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Posts posted by jackjill89

  1. 14 hours ago, tessabq said:

    The only interesting thing was seeing Tuc Watkins, a personal favorite, play a truly evil person. 

    The dialogue is excruciating. The writers seem to think making a plot convoluted will make it interesting. Sadly, no.

    A paired down storyline about Gold Star (the program that only two people knew about but actually everyone but the BAU does) without all the conspiracy theory/neighbor Brian/JJ dark web fakes etc. could have been interesting. Voit's involvement is too convoluted as well. I have been so confused these last two seasons. They really don't know how to write a long-form series. 

    What's frustrating is that there have been interesting elements, they just do not know how to tie them together.

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  2. Do you think players who aren't the mole pull a Sean and do something to sabotage things as a strategy to get people to think they are the mole, or are they just stupid? Sean said in a talking head he was purposely trying to get people to think he was the mole. But Michael cut the wrong color wire (with a lame excuse why) and when he found the key he was so slow to get moving. Ryan wasted time on the phone calls and said the wrong appetizer. I feel like there are red herrings everywhere. 

  3. On 7/1/2024 at 10:54 AM, JMO said:

    Thanks for the info, @WearyTraveler.  The irony of filming in HD being a reason why things on screen are too dark to see anything is not lost on me.  The article also mentions the vision of the filmmaker, and a desire to film things as they are, which begs the question of exactly how they are living their lives.  

    Apparently in the dark most of the time. 

    Between the dark shots and the unevenness of sound on shows/commercials it is not always fun to watch tv //end crabby old lady rant//

  4. All the quips from Voit are annoying. I'm so confused about what is going on -- the gold stars and north stars and how the only 2 people -- Voit and the FBI guy he shot -- were supposed to know about it, but obviously others do too, and I don't really care what it is or who Brian is and what he knows. This is all very tedious and irritating. But I'll keep hate watching and hope we finally get an answer. 

    Also-- what was with Voit smelling? I thought it would be part of the plot in some way. 

    I noticed Spencer's nameplate was still on his desk. I miss him. 

    • Like 3
  5. On 5/24/2024 at 10:43 PM, desertflower said:

    Yes, I thought the same thing.  The idea of making a video or doing a commercial isn’t bad but they should have also incorporated more of the old format so it wasn’t such a huge shift. When they let the finalists pick someone to duet with I thought “This is what has been missing!!” They needed more partnerships and more styles of dancing. 

    My feelings exactly. While the idea wasn't bad, the execution was. I loved seeing the duets. I miss that part of the show. I miss really getting to know the dancers. 

    • Like 2
  6. 1 hour ago, Corgi-ears said:

    Kristen, buddy, you're coming a bit too close to making it all about you.

    There were quite a few "the dish came out how you wanted it" "compliments" tonight, which...I dunno, seem like faint praise to me. I mean, my breakfast omelets come out the way I wanted, but nobody has made me Top Chef.

    I appreciated her unbridled enthusiasm for her new job this entire season. I loved Padma, but Kristen is a great successor. I'd be giddy about announcing the winner too.

    I have Wisconsin connections, so I truly enjoyed this season. I wish my favorite chefs had done better, but I truly came to respect Savannah's talent and game play. My daughter and I have been watching this show from the first season and we always wondered why more people didn't study the location's food traditions, practice and have a dessert recipe or two in their arsenal. Well played, Savannah! I wish she had fared better in the finale.

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  7. 3 hours ago, cameron said:

    So over Danny's over use of "sick and dope" words.   He needs a thesaurus.

    "Let's Go!!!!!!" 

    I don't know who turned that into a comment for everything, but I'm so over it. You can't escape it, especially on cooking shows. 

    • Like 9
  8. 6 hours ago, Irlandesa said:

    But lemongrass was a big component of the dish he wanted to make.  Not having it was terrible for him. 

    Being flexible and pivoting is part of cooking challenges. It's a bummer, but you need to get past it and come up with a plan B -- fast.

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  9. Dan had some bright spots earlier in the season but he's not sustaining. I wonder how much the competition is wearing on him.

    Savannah, on the other hand, is actually peaking at the right time. She also studied for this season. Very smart move.

    Didn't think much of Laura at first, but she has grown on me and she's talented. 

    I'd love for Savannah or Laura to take it.

    It was Manny's time to go. He squeaked by one too many times. 


    • Like 15
  10. 21 minutes ago, Irlandesa said:

    I looked her up after I read the post to remind myself where she's from. She's a recent Chicago chef, as in after filming Top Chef. Prior to that, it sounds like she worked most in the state of Washington. 

    It's not like they had them shopping at a family grocery store in the Northwoods of Wisconsin. It was Milwaukee and Madison. 

    • Like 14
    • Wink 1
  11. I'll be the lone defender of the fish boil. I think they are yummy when done right. Doesn't sound like it would be, doesn't necessarily look like it would be, but they are. It amazes me that simple chunks of fish, potatoes and onions cooked in salted water can taste good, but it does. We actually go to the place where "Torch" -- his real name is Dave or something -- does the boil. It is a science to get it right and he's been doing it for years. Of course, the tradition and theatrics are all part of it, as is the cherry pie you get for dessert. 

    I think some of the chefs had difficulty because it has to be chunks of fish to be able to be cooked like that. They really did a fish simmer with their thinner cuts and not a boil. 

    About Gail's wardrobe -- learned on What What Happens Live that they have a stylist who styles all three of them. Either the stylist leans into Gail's cleavage or Gail has asked her to feature the girls prominently. 


    • Like 6
  12. Gabri as a person on the show makes me smile. Gabri as a contestant makes me anxious. He has shown some brilliance, but most of the time it seems he's been the best of the worst. He's like the silent TC assassin picking off contestants one by one. So now, at this point, I kinda want him to absolutely crush it and take the whole darn thing. Ha!

    However, this is Buddha's to lose.  I'd like an upset. Not because I don't think Buddha is deserving, but it is so predictable.

    I really wanted Ali to win. 

    One question -- Buddha got to bring all his molds. What can chefs bring with them?

    • Like 6
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  13. I tried, but I'm done with the show. The leads have no chemistry. It moves at a glacial pace and I am bored. It takes a lot for me to abandon something, but I'm done. 

    I watched the movie recently. The show had a lot to live up to -- Glenn Close was so perfectly unhinged, she and Michael Douglas had great chemistry, as did Douglas and Anne Archer. There was so much tension when Alex decided it wasn't going to be over. 

    I think casting is part of the problem. I'm not seeing any spark. 

    • Like 4
  14. I'm still at a loss at what attracted one guy, let alone two, to propose to Micah. I've not heard her say one compelling thing. I don't get it. Paul kept saying they shared a similar view of the world. What is it exactly because we've heard squat from either one of them to tell us what that might be. She has this weird way of laughing, "like-ing," and "um-ing" her way through every conversation. She kept saying how much she loved Paul, but I don't get it at all. I didn't even find her that good looking, but I think part of that was the ugly mean-girl inside showing through on the outside.

    All that being said, just like her nasty BFF, I'm so glad things ended the way they did. ITA that she engineered it to be the victim. The running away and fake crying (I saw maybe on tear and that was probably from embarrassment of being rejected on TV and not from actually feeling bad about it) didn't feel at all authentic. Paul, you dodged a bullet. Interesting that he said he couldn't see her being a mom because she never saw a nurturing side to her. That's because she is all about herself.

    She can go home and hang out with her nasty-ass friends and bitch about how they never have any boyfriends because after seeing this, no guy is going to want to be in a relationship with her or her BFF. 

    Looking forward to the reunion tonight. I hope all the married couples are still together. 

    • Like 5
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  15. One thing I'm wondering... when the judges were walking through the kitchen Tom noticed that Gabri's mole looked like it was scorching. How scorched was it? Did Tom go into the tasting wondering if it would taste scorched and was really sensitized to it? No one else mentioned it. 

    I am loving this season. This episode was really a good one. I also adore contestant Tom. There are very few chefs I don't like. I was sad to see Begona go.


    • Like 3
  16. On 3/28/2023 at 8:35 AM, topanga said:

    Is she though? Micah isn't ugly to me, but she's very basic. Blond-blond hair and plumped up lips. Clarification: to me, she's very basic. I know beauty is in the eye of the beholder. But you mentioned voice-- her voice doesn't even sound pretty to me. From what we saw on the show, she didn't sound smart or emotionally mature in the pods. 

    ITA. Completely basic. I picture her in fall running around in her jeans, off-white sweater, knee-high boots and hat, drinking a pumpkin spice latte and putting pix on the 'gram with her besties... who all look alike. 

    • Like 2
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  17. On 3/26/2023 at 2:48 AM, Zima said:

    Oh yeah! The best part of this episode was Bitchy Irina and Creepy Zack trying to one-up each other on who can be the most passive-aggressively hurtful while brushing their teeth 🤣. I was SCREAMING! 

    Me too! I replayed it for my daughter because it was so hilarious. She kept trying to one up him. "I knew on day 3 this wasn't going to work" "well I knew as soon as I saw you!"  

    And what was with her saying she didn't want to list the things about him that bothered her, but then saying he shaved his arms and legs. 

    Zack is creepy, but Irina is just mean and spiteful. Doubt she, or Micah, will have guys lining up to date them after this. 

    • Like 6
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  18. Why did both Paul and Kwame totally fall for Micah? I saw absolutely nothing in their interactions that showed any connection, or any personality at all. Maybe it's because her whole mean girl vibe with Irina turned me off to her completely, but I didn't see anything there. I still don't.


    • Like 13
  19. 14 minutes ago, MissPriss said:

    Nobody made Zach to go Gabi’s room the next morning and tell her he loves her. He left that out of his confession to Kaity. 

    I think that is worse than the sex. 

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