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Posts posted by DrSparkles

  1. On 6/25/2024 at 12:32 AM, paigow said:

    When Fuckboy bitched at Otto about not addressing the King respectfully, Otto said the King is my grandson ...  so maybe grandson does apply to any relation 2+ generations down...

    Thanks All! I wasn't necessarily trying to point out an error, just trying to get things straight in my brain. I don't follow as closely as some people do, so I could've been way off in my trying to figure out generations 🤣

  2. Is this correct: otto is father to Alicent, mom of King Aegon & grandmother of murdered infant boy. Doesn’t that make Otto the great-grandfather?

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  3. I had to remind myself that Carl’s mom lost her other son very recently & with Carl in recovery… I am sure she worries about him even more than a mom normally would with someone like Lindsey in the picture.

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  4. 23 minutes ago, Jaundiced Eye said:

    You are correct. Schwartz says he was pre-med at Florida State University. For what it's worth, I suspect he is probably the smartest of the group. Schwartz often uses "big words" that people ridicule, but, as opposed to Ariana, seems to use them correctly. Personally, I've never met a dummy who was pre-med anywhere, at any time.

    SAYS  he was pre-med…

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  5. 2 hours ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

    What makes Schwartz think he’d be a great dad? Does he realize there’s a chance the baby might be a girl? 

    You know there’s zero chance Schwartz knows how biology works. ZERO.

    • LOL 9
  6. I remain befuddled by spending so much money (not these losers but generally speaking) on a summer share house, to only really spend one full day there a week. Friday they drive out and then they pack up and leave Sunday mornings.

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  7. 12 minutes ago, Carolina Girl said:

    Now I'm confused.  If I'm on my cellphone someone can track me down?  I have to actively BLOCK my location?  

    Not that I know of. The way I know how it works on my iPhone, is that I would have to go to an individual contact and scroll to the bottom of the info, and share my location, and then it gives you an option for one hour, until the end of day, or indefinitely. I don’t share my location with anyone indefinitely. And I only share it at all when I am on long ass road trips with my dog, and then I share it with people at my destination. That way, if something happens to me, they can hopefully find my body. 

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  8. On 2/13/2023 at 9:11 AM, cardigirl said:

    I think the whole discussion of who has the right to decide whose life is worth more was broached pretty well. Clearly, Kathleen couldn't understand the need for her brother to die, so that Sam might live. Her brother was a good man, a great man, I guess, if we go by what was said about him. (We don't actually get to meet him.) And he was betrayed by someone who loved him, because Henry loved Sam more than he loved Kathleen's brother. 

    Kathleen's brother was killed by FEDRA, clearly a corrupt organization. Kathleen became corrupt in her need for vengence. But her questions about others' actions, the collaborators, and how did they feel now, when they were about to feel the consequences of their actions. All of that was a little murky. What exactly was the need for FEDRA to have informers for? Why were they hunting Kathleen's brother? The resistance was resisting what?  

    This is where the show is more like a video game (to me). No real explanation of anything. Just our two heroes in danger constantly, a semi-defined goal of getting Ellie to someplace where they are working on a cure.

    Why is there no cooperation between safe zones?  Is it impossible to maintain any kind of communication system? Is wireless radio the only way to communicate long distances? Is there agriculture anywhere? Some kind of food production? Pockets of oases where chickens, pigs, cows survived, or is everyone living on 20 year old cans of Chef Boy-ar-dee (which, btw, would contain flour)? 

    Back to who gets to live and who gets to die ... Sam is clearly an innocent. He's young, cute, and adorable. Someone worth caring about. So protect the innocents at all cost? When Joel told Ellie he was sorry she had to go through all of this (i.e., fighting for her life, shooting someone, listening as Joel finished him off), he was mourning her lost innocence. 

    Perhaps Kathleen's brother would have willingly gone to FEDRA, if it would save Sam. Perhaps not. But in a world of limited resources, people start making decisions about how to spread the resources around. When Kathleen said children die all the time, she was baring her grief. Why was Sam's life worth more than her brother's? 

    Joel said earlier in the show, that the only people you fight for are family. Since Sam was not Kathleen's family, she couldn't see why Henry would do what he did. Since Kathleen's brother was not Henry's brother, he could do what he did for his family, Sam.

    While I was silently cheering when the hoards of infected came up and got rid of the resisters, I thought the basic question of how does one decide who gets the resources to live and who doesn't was a great one. More of a philosophical discussion than I would expect from a show based on a video game. 

    P.S. Comparing this situation to the COVID situation, there was a lot of scary talk on both sides.  

    P.P.S.  Apparently children were still being born after the start of the infection. Both Ellie and Sam were younger than the 20 years this infection has been going on.

    I’m so very tardy to the party, but wrt your first PS, wait… what??

    I feel like, yes, there will be a lot of sociopaths who survive (& thrive) in a post-apocalyptic world. I, on the other hand, will simply ☮️ out 👋🏽.

  9. On 2/21/2024 at 1:29 AM, ZettaK said:

    Rachel gave Graham to her family when she went into the mental health facility. He bit her mother (Graham was a biter when he was with Rachel and James, as well because James encouraged it by playing with him), and he was surrendered to a Goldendoodle Rescue. Graham had issues after he reunited with James- we saw a little bit in previews tonight. 

    If I left my dog w my family while I went to rehab/a spa, and they SURRENDERED her?!?!?!?

    also, I think that Lala may be looking at James as the one that got away.

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  10. I loooooove this. I love their off-stage hijinks, but really enjoy their more serious conversations. 
    ETA: Mark Cuban seems sooooo creepy & Dave Letterman is a class act.

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  11. 5 hours ago, Taget said:


    Unless Tom's real end game was to end any chance of Shiv and Mattson hooking up (both business wise and in real life)

    This is about as close as we can get to a happy ending if Mattson follows through with it.  Makes me wish Elon Musk had bought Fox News/Newscorp instead of Twitter so we could see what the complete gutting of a media company looks like in real life!

    I expected Stewy to screw over Kendall too.  But I guess it was part of the drama to make us think Kendall had "won."  Still I do expect given the ratings success they will try to do a spinoff.  And a Stewy centered "Billions" type show about an Iranian-American vulture capitalist is something I could see.


    Shiv going back to Tom now makes more sense.  Shiv throughout the series played on Tom's insecurities saying implicitly and even explicitly that he was out of her league.  That she was slumming with the help.  Only now that he's CEO does she even consider him being in her league.  She always viewed his ambitions as being pathetic and a joke.  She might humor him or she might ridicule him.  But she always undermined him both professionally and emotionally.  The funny thing is she ended up boosting him when she denigrated him to Mattson as being a pathetic lapdog since that was exactly what he was looking for in a CEO.

    So now if even if she still looks down on him she has less ammunition to lord it over him.  Meaning they may be able to finally have a somewhat more balanced relationship.  That said his stay as CEO might be limited since he won't be needing an American CEO after regulatory approval.  He may get a nice golden parachute out of it.


    So who was that guy who followed Kendall?  I was thinking federal agent or someone his family hired to follow him around or simply a bodyguard. 



    WRT that first paragraph: dammmmnnnnnnnnn. 😮‍💨. If it’s true, Tom!

    I wasn’t too impressed with the $200k salary for NYC. I don’t think it’s that big of a baller salary (again, for NYC).

    What horrible people, what fantastic acting.

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  12. 22 hours ago, RoseAllDay said:

    Gee, for such a happy and fulfilled couple, Tom and Rachel sure look downright miserable. And him slipping up and calling her Ariana. 

    Rachel’s already wondering when, not if, Sandoval’s going to run out on her…

    no way in hell her mom/fam didn’t put that entire train of thought in her empty gourd.

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