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Posts posted by RogerFromOhio

  1. I went to Twitter just to see how they were "live tweeting".... both Whoopi and Joy are silent.... but that isnt surprising.


    Raven is just repeating things that were said...and retweeting what others say...... not really sharing her opinion.


    Michelle is trying to make jokes about everything.


    Paula is quite engaging... she is commenting on others and asking questions..... Im starting to like her more and more

  2. Speaking of Paula.... see what I did there Whoopi??

    I just saw she favored my tweet to her


    LaTosha Adams and Paula Faris favorited your Tweet
    Sep 10: @paulafaris polls have no substance.... they change daily and can be manipulated by those asking questions.... why not ask policy questions?


    Who knows... maybe they are listening to us.



    Oh... Kenz... I welcome our disagreement...... it makes us both stronger  :)

    • Love 1
  3. I see your point, Roger. The difference for me is that this comedian was on a long, UNFUNNY diatribe about fat people. Throwing insults out left and right on You Tube is not a comedy routine to me. ( I never thought Don Rickles was funny either, and his whole schtick was insults.) I used to cringe when Joan Rivers made mean remarks about Elizabeth Taylor's weight, but her whole routine wasn't on that one subject, and she was very funny, even if she was cringe inducing. She could get away with a lot of meanness, I know, but I still thought she was brilliant.

    This YouTube comic has other topics on other issues..... they just focused on this fat shaming.

    It is not my cup of tea... and honestly I didnt find her all that funny..... she tried to joke from the start but Whoopi scolded her about that too..... I may not like that video but she has just as much right to be offensive than the other comics at that table

    I thought Don Rickles was very funny...... but I thought Joan Rivers was just mean...... but she was entitled to be mean.... and Im sure all of the comics at the table would praise her if she did the same comic set as this guest.

    I think scolding her like they did was quite unprofessional by ladies who each use offensive comedy in their acts.

    • Love 7
  4. Good for you Paula.


    The 3 comedians at the table were HAMMERING the guest who put out the fat shaming video...... and Paula called them out and said... just a few minutes ago you said there is no line in comedy... why are you so critical now.


    they all 3 scolded her.... the guest (not sure what her name is) handled it very well I thought

    • Love 12
  5. Michell brought up the Nurse "scandal"

    Joy said she just wasnt paying attention..... they were talking about a beauty pageant and there was someone on the screen in scrubs.... she thought it was a costume and didnt realize she was a nurse.


    And Whoopi's comment was quite telling..... I dont know what happened I wasnt here... evidently she wasnt watching either.

    • Love 2
  6. Twice Raven was asked what she wants to see from the politicians..... all she can come up with is she wants to be entertained because they are on her TV.... but she needs to understand that they are on her TV to inform her.... but It must be said Raven.... if you want substance from the candidates.... you need to come up with what you want to hear.

    • Love 6
  7. They are talking about the debates tonight.... I really want them to ask Trump....

    You say you want to be a President to bring jobs back to America.... how can we believe that when most of the products your companies produce are produced overseas??


    Using a term made "famous" by Raven.....


    Why are the ladies of the view all on Donald Trump's jock strap??

    • Love 4
  8. Why didn't big Sal get a job with health benefits? instead of being just fine with tax payers getting the bills.

    Haters gotta hate..... He is a teacher... it took time for school to start for him to start working...... Personally I think all children should receive government insurance no matter the income level of the parents...... most substitution teachers dont receive health benefits


    Oh... and California went after the surrogate for child support.


    I have no idea why so many people defend Sherri when way too often she discards children/fetus when they become inconvenient. I have never heard of a man being defended for walking away from his child

    • Love 8
  9. Roger, you lead a charmed life.  You meet celebrities, you meet presidential candidates, celebrities respond to your tweets.  

    Well Im not shy  lol

    Honestly I went an watched a lot of open mic shows in Columbus...... Jewel was a cute girl with a guitar and a lovely voice.


    I met my girlfriend that way.... I met her on the bus and she invited me to her open mic show..... she had a great voice... she could have been a star.

    • Love 2
  10. Whoopie said she wasn't there yesterday because her daughter was sick and they thought she might need surgery but she doesn't. Maybe she was subdued because she's worried about her.

    I think it is more like TPTB pointed out how well Joy did as moderator 2 days..... and after a bit of a scolding.... and maybe a threat or 2...... Whoopi had an epiphany..... we shall see going forward.

    After reading that... I realized how much that sounded like a fantasy  hahahahhaa

    • Love 5
  11. Not to go too far off topic but I had an argument with a friend who insists this country is a Christian nation and it's those "Christian" principals that allow others to practice their chosen religion.  That more or less the U.S is tolerating all these other religions.  I tried to explain to her the error of thinking but she just wasn't having it.  Kinda reminded me of Sherri and Elisabeth.  You just can't reason with someone who is so strident in their views.

    If it ever comes up again you could point out the Treaty of Tripoli..... it says right in it that America is NOT a Christian nation.


    ARTICLE 11.

    As the government of the United States of America is not in any sense founded on the Christian Religion,-as it has in itself no character of enmity against the laws, religion or tranquility of Musselmen,-and as the said States never have entered into any war or act of hostility against any Mehomitan nation, it is declared by the parties that no pretext arising from religious opinions shall ever produce an interruption of the harmony existing between the two countries.

    • Love 3
  12. I'm surprised that no one on the panel mentioned the transformation of sorts that Kim Davis went through prior to returning today. New glasses, dyed hair, make up. Presented a much more 'camera ready' appearance today when she was interviewed on the courthouse steps. And also surprised that Joy didn't wonder aloud about Davis's lawyers using her to create more buzz about their law firm which has inserted itself into a few other incidents that became national news.



    It isnt really surprising..... at the first rally she was getting out of jail... she would have had few comforts of home... where as yesterday she was dressed for work when she read her statement. Of course her lawyers are there to promote themselves.... when they go on the talking head shows there they are with the name of their organization on the curtain behind them...... for promotional purposes of course.


    • Love 1
  13.   To me, Joy Behar is the Liberal version of Ann Coulter, ready to attack anyone on the other side with personal insults and false assumptions, like Joy's absolute belief that this Davis was lying when she said she didn't like the limelight.


    I'm a life long Liberal and I hate having her on my side.

    I found this a bit ironic since from what I have seen.... Joy and Ann are friends... they hit it off when she was a guest on Joy's show

    Joy even defended Ann on The View last week

    • Love 3
  14. Im not sure if this view is welcomed or not.... but here goes.


    I support people who are transgendered. Where I dont understand it personally... I do empathize and believe they should be able to live their life as they wish. I even support them being able to use bathrooms that are being questioned because the function in a bathroom is private.


    but honestly... I think a high school locker room goes too far.
    Where a person's internal struggle is valid..... imposing that struggle on others is a completely different thing. There is not a lot of privacy in a locker room and in the case of this person on The View the girls in that locker room should not be put in that situation.

    One of those cases where your Rights end where another person"s Rights begin.

    • Love 18
  15. I saw shades of Paula today that make me Wonder how unbearable the show is going to be when it's her and Candace together. Praise Jesus! And, I just can't with Michelle. I just can't stand her.

    Yeah I noticed that too Bronzedog..... Joy made a comment about her multiple marriages and Paula scolded her.... Those marriages was before she was born again.... and ok... lets say those dont count.... but that does not change that her selective outrage does not include divorce in her "sanctity of marriage"

    Christians should not pick and choose what "sins" they are outraged about and which they should be able to impose on others.

    Id really like someone to make a stand on not allowing gun permits based on religious beliefs

    • Love 11
  16. So Michelle and Paula are slobbering all over Morris Chestnut..... it is kinda gross but typical for The View...... Imagine if the guy turned it around and started pawing all over the hosts... there would be outrage


    He even got a trophy for being the hottest guest on "hot guy Monday"..... Are they gonna give a trophy for the female guest with the best boobs??.... Im kinda embarrassed for what they are forced to do... and how they do it so easily

    • Love 11
  17. Dr. $hil said something about Josh Duggar at the beginning of the conversation.  Did anyone catch it?

    Yes he said there is more to the story that what has been released... which seems to me is a pretty irresponsible comment.... it is just starting more rumors which doesnt seem ethical for a doctor.... even a TV doctor.

    • Love 4
  18. Maybe it is just me.... there really is nothing to comment about today.... Hot topics was old news.... Kim Davis is going back to work... and made a statement.... another topic... should women date shorter men.... who cares..... Dr Phil was on .. and he was.. well Dr Phil..... he said Ashley Madison was cheating their members because there wasnt real women.... he said it was 4 women with 1000 names..... so the cheaters were being cheated.
    I wonder if he knows because of his membership... hmmmm


    Then there was a discussion about Josh Dugger........everything was already discussed long ago



    • Love 7
  19. I miss RO, she has a huge heart, is extremely intelligent, well read and her quick wit never ceases to amaze me!  I love how she listens.  WG is simply a loud, brash, horribly dressed blowhard.  She must want to be a man by the way she carries herself, talks about her boobs like they are anchors she would rather not have, talks like a man about her "air" habits and many other disgusting attributes.  


    Take this woman off the show completely and watch the ratings increase in just that one staff change.  Enough with deleting and adding people GET RID OF WHOOPI!


    I do like Joy much better as a moderator but she needs to work on her facts, she had the Clinton email thing wrong saying the problem was combining 2 email addresses...NO, the problem was using her single PRIVATE server.  

    Honestly the email thing is not really a problem.... the last 2 SOS used private email and never turned any of them over...... they were all deleted.

    If Hillary Clinton was not running for President... this would not be an issue. People can point to the emails all they want..... but the reality is this... it is just another fake scandal that she will overcome..... this just strengthens her leadership skills.

    I dont know of any person who supported Hillary Clinton who has changed their minds because of emails

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