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Posts posted by strikera0

  1. I would love a BOP show, but it has to be standalone. No connection to the Arrowverse, please. The Arrow writers have completely butchered Huntress and all versions of Black Canary. A BOP show build around these characters would struggle to reach a million viewers. 

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  2. 6 hours ago, Primal Slayer said:

    How many questions were there from the audience? I doubt they'll decrease screen time because thats just a waste of time, energy, and money, if anything you try to fix the audience perception of them since they wont be going anywhere anytime soon. Not to mention Beth knows how thte audience reacted to their storyline which is part of her fault so...

    Meh. Maybe the writers can salvage Rene with some good writing, but Dinah is a lost cause. She will never find acceptance with the majority of the fandom because the clueless writers are keeping a version of Laurel around, who's now even going to be redeemed. That makes Dinah completely obsolete as a character and I have no idea why the show is keeping up this charade. IMO, they should do the right thing and give Juliana a chance to start over somewhere else. 

    • Love 3
  3. 12 minutes ago, Chaser said:

    BS is the DA. Wow. That’s hilarious stupid.

    LOL, every time I think the writing on this show couldn't get any more stupid, the writers manage to prove me wrong. They really do deserve a medal for that glorious achievement. 

    • Love 8
  4. Quote

    If we are injured or sick, we cannot necessarily stop the pain without medical intervention. But by adjusting how we think about the pain, we can give ourselves the strength to overcome it. Positive thinking has been proven powerful enough to send cancer into remission.

    Wow, that's some crazy shit right there. I think Juliana needs to watch "Be Here Now", the documentary about Andy Whitfield's fight against cancer. Andy was so positive, brave and hopeful throughout the whole ordeal but still died from this terrible disease.  

    • Love 10
  5. So, with BS trying to live up to Laurel's legacy and basically taking over her life, what in god's name is Dinah still on the show for? Her character is as useful as a hole in the head. 

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  6. 1 minute ago, way2interested said:

    Lol and if they don't do it will it be the best season of the whole show?

    Nope, but it would be an improvement compared to the dumpster fire that was season 6. 

  7. 1 hour ago, tv echo said:

    Upon reflection, I can understand why they kept Black Siren on for another season. They're not going to get rid of Black Canary (JH's Dinah), so what story can they devise for her from a character development standpoint? Dinah is pretty much a completed Black Canary once she recovers from Vince's death. But with Black Siren, Dinah will have to deal with the woman who killed the man she loved. I expect we'll see their relationship change from enemies to allies to frenemies to maybe friends by the end of the season. 

    Also, in order to help fill up 22 episodes, doing a bad guy redemption arc is one of the easiest stories to write, because it's been done so much already. We know MG loves Joss Whedon, so I can see an Illyira (Angel) type of character evolution for Black Siren where she has to deal with new feelings of humanity - "What is this feeling? Is it remorse? I don't like it."

    A funny thing occurred to me - there's one way in which Black Siren can continue the Laurel tradition. Feeling remorseful about killing Vince, Black Siren chooses to honor Vince's legacy by stealing wearing his suit and calling herself Black Vigilante. After all, if she's going to go around at night vigilante-ing, she needs a mask and new outfit because she's too easily identifiable as both Laurel Lance and Black Siren. Of course, if it turns out Vince is not really dead (but just regenerating), then he could decide that he has a new mission in life, changes his moniker to White Vigilante, and leaves town to join the Waverider.

    Well, if this is what the writers have planned, season 7 will be another failure. Not only are those storylines nonsensical, they are repetitive to boot. 

  8. 5 hours ago, Chaser said:

    WH appeared in 10 episodes last season and she was a series regular. 

    Sure, but WH was a special case. She was done with the show and didn't want to do more. KC, on the other hand, isn't even close to being done with the show and might even have her role increased now that BS is on the road to redemption. 

    • Love 1
  9. 12 hours ago, tv echo said:

    JH: "I really have no interest in directing... But I would like to write... I would be happy to write an episode of Arrow." She said that directing was just too much hard work.

    I'm all for talent looking to expand their horizons beyond acting, but if I remember correctly, the last time JH was asked to pitch her version of an episode of Arrow, she mentioned it would be 40 minutes full of fight scenes with very few breaks and very little dialogue. IMO, that would be an instant contender for the worst episode of all time. So, unless her perspective has changed drastically, they better not let her anywhere near the writer's room. 

    • Love 11
  10. 20 minutes ago, Primal Slayer said:

    You give these writers a lot of faith. Especially since she will be in frenemy territory now, the likelihood of Felicity having to work with her at some point has gone up. 

    Word. If the writers want Felicity to work with BS, they'll make it happen by hook or by crook. In fact, I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if the upcoming BC/BS stuff is a mentorship where Dinah teaches BS to use her powers for good - leading to Dinah's eventual departure and Black Siren's rise as the 5000th BC by the end of the season, lol. And obviously, if this theory turns out to be true, Felicity and Laurel would have to work together at some point. The writers didn't get rid of her after they killed off her only personal connection in Quentin Lance. They sure as heck wouldn't do it after she's been redeemed. They're just going to force her back onto the team and it will almost be like Laurel never died at all. 

  11. 56 minutes ago, lemotomato said:

    This season: She’s not your daughter!

    Next season: She murdered your boyfriend!

    LOL, exactly. A BC/BS teamup would have made sense if Vincent's death was a tragic accident, but this stupid show had BS murder him in cold blood and now we're just expected to forget that it ever happened? The writers really must think we're all fools with a memory like a sieve. 

    • Love 5
  12. 8 hours ago, Lily-n11 said:

    The teams will stay split up for a while. New storytelling technics. And SA will get more time off.

    The first thing that came to my mind was: are they gonna pull a later season of Criminal Intent where I only got to watch Goren and Eames every two weeks?

    I mean that would cut the episode order in half for me. But no need to fast forward anything if all the people I don't care about are in the episodes I'm going to skip.

    So it's bad but it's also good. I'm conflicted.

    That's what I'm thinking, too. It would probably make a good chunk of the season unwatchable to many, but it would also be an effective way to reduce the episode count for at least half of the main cast.

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