sense to take her out when she is small


    I don't know why they just don't stab her now ! She's interfering with the chance to stop a global apocalypse so she can start a colony in the future.. I don't know why Tommy just didn't teleport the other 3 into a volcano instead of following them to the future. Honestly the second I found a scar on the back of my neck I would have grabbed a knife and stabbed Shadow Girl and been done with talking to my jackass kidnappers. 


    Everyone on this show is so stupid I'm kind of hoping they all get killed by the apocalypse.

    • Love 9
  7. Yeah I found that ridiculous that the device was sitting out in the open completely obvious....could they have not tried to at least hide it under a car or something?   The water thing I had less of a problem with.   It's common knowledge that water and electricity do not mix.   And while it's true it's not for the reason of short-circuiting as many people mistakenly believe thanks to comics....but your average unfiltered tap water has so many other impurities in it that it would actually serves as a conductor to rapidly ground her given the high potential difference of your standard electrical super-villain.


    Actually my issue was more that if the water ended up serving as a conductor LiveWire may have spread out until she dispersed entirely through the ambient water. Her just shorting out and lying on the ground dazed makes no sense. At first I thought Kara was actually trying to kill Livewire since water on living lightning has no known effect since that usually isn't covered in Earth science classes. It just confuses me as to what is Kara's stance on violence as she didn't really have a plan past trapping her. 


    Oh well hopefully next episode they'll have her dealing with something alien and I won't have to think about it. 


    That said where is her aunt ? Also how did the non Earth Sun powered Kryptonians capture all these alien threats... Also what happened to those other 10 planets Kara visited ?

  8. I was kinda bummed that they had Boone "pretend" he was gay. Like, maybe that's how it was written the whole time! But I'm cynical and jaded and can't help but feel like someone on Team Jonas was like, "Um, no, he can only be gay on one TV show at a time. Here are more shirtless pics, though."


    Part of me feels like I should be annoyed that they made the only gay male character a straight guy... On the other hand I find Boone too hilarious to care that much. Poor Dead Boone.

    • Love 1
  9. Speaking of the Flash, unfortunately, it seems they've copied this formula from that show.

    Step 1: Fight #1: hero defeated

    Step 2: Pep talk, assistance from Team,

    Step 3: Fight #2: hero wins.

    It's annoying to me, because now I have to watch this play out twice a week.


    IMHO The Flash Victories are even worse because the second fight with the VOW is usually his team of super smart people reminding the other supposedly intelligent character to run faster... which is his only ability. Running fast. Which is one of the many reasons I stopped watching that show.

    As for this episode/ rematch fight. Kara's plan hinged on the fact the VOW wouldn't notice the weird black object in the middle of the street and getting "lucky" with a convenient water gushing instrument around... Even though she would have no idea that would work... because that's not really how water and electricity/energy even works. It also bugs me that Kara apparently has a super secret government section supposedly to help back her up and none of them seem to be around during any of these battles. Yes I know they shouldn't detract focus but couldn't there be some random Agents around to monitor the situation.


    For a Hero with the family phrase Stronger together, she does seem to not rely on her team much. Where was Winn during her ambush of LiveWire ? 

  10. Seems to me for some reason Supergirl the Show (and the character) has been subject to a real "can't win" thing from fan analysis. If she has trouble she's "got no credibility".  If she DOESN'T have any trouble, the script has no credibility (and likely is boring, to boot). Similarly, if she's got any interpersonal conflict, she's suddenly Super-Angst Girl, if she doesn't have any conflict, she's Super Boring Girl.  If Superman isn't mentioned, the show is "dodging it". If he IS mentioned the show is "relying on him too much". If the baddies were Superman A-listers, I'm sure that last charge would be extended even more, but since they aren't they're all "B list" and thus unworthy of the show (I know that's not literally what was said by the last poster... I'm just taking the argument to an extreme equal to some of these others). If the Superhero tropes are too fully bought into, many seem to not be able to look past them, but if they're challenged by the show, some others seem to think that's too gimmicky.


    Honestly it's a wonder anyone is watching at all if it's all "can't wins" like these.


    To be fair lots of shows have to balance between two extremes in order to prevent backlash from fans. There are some legit criticisms of the way Kara fights, even from the characters themselves, like how Alex said she has no fighting experience... because she has no fighting experience. Also the fact that the writers seem to forget that Kara has super speed is frustrating in fights especially when they could have tried for a super speed battle between LiveWire and SuperGirl this episode.


    I like the show and the main character for the most part but her fighting is kind of by the numbers plot contrivance victories.

    • Love 1
  11. I think it's much more limiting in terms of story potential though.  It's the 5 second reveal (which Alfred Hitchcock argued against) rather than the multi-episode slow discovery and rehabilitation of Cat.  It would also make Cat smarter than everyone else on the show, from Kara to Alex to Jimmy and Winn.


    I'm not that up on comic book fandom but has there ever been a boss who knows the superhero's identity?  Not Perry White or J.Jonah Jameson or even Singh over on The Flash.   For me it's more fun to have the alternate identity try to juggle saving things and a clueless boss than it would be for example for Cat to say to Kara "There's a potential earthquake in the south west. Go and deal with it, and bring me a Bulletproof coffee on your way back."


    A question for those who think Cat already knows -- Do you think she does because you see it as a better story?  Or because you're rooting for Calista Flockhart (like Lana Parilla in Once Upon a Time)?


    I don't see how it would make Cat smarter than everyone else. James already knew as did Alex and Winn found out 5 minutes after her coming up. It's one thing to ignore that your coworker look 95% like the guy on the newspaper because you can think it's only surface deep but it's another thing entirely to suspend disbelief when the person you hear every day giving you their thoughts about your articles shows up in costume in front of you with the exact same voice. 


    I don't really see how Cat not knowing improves anything. It's not like it ramps up story stakes as it's doubtful she'd reveal Super Girl's identity to the public for a quick buck because it'd probably mean she'd lose her in. If it is revealed that Cat knew from the start or figured it after the 4th conversation they had about SuperGirl then it actually opens up a whole new line of access for the both of them. Cat can feed Super Girl all sorts of info and provide extra resources and Super Girl can provide her exclusive details about her fights. Win Win as far as I'm concerned. They don't have to have all these stupid beating around the bush advice sessions. Cat can just tell SuperGirl how to boost her PR image directly. 

    • Love 1
  12. From the PTV article: "Have I read too much into a pattern that wasn't really there?" My answer is Yes. There's been a whole lot of extrapolating from relatively little evidence. So Greg's song was not only good in itself, it put an end to that kind of rule-pronouncing. The show's a musical, and we can just move on.


    Or it could be that Greg has lost his mind due to the pressures of mediocrity and mundane obligations. 


    Though I'm just assuming it's a musical where people make no sense and burst into song for no real reason solely for my varying level of entertainment.

    • Love 2
  13. Livewire had the coolest powers so far, but that was about it.  Usually like Brit Morgan, but she was a bit one-note.


    Totally agree on this point but her motivations were kind of lame. You caused me to get incredibly awesome super powers so I'm going to kill you or something... 


    Doesn't really track. Also does the whole shorting out an energy being with water make any sense whatsoever ? Doesn't that only work with electrical appliances? 


    Alex & her mom drama was really effective in the making me hate the mom for putting all that pressure of looking after Kara on a 14 year old. 

  14. I don't know why I watch this show, none of it makes the slightest bit of sense. 


    I'm now confused as to whether the apocalypse has already happened or if this is just the result of one of the regular near apocalyptic events that seem to regularly happen in this universe.

    • Love 2
  15. I think the actor is hot... but I have no interest in the character. I don't really get who he is supposed to be. He just seems like a baby sitter for Kara on behalf of Superman who is apparently too busy to check in on his only surviving family member ever. 


    His whole wanting to prove himself seems kind of weak as there's no discernible way he could do so.

    • Love 1
  16. I enjoyed the fact that someone finally did something with the zombies. It always bugs me that no one in a zombie apocalypse ever digs a spike trap.


    Admittedly I was confused by the zombies avoiding fire. I never knew they had much of a self preservation instinct. I still have no idea how those zombies broke the casino. Probably shouldn't think about it too much. 

  17. Wow, that last scene b/t Jimmy and Gretchen was awful.  I don't know how depression works, but I mean seriously, Gretchen couldn't just sit there and let Jimmy vent?!  


    As someone who has had days like that where all I want to do is hide under a blanket and pretend the world doesn't exist, those type of social situations are hell. From Gretchen's POV she's checked out, apathetic, miserable and trapped in her own hell and Jimmy and his whole family are forcing her to engage at a time when she is unable to cope with her own psycho drama let alone anyone else's. When Jimmy asked to vent, he didn't just want to vent, he wanted her to care about his problems too. She was way too far down the rabbit hole of her own depression to be able to do so.


    From Jimmy's POV Gretchen has gone from a fun hot mess to a sad sack who mopes and has no objective reason to be depressed. Since Gretchen won't talk about it and doesn't seem to want to get any sort of treatment whether that's therapy or medication; he doesn't know what to do to help and he's stuck watching all the vibrancy of his girlfriend fade to nothing and is not allowed to comment or try and help. As well as dealing with his own issues and family drama. Sometimes it's easier to talk to someone who is not invested in any of the players. Edgar and Lindsey are both too close to Gretchen & Jimmy to be unbiased listeners.


    It's a messy situation and there's no easy answer. Gretchen can't pretend that her depression isn't an issue indefinitely when it's obviously effecting people around her and Jimmy isn't the sort of person who can just sit by and not comment on his frustration with the situation.

    • Love 1
  18. What happened to Brad?  Emily says that Tommy is her boyfriend even though she has a boyfriend?  Whatever, I guess he's just hanging out with Claire's boyfriend that could fly and Peter's Irish girlfriend.


    Maybe he was another butterfly squished beneath time's cruel heel. Or she's one of those people that bail on their former bf without a second thought. Even in the first timeline she wasn't that concerned about cheating on Brad.

    • Love 1
  19. Honestly I'm not sure why I'm even watching any more other than to see what kind of crappy resolution we will get at the end of the season. At this point they're flat out murdering the interesting EVO's or making them so stupid they're useless I'm not sure whether I'll make it to the end.


    HRG was so frustrating. I would have just shot Phoebe and Tommy would have got his powers back and could have teleported out. DONE AND DONE.


    This show is stupid as are the characters. Tommy I get why you saved your girlfriend but why did you save the woman who just murdered Penny Man? 

    • Love 8
  20. Villian 1, Vartox, had been beaten but committed suicide rather than being captured. Which was somewhat a cheat because even though he lost his axe and was injured because of that, it seems like he could still fight.


    Villain 2, the Hellgrammite, was actually beaten by Alex. I am assuming he's chilling in a DEO cell somewhere. (Astra was able to fly away even though she had a Kryptonite dagger in her. For plot reasons, Supergirl didn't pursue.)


    Villain 3, Reactron, was beaten and captured.


    Thanks for that. The fights aren't particularly memorable for me. Did we find out if Reactron got sent to a normal person jail or a super jail ? 


    I'm guessing they are going for a combo of contrived Batman type deaths and capture. I doubt they'd want to address whether SuperGirl would kill until it comes to the season finale where Alura and Kara fight each other to the death for... reasons.

  21. While I totally get how this is off-putting, I don't think the direction is false, or purposely weighting in favor of trying to make Jimmy the "bad guy." Understandably, Jimmy wants to "fix" her, and justifiably Gretchen is going to feel the way she feels. This storyline has always been about making clinical depression understandable. Gretchen already told him what she needs from him, is for him to accept her and accept that she can't be fixed. That's as clear as day of a message; don't know what else she can say to make that anymore direct. If Jimmy was interested in understanding her perspective, he would've asked her (as someone mentioned above) how she deals. What I really liked was when Lindsay came out of the haunted house and Gretchen told her about Jimmy's agenda -- it was no surprise to Lindsay, as it should be no surprise to Gretchen or any of us. Relationships are hard in general, but coping with half of that relationship living with mental illness is a task for all sides. I don't even know what I'm trying to say in response here, sorry for the tangent, I just don't think the writers are actively trying to paint Jimmy in any bad light in favor of Gretchen. Both are justified in feeling how they feel and dealing how they deal -- wrong or right.


    BUT, what did rub me the wrong way was Jimmy's thinking she was merely "sad." While I hated to hear him say that, I think it was an intentional point to make that he as well as most people don't understand clinical depression. Being sad doesn't necessarily equate to being clinically depressed, and the fact that he thought Sunday Funday wouldn't make her sad anymore was a perfect illustration to highlight an aspect of the stigma surrounding it. 


    The most heartbreaking part of this episode was Jimmy's initial excitement that his plan was working, and then Gretchen's (well-intentioned) lie to pacify him. 


    I watched that haunted house sequence numerous times, it was so fucking terrifying, all I could do was laugh. And to think, there are house experiences like that that exist, and I can't believe people actually pay for it. (I found myself inclined to be curious enough to sign up for that)


    I can see both sides. Jimmy wants to help but he has no idea what Gretchen is going through and Gretchen doesn't really want to deal with his generally well meaning but unhelpful help/expectations. It would help if Gretchen told Jimmy how she normally deals with it or if Jimmy bothered to look up clinical depression but Jimmy is Jimmy and he is a narcissist who thinks the world should revolve around him and he doesn't want to admit that there is no real way of resolving Gretchen's underlying condition other than to be there and help her ride the waves of depression. 

    • Love 1
  22. The interpersonal dynamics alone would make a great movie.  In particular, I found it interesting how Superman kept his distance from everything until it was inevitable that he would have to become involved.  Makes it easy to see how Ka-El could go years without seeing Cousin Kara.  To your comment, I found it very insightful that once Zatanna (who I wouldn't mind showing up in Supergirl) decides she'll no longer perform the wind-wipes, the other JLA members automatically assume that Martian Manhunter will.  If Supergirl lasts as long as Smallville, we need to see Kara faced with those kinds of ethical decisions.  In ten seasons of Smallville, Clark never faced those kinds of life-altering dilemnas, which is rather unrealitic given his powers and the bad guys he faced who were often out to kill his loved ones.  That's why Kara needs to hold the line at four as far as non-family who knows who she really is.


    Didn't Clark from Smallville Universe benefit from a whole bunch of convenient amnesia's whenever his super identity got compromised? I hope this show doesn't do that every time someone finds out about her. 


    Back on topic. Are Red Eye Guy and Kara's sister the only people that work at DEO ? That organisation seems poorly staffed considering the threat level to the  city/world. Do we know what Kara's stance on villains are ? I can't actually remember (wasn't paying attention to)  what happened to Villain 1 & 3. I remember bug guy got shivved by Kara's sister for being shanghaied into service which seemed like massive overkill. Does she prioritize capture like Flash or incidental death like Batman comics ?

  23. Actually I meant Identity Crisis, by Brad Meltzer and Rags Morales.  Its an interesting study in the depths to which super heores have to go to in order to protect their loved ones. Which is partly why Alex's advice of "stop telling everyone who you are," rang so true, and Kara seemed to blow her off.  Probably part of her learning curve.  On that note, if I were Supes, I'd be toooo pissed that my "Pal" James let my secret identity slip so thoughtlessly.


    Oh okay. Identity Crisis sounds like a much more entertaining plot judging solely by the wikipedia entry on it. Those superheroes are awfully quick to violate people memories to get their own way. 


    I think there is a fine line between being all alone with your super secret and telling basically everyone you meet (like Flash). So far Kara's super identity is known by at least 4 people, one of which has evil red eyes and it's the 3rd episode. Honestly I find it unbelievable that her boss hasn't clued in to Kara's identity considering that Kara keeps asking how Super Girl should act and Super Girl acts that way. Also Cat? has a tape recording of her assistant's voice. It's one thing not to notice similar face and hair. It's another not to recognise the voice of your assistant. 


    Also Kara seems to be quite ignorant of how interviews work considering she works at a newspaper. *sigh* I'm hoping these are merely teething issues and this stuff will be slowly phased out. 

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