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Posts posted by mbaywife123

  1. The Rachel TH at the end was again a total Tom & Rachel setup.

    Rachels fake “Tom is going to kill me for telling all of this” was nonsense.

    Tom was well aware of what she was going to say without him having to say it all himself.

    They are both trying to save themselves so that at least one of them can come back on the show again.

    Tom is aware that Rachel is the most expendable.

    He was just caught still speaking with her on his phone whilst on a plane.


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  2. 41 minutes ago, Haute Messe said:

    I keep wondering how many times this turnip was dropped on her head. 

    I am right there with you.

    Good lord this woman is so dense she just embarrasses herself constantly and is not even aware of how dumb she comes off.

    The screeching, pointing and kindergarten arguing  tactics is so lame.

    She definitely fell out of the stupid tree (Tre) and hit her head on every branch on the way down.


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  3. Just now, Stats Queen said:

    Why is it Kandi’s responsibility to help Marlo get your charges cleared?

    Marlo just keeps wanting to dig at Kandi to try to make her out to be a bad person.

    Here is a tip for you Marlo, Kandi doesn’t have enough time in her own life on a daily basis for all her own business and definitely no time for your nonsense.

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  4. This show has gotten so bad, it’s no longer fun to watch.

    Marlo is such a bitch & WHF with the hubcap earrings in her TH’s. She has no story line except trying start shit with anyone she can bait into some argumentative nonsense.

    The charity party was lame but loved seeing them asked to leave. No doubt the party organizers wanted them gone before the inevitable screaming started.

    If Kenya’s daughter was in her room why was she cussing and screaming like a lunatic. She was louder inside the room than the group in the hallway.

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  5. Just now, ZettaK said:

    I'm watching the same. It's the Miami girl (Annemarie) episodes. 

    It’s amazing watching T. Sandy and all of the bullshit coming out of his mouth.

    Also the Schwartz & Sandy hate on James and the revelations of who is cheating on who.

    Bravo is setting this all up to get rid of Schwartz, Sandy, Rachel leave the rest with more girl power time probably more Ariana, Katie, the sandwich shop, James and Allie, Brock & Shenea, LaLa and bring back a few of the OG’s.

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  6. Being shown on my Bravo channel right now is the episode from 11/3/14 titled “Instafight”.

    WOW! I had forgotten a lot of this, Bravo is really kicking Tom Sandy in the ass, he most likely will be gone if there is a next season.

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  7. 1 hour ago, Marley said:

    The wedding was ridiculous for sure but whatever it’s her wedding lol. The hair was so stupid lol.

    Joe and Melissa with their rude comments during the wedding is actually pretty pathetic. If you are over it and done then just be done.

    Tre has always been as dumb as a bag of hair and that monstrosity put it on full display x 100.

    Again , Joe and Mel just stop it all and go away already!

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  8. Joe & Mel need to just fade into the sunset. They have NO storyline and if I hear Tre or Loony’s names come out of either of their mouths one more I will turn this show off right quick.

    Same goes for Tre & Loony (and the dawters) bringing up Joe & Mel’s names.

    FFS, shut up and move on all of you’s!

    You can pick your friends, you can pick your nose but you can’t pick your family, but you can choose to not engage with them any longer.

    Sometimes I think that Tre keeps this going to help her brother earn a pity paycheck, no doubt she hates Mel and always has.


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  9. Rachel is just the newest fish swimming in the shallow end of the “dirty” puddle that is reality TV.

    None of them on the show are any better, they have all cheated or been cheated on within their shallow TV circle.

    I just point and laugh at all of them (past & present)what a bunch of TV thirsty idiots! 

    Don’t forget Tom Sandy was on The Hills as a “model”way back in the day (2016?) & Jason (Jax) was a pay for  “male model”.

    Just a bunch of wanna be (bad) actors posing and prancing for the cameras!

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  10. This random “stuff” just showing up reminds me of YEARS ago when books from Readers Digest used to just “appear” in my mailbox with an “invoice” to pay for what I wanted to keep and return (at my cost) what I didn’t.

    Didn’t fall for it and gave the unwanted/not ordered books to Goodwill.

    Unfortunately for the grift I knew that you do not need to pay for anything you did not order, nor return it to the sender. (I previously work for a national CC company and was in the fraud dept. and was the law enforcement liaison , they picked the wrong mark.)

    Also once got a “subscription” to the New York Times (I am in California!) Chargeback for unauthorized mail order/telephone order, bye bye crammers!

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  11. Honest to goodness Clairbel & Howdy Doody how may red flags did you need that Bert was not going to come to the U.S. but if she actually did she would bring over ALL of her family and screw you over even more. And WTF, they are trolling for another wife in Brazil again? These two are totally brain dead or the TLC money and trips outweigh them making asses of themselves on TV and get money to build that dream house.

    The Davises seem happy together?

    Insipid & Squeeky are still engaged to Ariel, this seems like a set up as well. Filming friends for sure but nothing more.

    Looks like boat boy and Brenda have dropped giggle girl and are trying to find someone else for next season. hope they won’t be back.

    Papa Smurf and the Smurfetts, no one cares about your absurdity, go away.

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  12. 2 minutes ago, Dixie Sugarbaker said:

    Gee Kyle, what is the best way to stir the pot - clockwise or counterclockwise?

    Kyle just jumps into the pot full on then swims around a bit, jumps out and then runs away all “who me?” while loudly proclaiming that she is just wanting everyone to get along and be BFF’s.

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  13. 3 minutes ago, rlc said:

    Well if that ain’t the tw*t calling the c*nt pink, I don’t know what is.

    Yes, like we all forgot Erika proudly prancing about with her c***ty necklace, I wonder if the court ordered her to give that back as well?

    If I was Sutton I would ask her that at the reunion, and if Dirty Diana said anything to me I would just respond that I don’t answer questions from non human skin sacks.

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  14. 2 minutes ago, thesupremediva1 said:

    I feel physically ill and too upset to sleep. That episode gave me heartburn and a migraine.

    The behavior from Diana is heinous, and they kiss her ass. Erika is vile - they kiss her ass. Rinna is unhinged - everyone coddles her.

    Sutton has been abused all season - physically, mentally, emotionally. And Bravo is profiting from it. This must stop. I can no longer be complicit in this. Unless there’s a cast overhaul, this was my last ep.

    Crystal, Kathy, and Dorit are mutes. Kyle sets up the attacks and flees the scene like the weasel she is. Rinna, Diana, and Erika aren’t the only evil ones.

    Christ, that was deplorable on every level. Garcelle is the only one with any dignity, heart, or backbone.

    I feel sick like you after watching this. It was truly disturbing and an assault on us viewers as well.

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  15. Ddddanielle, this shit is not going to end well for you. If Bert does come to the US she is going to drag you and Ick but good!

    Marcus is such an asshole, his “wives” need to tell him to take his gaslighting poppa Smurf ass back to the toadstool he climbed out of.

    Boat boy and Brenda with immature giggling April are just NO! Jayden is spot on with her hell to the NO attitude, she realizes her dad and Brenda are idiots just looking for a brood mare and younger p****y for daddy. 

    So who exactly is Danielle supposed to marry? Because it sure as hell is not going to be Nick, he’s got the no legal ties  to his women down to a science.

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  16. 1 minute ago, Surrealist said:

    Rinna's response every time: "GORGEOUS."

    This drives me crazy as well.

    Why can't they just be cordial and say nice to see you, like the new hair, cute dress or shoes, your makeup looks great, what is your eyeshadow or lippy color.

    Because most of them are not friends off camera and see the others as competition to try to put down and out do.  Coworkers be damed.

    Truly sad.

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