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Posts posted by strikera0

  1. 55 minutes ago, way2interested said:

    Literally only to give SA, EBR, and DR more time off while still giving them more money and to give DC more IP to sell is the point. Never said it was a good reason, but it's not as if the writers are automatically jumping down to the worst ideas that they can pick (that haven't even been proven to be happening).


    But see, if it was just about giving SA, EBR and DR more time off and a pay raise, why not simply cut the cord on the failed noobie characters and start over with a couple of new recurring characters played by cheap no-name actors? I know people are assuming that DC has a say in this, but frankly, I find it very hard to believe that Arrow's butchered versions of Black Canary, Mister Terrific and Wild Dog are able to boost merchandising sales. 

  2. Just now, way2interested said:

    BS hadn't been confirmed to be on Team Arrow, that's just unconfirmed spec (personally I'm thinking she's going to end up like Malcolm). Plus, since they are apparently keeping Oliver and Diggle separated for a bit (and from DR's implication about the newbies and OTA), it doesn't look like there will be a "Team Arrow" of possibly 7 people for a while, which is probably what they are figuring against that exact problem. 

    If the team of 7 is then not what they have planned, is it now not a trainwreck of epic proportions?

    But what's the point of keeping Dinah, Black Siren, Rene and Curtis on the show - and most likely as full-time regulars - if they don't have any connection to the main character Oliver - not even as team-mates? That's completely idiotic and a waste of everyone's prescious time.  

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  3. I think everyone already expected it, but this tweet should be final confirmation that all members of NTA will be back next year as well:

    So, can we expect a Team Arrow made up of 8 members (Oliver, Felicity, Diggle, Roy, Dinah, Curtis, Rene and Black Siren) next season? If that's what the writers have planned, I can already safely say that it'll be a trainwreck of epic proportions. 
    • Love 5
  4. How in god's name do the writers expect the audience to buy an OTA/NTA reunion if they have Dinah and Rene testifying against Oliver? I know the Arrow writing staff is completely tone deaf, but this would take it to a whole other level of delusion. 

    • Love 1
  5. Judging by the unrouned preliminaries, Supernatural might adjust up in the finals. Arrow may have been hurt by the Avengers premiere, but it's usual ratings aren't that much better, anyways. IMO, unless there's a big reboot in the works for season 7, ratings below 1 million viewers will become the norm. 

  6. Well, I'm guessing that new ally is going to be Black Siren. I would love for it to be Sara, but her appearance in the finale will probably only amount to a brief cameo. :(

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  7. It's crazy to think that Supergirl is rumored to get rid of it's whole male cast while the awful Noobies are pretty much shoe-ins to return and torture the audience for at least another season. 

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  8. 11 hours ago, Belinea said:

    Assuming KC is around next season... Will they really have two actresses playing essentially the same role? Jh as BC and KC as newly good BS?What could BS do? They could have kept LL around if that were the case. 

    Well, you could ask the same question about Dinah. Dinah was brought on to the show to replace Laurel, but now that there'll be a redeemed version of Laurel running around, why not simply replace Laurel with Laurel and give Dinah the boot? Dinah's been fairly impopular with the comic fanboys to begin with and a BS redemption is not going to help her "popularity" any. It will only make her character look even more superfluous than she already is. 

    • Love 2
  9. 35 minutes ago, tv echo said:

    I really hope this doesn't mean anything...

    Meh, it was to be expected that the writers would choose the predictable outcome again in the form of insta-redeeming Black Siren in the season finale. Hopefully, with a Birds of Prey movie officially in the works, DC will put an embargo on all things Black Canary and we will get rid of all versions of her (BC and BS) by season's end. That would be great!

    • Love 14
  10. 3 hours ago, Mary0360 said:

    More she's doubling down on their bullshit. "The noobies are right. Oliver almost killed Rene. Diggle had a point Oliver IS a terrible leader. Felicity was right to apologise because she needs a friend and  Curtis was a decent guy to forgive her. Oliver would be boring if we didn't torture him" blah blah blah.

    Well, if that's how the writers room thinks, it's probably a given that all the noobs will be back at full strength next season. Get ready for the least anticipated reunion in television history, folks!

    • Love 7
  11. 1 hour ago, insomniadreams88 said:

    (This is why the show needs to stop throwing a bone to O/L shippers.) 

    The show doesn't have to throw any bones. KC's continued presence on the show is already reason enough for these people to wallow in their delusions. 

    • Love 5
  12. Hopefully, Roy's imminent return means that the newbies have their roles cut down to 13 episodes next season. As far as I am concerned, 13 episodes are still 13 too many, but after MG's latest tone deaf interview, it's clear that the writers didn't intent for the newbies to be so utterly and thoroughly despised. Therefore, they probably have some sort of OTA/NTA reconciliation in store for us, unfortunately.  

    • Love 5
  13. 1 hour ago, KenyaJ said:

    Yeah, I had the same thought. What can you even say about your character when your character is a total cipher? There's nothing interesting or distinctive about Dinah, not even from a superhero-ing perspective since Black Siren has a sonic cry too.  We know virtually nothing about her, and at this point, I don't even want to know anything about her. Despite her screen time, she always manages to fade into the background. I was trying to think of anything memorable she's done since she's been on the show, and other than being a huge hypocrite and hating Oliver, I've got nothing.

    She's irrelevant in Oliver's life, superflous to Team Arrow, and any day player could relay information in her policing scenes. There are too many characters on this show, and she could leave the show without anyone even noticing her absence. Nothing against Juliana at all, but Dinah is a non-entity and another failed BC.

    Exactly, Dinah's such a non-entity on the show that even her flashbacks ended up with a bigger focus on her boyfriend than Dinah herself. You know, if the writers really felt the need to do a Dinah flashback episode, I think the character and the show would have been much better served if it had been about the direct aftermath of the particle accelerator explosion. If I have to watch flashback!Dinah, give me a totally traumatized and terrified version of her who's trying to cope with the fact that she's suddenly a meta-human while also having to deal with the loss of her boyfriend! Show me how she first learned to control her powers! This was such an obvious story to tell and could have given viewers a reason to care, but the Arrow writers are so lazy and uninterested that they don't even recognize a potential story avenue that's sitting right at their fingertips. 


    1 hour ago, JJ928 said:

    I think Dinah should lose her scream. A meta simple does not fit in with a team of regular people. If we must suffer by keeping her, then at least do something that removes her scream, since she uses it to fall back on. Also, I am tired of the open mouth pop a squat. 


    There was actually a period in the comics where Black Canary had lost her scream and I think it could make for an interesting storyline in the hands of a competent writing staff. The Arrow writers, on the other hand, would probably screw it up, though. They are too scared to make any permanent changes, so they would just end up replacing Dinah's natural scream with an artificial one, lol.  

    • Love 3
  14. 1 hour ago, JJ928 said:

    I feel like every JH interview is 100% headcanon. There aren’t many actors that can give interviews as bad as this (though Rick come close). She can’t even describe where her character is emotionally, sounds like she pulling things out of her ass, and from old Katie interviews. For me, her character hasn’t changed at all, she still the kill happy psycho from 5x11 lol. I’m sure she’s nice, but where are the PR people prepping these new actors and giving them the right talking points?

    Well, can you really blame her? I already said it in the News & Media thread, but I'll repeat it here: Dinah as a character has no personality apart from being the tough chick. Just think about it - she has been on the show for 30+ episodes and the writers have wasted a shit ton of screentime on her, but what do we actually know about Dinah as a human being? She used to be an undercover cop, supports the second amendment, hates weddings and acts like a hypocrite in just about every facet of her life - and I'm fairly certain that the hypocrite part isn't even supposed to be a real character trait, but just an unfortunate side-effect of the shitty writing on the show. 


    51 minutes ago, tv echo said:

    If you watch the rest of that interview, JH basically said that her life is Arrow right now. She has no other projects. She spends her off time with family and working out. She also said that she "feels very fulfilled" in this role. So she has a lot invested in being BC. And you get the sense that she very much wants to stay BC on Arrow.*

    (* Incidentally, I don't think the interviewer even watches Arrow, because his question about Dinah reconciling with Oliver also included him asking if Dinah and Oliver will "get back together.")

    On the other hand, we know that KC has invested a lot in Arrow as well. She really wants Black Siren to be redeemed and said at Dutch Comic Con that she hopes for her character to join Team Arrow. She may have fun playing the villain, but she always describes superhero E1 Laurel in such glowing terms. I think that she would be overjoyed to become BC again.

    JH and KC may very well get along on set, but there's got to be an unspoken rivalry. They both want (imo) to be the BC on Arrow and to remain regular cast members.

    Well, if there is, we have Marc, Wendy and co. to thank for it because they keep playing musical chairs with the Black Canary identity. 

    • Love 7
  15. As far as I am concerned Curtis, Rene, Quentin, Dinah and BS are free to leave at any time. Curtis is nothing more than a shallow gay male version of Felicity and I never saw the point in having the same character twice on the show. Rene is a single-father to a young daughter, who has already spent years in foster care. This shitty character has no business running around as a vigilante any longer - especially after he almost died twice this season. Quentin has been torturing us with the same ol' addiction and daughter drama since the pilot episode. I don't care how good of an actor PB is. If you can't cover new ground with a character, you have to cut them loose. Dinah eats up a shit ton of screentime and yet, she's still the same one-dimensional "tough chick" we met in her introductory episode. Seriously, I feel like I know more about her dead boyfriend and he was only on the show for a handful of episodes. And while KC may be playing a different character, her continued presence on the show feels like a cheat to me after everything that went down in season 4 and I just know that the writers will start writing BS like original recipe Laurel if a BS redemption arc ever comes to fruition. 

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