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Posts posted by mbaywife123

  1. 1 hour ago, watcherwoman said:

    True...lol.  Growing up in farm country taught me one thing, a farm needs more than one person to succeed, and I'm not talking about hired help.  There is a certain humility to the farmers that I know, and Mr. Matt shows none of that.  Having dinosaurs, trains and pirate ships would be a HUGE waste of land for a real farmer.  

    After all of these years on the farm and that usable land they have not done anything to make it a year round venture such as:

    Winter: Christmas trees, holly wreaths, mistletoe, pointsetias, amaryllis, paper whites.

    Spring: Flowers such as daffodils, tulips, hyacinths, lilac and early stone fruits.

    Summer: Berries of all kinds (ground & vine) sweet white corn, tomatoes ( some heirloom), numerous leafy greens, lemonade, limeade, melons, cucumbers.

    Fall: Pumpkins, gourds, late corns, nuts, beans, apples, leaf wreaths.

    Year round: Eggs (even some exotic and colorful ones) and possibly a butchery with all kinds of meats.

    So much more to add for each season but who are we kidding once the TV money started rolling in this ceased to be a true operating year round farm and turned into Matt & Amy's non-amusement park.


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  2. 1 minute ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

    I loved Rinna in the pink jacket and slicked back hair until she cackled at her b- - - j- - joke like a toddler.
    Her eyes looked awful.

    Rinna and her stupid BJ comment,

    she thinks she is just so funny. I would have loved to see her stick that fire hose down her thirsty throat and for "Harry Hamlin" to tell her to stick his "small 🥔's" into her dried up air fryer. Does this woman even eat even a french fry every few months?





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  3. 35k for Sutton's party. (I smell a tax write off as well as her wardrobe, rental, car ect.)

    I'm sure a lot of these women on all of the franchises play fast and loose to write off parties, meals, liquor, vacay rentals, wardrobe, shoes, jewelry,make-up, hair, cars, housing, plastic surgery, ect. as filming expenses for their "acting jobs".

    Look out ladies, some actuary will come calling at some point. 


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  4. 8 hours ago, 65mickey said:

    I'm curious if Lisa has been cut loose from QVC. She has 2 pages online of clothing but probably 95% have been reduced and many by 50-70%. I don't watch much QVC and almost never their "fashion" shows but Lisa was making a killing hawking her clothing line there. 

    Very interesting, QVC seems to have dumped her clothing into the bargain bins along with "as is returns".

    If you put Lisa Rinna clothing into a search engine it is now coming back to ThreadUp and WalMart.

    I hope everyone is over this twatwaffles cheap clothing and won't pay one thin dime for anything with her "name" on it! Bye girl! put your adult diapers on as you are sure to start crapping your pants daily! (Lisa to Harry: I just don't understand this , don't people know that I own it and keep,it real?)

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  5. JP Morgan and family were total dirtbags that made their family fortune off the back of other hardworking people. They built their fortune by building towns and infrastructures by paying people low wages, renting them company housing and also they were basically forced to shop at the company stores for goods which left most them in debt to the company as indentured labor. This is all well documented. (PBS even covered this in one of their documentaries series).

    If I were SonJa, I would not be so proud to be tied to this family even if just thru marriage.

    Wish Leah would have maintained her silence until the end of this season!

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  6. MJ's huge hoop earrings were really distracting but not as much as her huge "foobs" as always (we get it you have boobs, you don't have to show us the proof of your lady bits that are bought and paid for) please don't try to tell me she is still breastfeeding especially with all of the alcohol she was drinking.

  7. 14 minutes ago, NYCFree said:

    I guess they all got the same memo from the producers “Reza and MJ need to make up or there will be no more show.”

    Also—Good Lord Mike! That excuse was so very embarrassing. I felt like Judge Judy “This is the story you’re asking this face to believe?”

    Yes on both accounts.

    If the children can't "play" nice together then nobody gets any cookies and milk ($$$).

    Mike needs to just stay single. Live your life, have fun times with friends and family and companions and please don't marry again or procreate, it's okay, really!

    • Love 16
  8. Good grief the previews reveal that they are going to do one of those murder mystery dinner parties. Really Bravo?, Please come up with something else, the retread of this as an episode story (as well as on several Real Housewives) is a stale/boring storyline.

    • Love 12
  9. Noticed that GG's dog (a probably 60+ lb. dog) had a "service dog" vest on. Hopefully this is not one of those  dogs that got registered through a paper mill as there are now legal consequences if one lies about the status of service or emotional support animals to have them accepted for housing. If her dog is for her RA in her hands that she had surgery on it would seem that having to control a large dog like that would be more of a hindrance than a help and also this is a breed of dog that is one  of insurance companies top 10 NO insurance for you liability coverage.


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  10. Finally watched this just now.

    Good grief, Kenya is such a bitch, she just said you have to be a supportive friend to have a supportive friend, does she not realize this is why she has no friends ( or her proverbial village for her crotch fruit) on this show or possibly outside of the show? Please be "gone with the wind" & your unpleasant self next season (if there is another one).

    Marlo also needs to be gone. What the heck was she wearing, dental floss rope holding together a shower curtain skirt & bra napkin pads!

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  11. Some stupid jackass in our neighborhood is setting off high flying fireworks!

    Dogs are barking and our cats are freaked out.

    I wish I knew who it is, I would gladly go ring their front door in my robe and slippers and tell them to nock it the hell off or I would be glad to come stick a Roman candle up their ass just to see how much they would enjoy that!

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  12. Jeez, they are all horrible "actors". Hannah is the worst dry crier "misunderstood victim"across all the Bravo shows. They should just name the show "Slummer House" or the "Hannah Bananna (shit) Show".

    I watch this show from time to time and just laugh and laugh at them all. Move on Bravo, most of us have!

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  13. Kenya had no snacks or food or drink options to offer because she doesn't give a shit about anyone else or being a gracious hostestess, especially if she has to spend any of her "coins" or pretend like she cares about any of the other ladies.

    She is a miserable person who only wanted to film her "poor pitiful me, but me still sexy" scene, Marc (another man who obviously wants nothing more to do with her, but she has to make it look like he wants to get back with her), and her getting her "foobs" reduced, who cares?

    Time to get rid of her and highlight one of the other ladies.

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  14. Allen Stewart Konigsberg (AKA: Woody Allen) has always been a loser and a creeper. No one in his formative years, especially high school girls wanted anything to do with this "nerd". His gross affectations as an adult such as wearing too big for is tiny stature clothing, sniffing, coughing, pushing up his nerd glasses were used by him to infatize and endear him to the public engineered by him of course.

    His movies were BORING pages ripped from his pathetic teen angst diary.

    Manhattah was written and based on the years long relationship he had with Babi Christina Englehardt which Mia was well aware of and had "threesomes" with the two of them as well to "keep the peace".

    Mariel Hemingway (who played "Tracy" (Babi) character in the film) also speaks about how "Woody" wanted to take her to Paris but when she asked him privately what the sleeping arrangements would be (have her own room?) that she declined to go and he left her parents house the next morning never to be heard from again.



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