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Posts posted by msblossom

  1. I think the likelihood of Anna moving on without Josh is slim. But who thinks Josh will stop now? I'm sure he's probably been guilt ridden for some time and was unable to put a stop to the hypocrisy and living a double life. What, he's all the sudden gonna shape up and live the moral life now? I think he'll sincerely try, but I'm doubtful he'll be very successful with it in the long-term without some form of serious therapy that involves more than throwing bible verses at him and prayer. I'm all for prayer and meditating on scripture, but not to the exclusion of trained psychological secular therapy. Will he get it? Probably not. And the cycle continues...this ain't over by a long shot, IMO.

    • Love 10
  2. Yeah, the "my precious wife Anna" thing alone deserves quite a swift kick to the nutsack. Anna, I have steel-toed Doc Martens if you want to borrow them.

    You hit a home run there, Aja. My sentiments exactly. So many of your posts are worthy of double 'likes'.

    • Love 5
  3. I hate what this is doing to Anna because she worships the ground Josh walks on, I can still picture her in their TH's when she's looking up at him adoringly like all the female Duggars do.

    You all are right, she will be made to suck it up and stand by her man, guilted into it on all sides or risk being shunned as if she's the one in the wrong for walking away from her marriage to a sleeze bag cheating hypocrite. I bet she sees all the signs that she missed or made excuses for. I can't imagine being raised in that culture with no options and little to no support should she want to leave him. She is stuck, and made to make lemonade out of lemons.

    • Love 7
  4. Fox News covered it tonight, called him by name, shook their heads - the guy in CA who's name I can't call did the piece on him.  Not sure why they used the CA guy unless it's a seniority thing - I think he usually covers political stories.  Maybe.  Without timing it, I'd say it was about a 5 minute piece.  They even mentioned that it's rumored that he has a FB account under a different name, and that his friends on there are strippers. 


    Just repeating the gossip.


    Thank you HundFan, for the explanation (she says with a red face), and I still say Next, STOP THAT!!!  Ewww!

    Well, they sort of HAD to. I mean FOX would look really stupid with their bias showing if they hadn't. Hope Megyn Kelley ate crow for dinner tonight. I'm fairly conservative politically, although I don't drink the kool-aid and think for myself on the issues regardless of party (registered Independent, here), and I can't stand FOX News, although back in the day I was a die hard FN watcher in the late 90's until about 10 years ago. I'm not knocking you, HFC, or anyone else who does. It's just that that interview with MK burned me up, so I'm just a tiiny bit happy that karma got the last word.

    • Love 5
  5. I doubt this actually. You're right, of course, but they don't believe that. I think they both see what happened to Josh as an example of what happens when you let one of your kids go off to the Real World, instead of keeping him strictly under their own watchful eyes - and thumbs. They see it as a total corroboration of Gothard's teachings.

    Agreed. And they may buckle down even further and restrict the so-called freedom of the older Duggar kids, even to the point of inserting themselves further into Jessa & Ben's marriage since they can control them by holding Ben's "job" and the mold house over their head should they start to get ideas of making plans to leave home, pursue a secular university education or take an honest to goodness secular job.

    • Love 2
  6. I really don't care that Josh was on dating sites.  Anna may care, if she didn't agree to it in the first place.  Her parents may care because it's not what they wanted in a husband for their daughter.  Jim Bob and Michelle care because their money grubbing reality tv days are over.   I just think it is amazing to me that Josh fell into the same trap a lot of other fundie men fall into:


    They really really are not attracted to women who wear frumpy clothes because they are cheap and because that is what everyone else in their church thinks they should wear.  They really would like to see a little leg, and cleavage on their wives, and some lingerie too.

    I don't know anything about sex addiction (not speculating that this is Josh's thing), but people that look for sexual partners outside the marriage are usually doing it because they're craving something that has little to do with their spouse. It's my opinion that Anna could have worn mainstream clothing in the style that most young mothers her age do, and Josh would have still been on those dating sites because Josh is damaged. He's damaged because his parents raised and expected a teenage boy to restrain natural urges, which led him to fantasize and develop unnatural urges toward his sisters and other innocent young girls that he preyed upon. He's damaged because he never got the proper help, and even some of those that do get help struggle and continue to fall into the pattern of child pornography and infidelity. JMO.

    • Love 16
  7. If I'm the director, I would expect my clients/parents to inform me of their discomfort of having the In-Law in my employ. My advise is that you take your very valid reason of discomfort directly to the Daycare Director. Knowing this, I don't think the director will inform your involvement to your MIL, nor will she hire her.

    • Love 5
  8. I won't say it's not legit, but I am skeptical. He comes out saying that he's looking to have an affair, that doesn't sound like something Josh would say in those words...but the shit's gonna hit the fan if it's proven the email addresses and credit card are linked to Josh. I said back in May that I wouldn't be surprised to learn that Josh had more skeevy baggage revealed.

  9. Taking your kids to 6 month check ups, removing wisdom teeth and the appropriate times and straightening crooked teeth is not obsession. It may be the one good thing they have consistently done for their kids. Crooked teeth as an adult can cause jaw problems, malnutrition. It isn't just about having a pretty smile.

    Yes, the Duggars are obsessed with dental care in comparison to other very important aspects of nurturing and preparing them for life [eyeroll]. And for me, I can't help but find that somewhat incongruous given the nature of their ridiculous rearing of children.

    • Love 4
  10. I didn't recognize her either! I figured you meant another Anna??, and just as I was starting to click off the photo, I spotted her, she looks completely different. Did she get dental work too? Her hair and face are almost unrecognizable.

    Duggars are obsessed with dentistry.

  11. Wanderwoman: I am truly sorry that your husband is acting like a real a-hole, and I hope that he will right this ship and turn it around. Whatever happened to "For better or worse"? I hate that you are being abandoned in light of everything you are going through and I wish I could pull up a chair and just listen to you talk and offer my support without giving advice. Sucks.

    Readalot and Everyone who fears Alzheimer's and senile dementia: My heart goes out to you as well. This is my biggest fear also. I have noticed some memory issues with me that scare me, and I also have ADD. I don't know if this runs in my family because I was adopted as an infant, but I have a dear, dear aunt who passed away about 10 years ago and she had Alzheimer's and I watched how it robbed her of her golden years. I get emotional thinking about it. She was an incredible woman and a force to be reckoned with. She and my uncle put me through college and provided me with love and support when my parents abandoned me. She was smart, funny and generous. She was a high school principal, had a PhD, was an international speaker, and even ran for mayor in a major west coast city and lost by less than a thousand votes! She was humble and never got too big for her britches. Man, I miss her!

    It runs in her family and she knew she would get it, her mother, aunt, and her 2 older sisters all had it. My cousin, her only daughter, was tested and she indeed will go the way her mother, grandmother and 2 aunts all did.

    The Notebook may be my all-time favorite movie, in the theater with my husband I wept and held in those deep sobs you get that once you start you don't know how to stop with the snot and everything. Mr. Blossom squeezed my hand tight and we got to the car and we both sobbed, okay *I* sobbed, he cried a little, then made a promise that I hope he'll keep. I know that sounds cheesy, but it was one of those moments, you know?

    Have any of you read any of Dr. Daniel Amen's books, like "Change Your Brain, Change Your Life" and "Change Your Brain, Change Your Body" & "Heal ADD"? He advocates a lot of holistic things you can do to stave off Alzheimer's. He shills his seminars and books on PBS, whatever, but he gives really great recommendations that actually work and he's sorta inspiring. I have a couple of his books.

    • Love 5
  12. I agree that it's bullshit that we're all just going to act like the deer cam never happened when I would wager that 99% of the show's regular viewers have at least heard about it, even if they don't believe it. (And that's me being generous...I think most people believe it.) But at the same time, MTV was licking their chops thinking of all the dollars that the hot messer that is Leah would bring in. But then she said she was quitting. I'm sure MTV had to put in writing that deercamgate, the "good job slut" tweets and Robbie Kidd would never be addressed before she agreed to come back. But I like to think they got their revenge by giving her the worst edit possible. Just things like repeatedly showing the clock during the chef boyardee scene, flashing to the blue cat, putting in at least one blow out fight with Jerm and/or Corey per episode, and showing how poorly behaved the girlses are seems like MTV's revenge. I'm sure she's pissed at how this season is turning out.

    I wish MTV would've called her bluff. She can take all the umbrage she wants, truth is she NEEDS this gig. She will never come close to pulling in this kind of dough all by herself.

    • Love 5
  13. Adam has much to recompense for. I don't believe for a minute that Adam's a good parent and I'm shocked that a judge would grant him 50/50 custody of Paislee. I only hope he is taking a new path. He can boast all he wants about how he's changed and what a great parent he is, but until he puts in serious time and consistency into making better life decisions I won't believe it. A leopard doesn't change his spots, but I hope for Paislee and Aubrey's sake he follows through and can be a responsible, loving parent who puts his daughter's first for once. I felt so bad for Aubrey when she said Adam promised that she would visit him in his own place and that you can't break a promise. My heart broke in two! You could see and hear how much she loves her dad and believes him.

    • Love 2
  14. Msblossom,

    Agree with you a lot. Finally watched and I noticed how quickly Lincoln went to Lydia, obviously, he knows her and is comfortable with her. Javi's extended family is super. Even when Javi and Kail were folding clothes and she commented on how much she was looking forward to get away, Javi was honest and said he'd miss her. She blew him off. Kail, you say "I am excited for my trip, but I'll miss you and the boys". She is egocentric and lacks empathy. She simply cannot put herself in another's shoes. I hate her worse than I hate Janelle and Nips.

    I agree. I really like Javi's family too! They're incredibly supportive and remain open and caring toward Kail, which kind of shocks me after all the crap she pulls including hitting Javi multiple times (I hope she has stopped that!). And Javi is no angel; he mostly reacts badly and feels insecure about their relationship. I agree with him that Kail is sneaky. And I haven't forgotten that she has a track record of being unfaithful to at least 1 of her boyfriends, and maybe Joe too. The way she went about dating that one guy from her job behind Joe's back while living with his parents was so shady! I don't know if she's flirty with her "guy friends" or if she's completely on the up and up and Javi's just being paranoid, I tend to think the latter. However, if your spouse vehemently REFUSES to be open to sharing or changing their password to reassure the other spouse that they have nothing to hide, then I can see how that would be a huge red flag for Javi. Javi operates from a traditional scope of family values and the way he was raised and saw how his parents modeled a marital relationship I'm sure has given him certain expectations for how a marriage functions. Kail has not, and often acts like she's still single and her expectations generally seem to apply to Javi but not to her.

    • Love 6
  15. I really don't have a problem with going on a girl's trip for a long weekend and even up to a week. The problem is Kail has a young child and a BABY. I don't think there's anything wrong with wanting a break from your spouse and even kids every now and then, but with small children a week is excessive. I can't imagine leaving kids that age for a week, and I think when it comes to parenting that Kail does a pretty good job, but I don't agree with her going on that trip. I personally think a couple (meaning TWO) days away is acceptable. As your kids get older, yeah take a week for a special trip with friends if your spouse is fine with that. In addition to family trips and the occasional couple's getaway, my husband and I infrequently go on separate trips, sometimes with or without our 10 year old.

    I'm speculating, but I think a lot of it comes down to Javi's Hispanic upbringing and traditionally they are much more family oriented. Whereas Kail was brought up with spotty parental and familial connections where she wasn't put first, which makes her extremely independent and able to sever relationships easily without caring too much about the consequences. She goes to the extreme and becomes volatile quickly. Lying is easy for her if it gets her what she wants. She is always the victim and sort of sees herself against the world like a wounded, rabid animal out for survival. She selfishly puts herself first because no one ever did when she was a child, not that I'm making excuses for her. She's an adult now, but mentally she thinks and operates like a child. And no offense to anyone, but most of us are pretty self-centered in our early 20's. But as a parent and a spouse, that doesn't fly. I'd be surprised if she's still with Javi in two years

    • Love 13
  16. http://www.teenmomjunkies.com/teen-mom-3/good-bad-uglyround-2


    Amber has lost a significant amount of weight (w00t, you go girl, beat that couch!) but Cate is the one hawking a weight loss product.[snip]

    Good for Amber, she's doing it the sensible way too. No gimmicks, no product endorsements, no fad dieting. 36 lbs in just under 5 months by cutting down/out simple carbs, eating protein rich and vegetable dense meals with some fruit early in the day, and exercising on the elliptical = average weight loss at around 2- 2 1/2 lbs per week for her. Looks like she's been consistent and disciplined, with probably a cheat meal here and there to keep the body losing. I think Cate is capable of doing the very same thing, only she has a partner who pressures her instead of one that encourages her. She may get there after the pressure to lose weight for the wedding is behind her. I hope for her sake that she's able to take off at least some the weight so that she's healthier and feels better about herself.

    • Love 1
  17. The missing piece of this puzzle, and it is the most important piece IMO, is when did Jim and wife #2 separate/file for divorce? If they were separated and had no plans on getting back together or already filed for divorce when Meghan started dating him, then Meghan did nothing wrong. Now if they started dating before he left wife #2 or they were trying to "work things out" in hopes of getting back together then she was in the wrong.

    I agree, WireWrap, Meghan and Jimmy may have started seeing each other after he and Allison (2nd wife) separated. Jimmy and Meghan both come off like a couple of jerks that it's easy for me to believe they might go THERE, especially Jimmy.

    Maybe, or maybe she just regrets having to give Donn half her assets in the divorce? I do think she regrets not being able to work it out and I was glad to hear her take responsibility for her part in that (I've always pretty much blamed Brooks who targeted Vickie's empty love tank either the minute they separated or probably before that, I can't remember the timeline.)

    Did she really call Brooks, "the love of her life?" Yuck. It's not like he's treated her so great either. Remember when he gave her the "your daughter or me" ultimatum and then used Vicks refusing to choose him over her daughter as an excuse to cheat on Vicki - or at least imply he was seeing other people? Remember when Whori Laurie announced Whori Jr. saw Brooks with a hooker or something at a party? And more recently, she seems kind of over him; I mean taking off while he's so sick? That doesn't sound like The Vickster.

    So I don't know if she misses Donn but she probably misses being in a relationship that didn't alienate her family and friends. Sure, they seem to be coming around now but that took years and a cancer diagnosis. <-----which I'm still not convinced isn't just another Brooks con job.

    Yeah, I think she once referred to Brooks as the love of her life a couple seasons ago. I've always said that everyone, including Brianna, should stop giving Vicki grief over Brooks because it only makes her dig in more with her determination to defend him. He'll eventually hang himself and she'll finally dump him, or she knows he's a crook and has her eyes wide open and stays with him because she's lonely and needs his syrupy affirmations. Probably the latter.

    Vicki was really distraught once she signed the divorce papers at the end of, was it season 6? She was really a mess at the finale party that was held in her home. It seemed it had more to do with the death of the marriage and their relationship being officially over than the divorce settlement that hadn't been determined at that point and claims she got shafted with. And then the next season (Heather's 1st) she cried and told Heather, Tamra, and Gretchen in Costa Rica that she still loved Donn and that if he would have fought for their relationship she would still be married to him. Their vow renewal in Turks and Caicos was a bust and huge disappointment because he wasn't into her and rolled over and fell asleep, and she cried herself to sleep. There was no longer passion or sex left in their relationship. I don't know what to think because she never seemed to have the time of day for Donn and he always seemed to be at the bottom of her list of importance and she generally came off as disrespectful to him.

    • Love 6
  18. Meghan King Edwards, do you think any woman would be a happy person around you knowing that you were screwing THEIR HUSBAND? Idiot. Let's see what a cup of joy you'll be in 2 or 3 years when Jimmy does the same thing to you, if he hasn't started already. Nor would I be all cheery and delightful around said husband -- the wound is still fresh, Moron.

    Maybe THIS is part of the reason Shannon has taken such a dislike to you. I'd bore a hole right through you with my judgy eyes if I was privy to this. And then I'd punch you in the neck.

    • Love 18
  19. I found it interesting that all this time Vicki has referred to Brooks as being the love of her life, YET she wishes her marriage to Donn could have been saved. I'm confused. I don't know how long ago Donn started cheating, which led to Vicki cheating, but it almost sounded like she would have gladly given up Brooks to have had a 2nd chance with Donn, only they each had done too much cheating to repair the damage -- am I right??

    I miss Donn.

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