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Posts posted by rlc

  1. When I watch Genessy dance, I see the best dancer at the studio, but one who would be outclassed when she tried to make it in the real world.

    Magda never stood a chance, sadly, but she was an absolute joy to watch. 

    I know the want us to love Jenson, and I’m sure she’s a lovely girl, but she’s very bland, and she has heavy feet.

    I loved Hannahlei from the beginning, and she’s by far the best/most versatile of the female dancers left, but Magda truly brought joy every time she was on stage, and I will miss her.

    Slavic does absolutely nothing for me- on or off stage- but they’ll be keeping him till the final two. 

    I’m sad that Darius will likely be out next week.

    • Love 13
  2. Re: Pining after Paris, what the hell is wrong with this woman? A 1.5 hour commute twice a day to go to school isn’t an issue to her, but she was literally pouting about the EXACT SAME 1.5 hour trip to get from her precious Paris to Versailles on the weekends, or whatever time she would have as a full time student and parent?

    Does she not understand that the French aristocracy all chose Versailles over Paris? Moron.

    • Love 8
  3. Standing ovations for Slavic and Genesee are completely uncalled for. It was clear since last week that they were getting rid of Chelsea (though Evan was a surprise) but they were so much better than Slavic and Genesee to my eyes.

    I’m surprised by how much I’m enjoying Magda so far.

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  4. Chad was such a whiny baby. Primitive survival teacher/expert goes seven days without being able to make a fire, then has a tantrum when she didn’t properly butcher a rabbit with a freaking axe, then burns good food? I’m gonna go out on a limb and say his headache wouldn’t have bothered him nearly as much if he felt like he was the stronger contestant. Lots of hate for Angela over in the highly misogynistic twitter-verse, but nothing but respect from me. She survived 12 days alone, and they only raised her PSR by 0.2? That’s a bunch of BS. 

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