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Posts posted by jennblevins

  1. 7 hours ago, LoneHaranguer said:

    Why does he have a bowl and full-size cereal box, rather than one of those single-serving boxes that doubles as a bowl when you open it the right way? 

    I always assumed they lived somewhere you could fish in the backyard, but on second thought that makes even less sense, because why bring the box with you to the backyard?  Fridge logic aside, I do like that series of commercials so I’m probably more likely to suspend disbelief. 

    • Love 1
  2. 2 hours ago, mamadrama said:

    Some of these folks would have easily fallen right into GIlead's rules. 

     I imagine them, much like Serena Joy, being unpleasantly surprised to find out that they don’t get an exemption from specific rules they don’t agree with, though ... 

    • Love 1
  3. I was disturbingly glad to discover that they didn’t name Garrett something starting with L, since they already had the alphabetical order by age thing going on. 

    Other than that, I have no snark. They both look happy & not too exhausted, and Garrett is cute and appropriately sized for a newborn. 

    • Love 16
  4. I know this is but a tiny portion of everything you went through, but I just have to say, adenomyosis sucks and the only people I’d wish it on were the medical folks who told me that because my periods were consistently horrible, there was nothing they could or even should do to attempt to improve things. I’m inordinately glad to hear that you hopefully won’t have to deal with that (or related issues) any more, and I hope that your recovery goes better than anyone could have expected, from now on. 

    • Love 12
  5. 2 hours ago, Steff said:

    It was a new one.  They found an undiscovered Mayan pyramid & an previously unknown causeway/road. 

    Okay, that’s amusing— when I saw the ads (biggest discovery!), I figured they’d come across something physically large but not particularly important, like a giant sand dune.  

    I guess I was half correct ... pyramids are usually large ...

  6. I ate at Chick-Fil-A for the first time ever today. It was lunchtime, I was hungry, and it was there. It was, on the whole, a reasonable fast food experience.

    The whole time I was waiting for my food, though, I was mentally replaying scenes of Duggars and Duggar-adjacents eating at Chick-Fil-A. Anna and the M-kids dressing as cows. Pris and TFDW camping outside a newly-opened one. Jill and the Dillard boys walking a million miles uphill both ways in the snow to get to one in Colorado. (Or something like that.)  And so forth. 

    I’m not sure it quite reaches “infuriating,” as I try to reserve that for more important things, but it was definitely irritating to have my head filled with someone else’s memories of a restaurant I’d never been to. 

    I realize that this is as much my fault as theirs, but even so. 

    • Love 9
  7. 5 hours ago, AllyB said:

    And speaking of covering things up. Is Ali Michalka pregnant? She was wearing two different oversized coats that didn't suit her shape and swamped her body in this episode. Though she was also wearing jeans and a blouse in a few scenes and had no sign of a bump. So maybe horribly fitted coats are in fashion.

    I was wondering this, too. Maybe they filmed the scenes with the coats at a different time than the rest?  When did we find out that the show was renewed - was it long enough ago that they reshot a few scenes to carry over into next season better?

    I complained to my husband that it seemed like the writers had lost their map of Seattle, but come to find out, Colorado and Hinds do intersect, and exactly where you’d expect a warehouse to be — in a part of Seattle I haven’t been to in a few years.  So, good on you, writers!  I have to admit, in my head they execute zombies at Gas Works Park, not wherever they said on the show (Fort Something?).

    • Love 1
  8. If the coffins make a point, though, it seems like the brass of Gilead would be plenty willing to spend the money (like demolishing perfectly good buildings in S1, just because they were churches of the wrong sort).  A handmaid funeral is the sort of thing they can use to portray the rebellion in an unflattering light — they kill handmaids, they’re anti-baby!  They’re just terrorist who kill indiscriminately!  If you join them, they might kill you, too!

    • Love 5
  9. 4 hours ago, callie lee 29 said:

    I'm going to have to take another look at Transitions. The last ones i got did not go very dark nor did they transition between day/light that quickly.

    That was the case last time I tried them, too (in the late 1980s), but my dad bought a pair recently and says they’re better.  For what it’s worth. 

  10. 3 hours ago, flyingdi said:

    I actually looked this story up on the internet cause I am a weirdo.  Apparently a group of scientists in Siberia dug the longest hole ever and dropped a microphone down.  They of course did not quite reach the center of the earth!  The apparently heard humans screaming but there is no mention of a demon.  Whether anyone could ever substantiate the story, I don't know.  Also no mention of trying to help anybody.

    Wow, they actually got a few facts correct! Back during the Cold War days, the US and the USSR were (predictably) competing to see who could drill the deepest borehole, and the Soviets won that particular contest. But it was on the Kola Peninsula, not in Siberia. 

    All this information comes from a Science Channel show, so, grain of salt. But Wikipedia does confirm everything other than the head-to-head nature of the projects.  And, of course, no mention of demons. 

    • Love 2
  11. On 4/29/2018 at 7:35 PM, selkie said:

    Deities of F1- 'watch this and hold my lager'

    This made me literally laugh out loud, and then I showed it to my husband, who also laughed out loud. 

    I have to go to the auto parts store tomorrow to get a new rear wiper blade for our car, and I’m seriously tempted to pick up a bottle or two of whatever Mothers product seems like it’d be most useful. Those commercial-free races are just so much more pleasant than getting yanked away and randomly dropped back in with no warning. 

  12. 4 hours ago, poeticlicensed said:

    I'm going to be super disappointed if the Econowives aren't wearing stripes. 

    One of the articles I read (alas, I don’t remember which one) said purple was the econowife color, but I suppose that doesn’t preclude stripes, too  

  13. 9 hours ago, IOU Payne said:

    [H]is name is Diesel because he's the size of a freakin' locomotive!

    Now I’m picturing some sort of weird Andrew Lloyd Webber crossover where the largest cat from Cats (whose name I’ve forgotten) is dressed up as Greaseball the diesel engine from Starlight Express.  And still on roller skates. 

    • Love 3
  14. On 3/29/2018 at 12:21 PM, peacheslatour said:

    I've been dying to get one of those Aerogarden things. Vivian Tried one and while it quickly produced gorgeous lettuce, she only got enough for about one salad. Seems kind of expensive.

    My ex bought one of those and he must have done something wrong — the only thing he could get to grow was basil (which he hated) and it made the whole house smell murky. 

    On 3/29/2018 at 1:05 PM, GHScorpiosRule said:

    They're horrendously expensive. And unlike the commercials, where the "families' have a LOT of counter and kitchen space, I don't. And I don't know where I could put one, and stare at it in fascination and awe as the actors in the commercial are doing.

    The previously-mentioned ex put his on the (one and only) table in the living room, which meant you’d go to put your drink down and end up staring at it in puzzlement, wondering if it would be possible to attach a cup holder. 

    • Love 2
  15. 1 minute ago, Bridget said:

    I was simply using Ancestry.com as an example for those who aren't lucky enough like your family to have old documents. I have to be honest, I'm jealous (in a good way) that your family has access to original documents. Is the digging and finding information as cool as it looks when I've seen people digging things up on "Who do You Think You Are?" (Please say it is!)

    Alas, I’ve never seen “Who Do You Think You Are”, so I can’t comment on that — what it involved, at least for my part (I was a kid at the time) was going through a lot of card-sized birth and death records, squinting at a lot of reproductions of census books, and hanging out in a lot of windowless rooms at government offices and Mormon churches.  And my mom getting in arguements with relatives about what information was appropriate for a child to know. It was a lot like researching things at a library in the pre-internet age, at least in my child’s eyes  

    My grandpa got involved at one point — he was on an unrelated  trip to one of the cities he thought his ancestors might have come from, and he picked up the phone and started calling people out of the phone book with his last name!  (It worked, too!) That would have been terrifying to me but maybe he thought it was cool and exciting?

    • Love 6
  16. 55 minutes ago, Bridget said:

    I also strongly agree with you in that many people who live in the US have many “different drops of blood” in their heritage, which is why I think it would be an amazing thing for Ancestry.com (or a similar company) to allow more people to find out where their roots (outside of the US) lie.

    My parents have been into researching genealogy since the 1980s, so I know way too much about all my (many) different drops of blood — and that it can be done without Ancestry.com. Although it involves a lot of digging through old documents.  

    My husband describes me (and himself, as he’s of similar heritage) as being a “European Mutt.”

    • Love 5
  17. 13 hours ago, meowmommy said:

    TS was the reason I started reading, and then joined, TWoP.

    Me too!  Nobody in real life wanted to talk to me about my weird obsession with design shows, so I had to find people online to bore instead. 

    • Love 19
  18. 3 hours ago, Pingaponga said:

    Mr. Ponga and I own a company that designs/builds websites. One of the first things we tell our clients is to ensure they proofread everything before they post it online.  How can she not know how to spell "Kool Aid”?

    At one of my previous jobs I was responsible for, among other things, updating the company’s website.  The marketing person who wrote the content made a point to put errors in the text, because she thought it would keep the company from looking too snobby. 

    I doubt the Dillards did this, but who knows ...

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