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Posts posted by 27bored

  1. I like Dua Lipa’s voice and I like that she’s rare artist whose real name also makes for a great stage name, but this didn’t do much for me. It was a little low-budget Kylie Minogue. 

    And whoever is choreographing these performances must have grown up watching Britney Spears and Madonna HBO Specials or something. This is the second performance with a chick traipsing around large scale stage installations. Knock it off! 

    RIP Avicii. Halsey, stop doing coke and then talking about mental health and endometriosis.

    Congrats to Luis Fonsi, you one hit wonder you.

    21 Savage? Maybe look a little bit happier to be there. Without Amber Rose, you’re just another low-energy dread head rapper with a face tattoo and affinity for violent lyrics. If it wasn’t for Cardi B and Post Malone letting you feature on their songs, we really wouldn’t care. So...be Humble.

  2. Love Kelly, and I agree with her. We need a moment of action. I kinda wish she was performing. 

    Ariana Grande is...ugh. She has a tendency to slur, and every stage director wants her to reenact the I Wanna Dance With Somebody video. Just have the heifer stand there and sing.

    Sing Kelly! I believe a couple of the people in the audience are mad because Kelly sounds better than them on their own song. 

    I’ve said before and I’ll say it again: Khalid must have an uncle or something that has the A few connections because it really makes no sense why he’s everywhere. Sweet kid, he’s not untalented, but he’s a numbly, dumpy kid with a flat top who dresses like his mom got his clothes at the Macy’s outlet store. I just don’t get it.

    • Love 5
  3. Just saw Carrie’s video for Cry Pretty. First of all, is it just me or did she actually get hotter after the surgery? 

    The song is vintage Carrie — an 80s power ballad masquerading as a Country song. It’s not bad, but it’s definitely a piece of product Carrie is selling.

    You know, Simon said (no pun intended), Carrie was going to win and sell more records than anyone else, and for the longest time I resented that. Not only because I kinda disliked Simon, but because I felt Carrie was one of the few people on AI they actually promoted. So of course he was right. But...I have to say I have to give it up to Carrie. After almost fifteen years, she still looks great, she can still sing as well, if not better than she did on the show, and she’s carrying herself like a star. 

    So many other artists, on AI and in general, act really regular, especially in the age of social media. Carrie’s a country bumpkin, has her country bonafides, but she acts like she’s a cut above the rest. I appreciate the effort.

    • Love 5
  4. This was a hot mess. I only watched to see Nicki, and wow. Her ass is getting shorter and wider. Why was she doing so much crowd participation? And that second performance was funny. I think that was the first time Playboy Carti performed on TV. And it showed. She literally had to tell him to stand in place to finish the performance on cue. 

    The Livingston High School skit made me sad. It was a bad skit, but the daughter was made up to look eerily similar to Christina Grimmie, of the Voice and YouTube fame. We’re coming up on two years since her tragic death. 

    The song of all the people who have left the White House staff was stupid, but if they would’ve gotten Melissa McCarthy to do Sean Spicer, all would’ve been forgiven. 

  5. 19 hours ago, UYI said:

    Part of me wants to listen to it, but then I remember the rape allegations against Nick Carter last fall, and I just can't do it. Not now, anyway. 

    To be fair, it was one chick who said he raped her, like, fifteen years ago. They worked together professionally since then and I guess they dated for awhile. I remember reading her story and it seemed a little rote, to be honest. She was a struggling actress/singer, he was the big star. Afterward, she told her manager, who discouraged her from pursuing charges. In the wake of Harvey Weinstein's fall from grace, and at her friend's urging, she felt compelled to come forward. She filed a police report kinda knowing nothing is going to come of it.

    I don't bemoan any woman wanting to make peace with something like that, but if you're going to do something about it, I think you should just file a police report and let the chips fall where they may. Publicly accusing the person when there's no way for them to really disprove the allegation -- and have to tiptoe around denying the accusation lest they be sued for defamation of character for branding someone a liar -- just seems kinda vindictive.

    I came to talk about this song:


    Apparently it's controversial because it contains "problematic" lyrics about bisexuality.


    Let me preface my thoughts with saying that while I think the song is put together well -- it works as a piece of pure pop music -- and I think combining these four women was a savvy move, the song doesn't do much for me. The chorus is an earworm, but I don't find it particularly sexy or edgy or anything like that. It just seems like a fun, upbeat song, and it has a vague World pop vibe that I like considering the artists involved.

    That said, I admire the provocation of the song and I hope it's a big hit. First of all, set aside the song itself, you have Rita Ora, Bebe Rexha, Charli XCX, and Cardi B. Cardi's the It Girl of the moment, but she's still not a bonafide star. I think this may be her first foray into mainstream pop. Bebe Rexha might still have the #1 Country hit, and if not, it's certainly Top 10. But aside from that, none of these ladies on their own, and likely not together, are going to get traction for a song just on name recognition. In fact, the biggest mainstream pop moment for the three singers here is singing the hooks on hip-hop records (Rita Ora and Charli XCX sang hooks on Iggy Azalea's two hits, Black Widow and Fancy, and Bebe sang the hook for Me, Myself & I by G-Eazy).

    If this song was just another cheery song about partying, if it was a "man-bashing" song about how hot they are and how dudes are wack, if the chorus went BOYS BOYS BOYS ... I JUST WANNA KISS BOYS BOYS BOYS, most people wouldn't give a rat's ass about it.

    So I respect them acquiescing to their slightly under-the-radarness and doing something clean, polished, and controversial. I know that might sound weird, but I'm exhausted by the Age of Outrage that now I really don't give a fuck about who's mad and why. It's all gotten so ridiculous. It's okay to let some shit go, even if you could piece together a cogent reason not to.

  6. Britney always felt sort of for-the-moment for me, so I never got the hate for her. Plus, I think Britney had an opportunity around 2009-2011 to become an artist and she decided to keep making club music and collaborating with Will.I.Am, so I think I wrote her off as just an aging sexpot, not unlike Madonna but unlike Madonna. 

    Christina has a slight lack of work ethic, which seems a little unfair to say except for the fact that her output is less than most of her contemporaries. 

    I remember seeing a really low-budget documentary on Christina before her first album came out, and they interviewed someone who said Genie in a Bottle was a hit out of the gate, so Christina didn’t have to do a lot of the grunt level work that Britney did. Britney had to play malls and do the in-store appearances and stuff to pay her dues, but Christina didn’t. Partially because Christina was a good singer and her label really invested in her, but also: GIAB is a better song, IMO.

    I think that has played itself out nicely over the two decades they have been in the business. Britney still has her work ethic, whereas Christina has the talent, but she kinda expects the label to do most of the promotional work. She either hits a lot of high notes or shows her ass and they do the rest. Doesn’t work that way, especially not now.

    • Love 1
  7. Here’s Fall in Line by Christina and Demi


    I probably shouldn’t complain after I’ve complained about her lack of output over the past five years, but this...isn’t doing it for me. The original with just Christina was leaked several weeks ago, and I liked it even though I felt the tempo was a bit too slow. With Demi, it’s all over the place. That’s not a slight to either of them; it just doesn’t seem mixed well. It’s like they had Christina and Demi sing the chorus and add in their own runs. They should’ve had Christina re-record her version first. 

    That being said, I like the song, self-empowerment anthem drum beaten to death aside. I do think it’s funny that Christina has this obsession with showing people the real her when all anyone has ever said about her is that she does too much. Christina, you can sing, maybe cool it with all the runs. Christina, you’re a talented vocalist, no need to slut it up to get attention to sell a record. Christina, you’re such a pretty girl, maybe stop shellacking on make-up. Other than her stank attitude, all anybody has ever said is she should do less. Maybe she finally got it at 37.

    • Love 1
  8. On 4/20/2018 at 12:22 PM, topanga said:

    Explain what you mean by basic. I know people are acting like Bey gave the I Have a Dream speech at the March on Washington, which Coachella clearly was not. But for almost two hours, she sang well, she danced her ass off, she constantly engaged with the audience, she was gorgeous, and her entire production was first rate. I simply couldn’t tear my eyes away from computer screen—except when she left the stage for costume changes. I’m not a member of the Bey hive, BTW. My only complaint is that the song snippets were too short. For example, she sang ONE line of ‘Irreplaceable’ before moving on. But I guess I’d also complain if she left out songs completely. 

    I just think Beyonce is very by-the-numbers, and all the adulation she gets kind of obfuscates that.

    It was an entertaining show, but it did feel like Battle-of-the-Bands-Goes-Beyonce. The premise kind of wore thin after two hours.

    • Love 3
  9. There's a trailer for a TV show where a guy is singing a slowed down version of Oops I Did It Again and it made me go listen to the original. Y'know, that song is kind of a bop. Like, as an OG Hoe Anthem, it still goes. And ten points if you still remember parts of the choreography. Not that...I do or anything...I'm just uh, just saying...

    • Love 5
  10. Oh God. I hate to say it, but yeah, it might be a wrap for my girl. “Accelerate” is straight up ass, and I almost started crying through the video because of how bad and embarrassing it is.

    First of all, I watched this little home video of Christina that was professionally shot. In it, she’s doing some weird approximation of Lemonade, with the voice over and whatnot. But it’s all about finding herself and shit and it’s like, Christina, you’re 37. You’ve gotta get over yourself. But beyond that, and the thing that bugs me is, she’s talking about all this self-love and self-acceptance with clearly augmented lips. I mean, her new mouth is really distracting. I kept staring at her lips the whole time wondering why she has Kim Kardashian’s mouth.

    It’s the same thing she did during Stripped where she was talking about self-love after getting nose and boob jobs.

    It's so tone deaf. If she got online more, she might realize that her entire career people have been begging and pleading with her to not do so much. Like, you don’t need the fire red lipstick and the pounds of makeup and the gaudy outfits. Less is more. But there’s an overarching tackiness to her aesthetic that she seems intent on not addressing.

    But back to NuMouf. If the little trailer video wasn’t bad enough, she devotes the entire (budget) video to her NuMouf. I’ve doing that pout to make my girlfriend laugh all weekend. It’s ridiculous. And dude! There’s a part of the video where she STRAIGHT jacks Miley Cyrus’ Dead Petz album cover. I have to think that was intentional. There’s no way it was coincidental.

    So, right now I’m not seeing it for her if the new album sounds like Accelerate. It doesn’t even sound finished, and the song sounds like three features thrown together, not a coherent song with two rap features. 

    I was able to find a song that leaked called Fall in Line, and it sounds like a slight return to form for Christina. Heavy percussion, sort of a muted hip-hop vibe, but it works as a mid tempo pop song with plenty of runs and whatnot. 

    To be honest, Christina should’ve made an album not unlike Demi’s latest, Tell Me You Love Me. A good number of those songs would’ve been well-served in Christina’s hands, especially the two singles. 

  11. Ugh...

    I love Christina and I’m glad she’s back, but I’m tired of this bullshit.

    In this article she’s complaining about how confined she felt doing the Boice and how they would tell her how to dress and how to act. Christina, that’s called TV. If you want to make six figures for a few hours of work a week and barely promote your music and not tour and go home every night and marry production assistants and have two kids, that’s what you have to do. 

    She sounds just like she did when she was twenty and promoting Stripped. Except now she’s 37 and still acting like her dad won’t let her wear a midriff to the mall. 

    • Love 2
  12. 2 hours ago, truthaboutluv said:

    Uh huh. I think it's best to politely agree to disagree on this one. Saying, "well not as good as that" when using examples like Houston's career defining I Will Always Love You cover doesn't make the comparison or even the mention of the song in this conversation, any more ludicrous.

    LOL. OK, maybe I went a tad overboard comparing the two, but I was at lunch, on my phone, and writing in stream-of-conscience. I guess I reverse engineered it in my head because I Will Always Love You started as a country song, then it became a pop song for most people. "September" is a disco song that Taylor made over into a Country song. I still stand my general point -- that when you rearrange and re-work songs, new secrets come out -- but maybe I Will Always Love You isn't the best example.

    Yes, you're right. Whitney took a folksie country song (well more specifically her producer did) about saying goodbye to a mentor and made it into a blockbuster, bombastic pop ballad. Another example of a cover that redefined a song is Calum Scott's cover of Robyn's

    Dancing On My Own. He took a dance song and made it into a tear your heart out emotional and painful ballad. Sure the lyrics were always heartbreaking but with Robyn's version, some were too busy dancing and grooving to truly feel the pain and angst of the song. Calum's version did that.

    We gotta find a way to get on the same page ;) Because I have to disagree with the part about Calum Scott's version (not to get too O/T). I remember hearing people rave about that and rushing to go listen. In my opinion, that sounds kinda basic. I liked it, but it seems like the kind of gimmick meant to work on a televised talent show. The guy can sing (even though he has this mannered, slightly over-calculated way of emoting, but I think that might be a British thing), but it felt like all he did was a slowed-down version of Dancing on My Own that's more of an en trend 2010s post-American Idol/Fifty Shades of Grey soundtrack trick than a creative reworking of a song.

    Calum took a dance song, slowed it down to amp up the drama of the song. To me, it doesn't feel like he's singing about something different, or introducing a new emotion to the same set of lyrics to make it a different story. It was just a sad song turned even sadder with stark surroundings. I still like it, though.

    OTOH, Taylor made "September" work as a country song, not just a country song, but a Country song she could've written and performed originally. It takes talent but also savvy to do that. Kris Allen from AI was good at that (I'd argue he's one of the most important recording artists of the last decade for that reason, but that's a different conversation). A more well-known example would be "Lovesong" by Adele, where she reworked a song originally down by the Cure and turned it into a smoky ballad that...kinda sounds like one of hers.

    Again, agree to disagree because I didn't hear any vulnerable, sad ingenue on this. It was Taylor awkwardly strumming a bango and slowing down a disco classic with her mediocre vocals. I seriously spent the entire time listening to the cover with a frown on my face because I was just confused. Confused as to why and how anyone thought this was a good idea.

    I do wonder who thought this would be a good idea. I mean, I like it creatively speaking, but we're in the Age of Outrage, and Taylor gets it worse than she deserves very often. I wonder if she anticipated the "How Dare You?" parade over her decision to put this out.

  13. On 4/17/2018 at 3:10 PM, truthaboutluv said:

    Well that's kind of insulting to the Chicks, who for the record, I freaking love. 


    I find this comment interesting considering your comments in the Beyonce thread of her being basic because YMMV, this cover and Taylor Swift in general is the definition of basic to me. She added a random banjo that frankly sounded awkward in my opinion and slowed the song down with her average vocals. There was nothing new and inspired about this cover. When I think of a cover that in my opinion would fall into "simple, yet effective artistically", I think Johnny Cash's cover of Nine Inch Nails' Hurt. Not this middle school dreck. 


    It’s reminiscent of the Dixie Chicks. Of course not as good. They have harmonies and Natalie Maine’s is a way better singer than Taylor.


    And the thing is, her reworking Of the song isn’t particularly inspired, but the fact that she thought to do it, and turned it into a low-key trad-Country song, not to mention that it oddly fits in with her oeuvre In a way her last 2-3 albums didn’t, was pretty clever. It works in the way I Will Always Love You worked. The original is a fairly simple ballad saying goodbye to a mentor; Whitney sang it as a soaring pop power ballad about saying goodbye to a lover. Of course, this doesn’t work to the same extent, or on nearly the same scale, but Taylor managed to find a new secret in an old soul classic. She sounds unaffected, vulnerable, a little sad...like an ingenue. Like she did before her pop makeover.

  14. Beyonce performed at Coachella this past weekend, even though you’d think she’d parted the Red Sea by the reactions. 

    Like I said, Beyonce is basic, and we love basic. 

    • Love 2
  15. I like that the show isn’t trying to make the IceJuice short completely one-sided. That was a brazen, wildly unethical thing Chuck did baiting Axe like that. But...Axe still did it. Chuck screwed over his dad and friend, and he’s a dick for that, but that’s not against the law. Axe organized a defrauding of a company just to fuck over Chuck and his family. That’s a crime...and Connerty seems intent on missing that.

    On another topic: Jeffrey DeMunn really earned his paycheck this week. He had to appear naked and expose himself to Toby Leonard Moore, and give Paul Giamatti a long kiss on the mouth. If this were Game of Thrones, he’d be Emilia Clarke.

    • Love 10
  16. So there’s been a lot of chatter about Taylor Swift’s cover of September by Earth, Wind, and Fire.

    Despite myself, I...kinda like it. If you set aside the racial politics, and the fact that it’s Tay Tay, and just listen to it, it’s not bad. In fact, it’s really good at what it accomplishes.

    All at once, it sounds like Vintage Taylor, and like, OG Dixie Chicks. Slowed down, September sounds like the spiritual sequel to her song “Mine”, which I’m sure is just a coincidence. And the prominent banjo and sweet harmony sounds like it could’ve been a cover the Dixie Chicks did on their first tour after they broke through. 

    So, I gotta hand it to Taylor for doing something so simple, yet so effective, both artistically and in terms of being a pop star.

  17. On 3/11/2018 at 4:27 PM, SunnyBeBe said:

    What do you think about Luke Bryan's new song?  I know the country music industry gets flack for not being too accepting.....in his song, the lyrics say that people should love who they want to and nothing to be ashamed of.  It sounds like a song in support of the LGBT community.  I really like the song.  It has a good message, imo.


    Yeah, I like that song too. I think Country is pretty accepting of LGBT, all things considered. One of the main announcers on CMT is Cody Alan, who’s gay. When he came out, I remember several stars coming out congratulating him. 

  18. This...was not good. Cardi B was the real star. That weird penguin outfit she had on during her first performance was great. I laughed out loud when I saw a few feathers fly.

    Her baby bump was a big deal because it’s been the subject of speculation the last few weeks. She finally confirmed it. I’m happy for her, but I’m always a little uneasy about women getting pregnant right when their careers pick up. I think women have it hard enough in the entertainment business without having to worry about choosing their careers over their baby. 

    Also, is it a coincidence that Drake and Cardi B released songs in the last week that sampled “Ex-Factor” by Lauryn Hill? (It’s NOT a coincidence that the song they sampled easily beats both songs, but that may be a bit unfair)

    WU: as reticent as I am to wade into politics, I think it needs to be said that Trump =/= comedic gold. Trump jokes can be funny if the joke is funny, as circular as that sounds. But running down the list of shit Trump said this week and then, you know, snarkily contradicting it, is kinda washed, both in 2018 and on principle. It’s like when music critics review albums by bands they clearly don’t like. It’s like, having a POV is fine, but the best satire should be pure so you can distinguish humor from just being messy. 

    I will say, Black Jeopardy was funny. Especially T’Challas worried about potato salad.

    • Love 3
  19. So the Plaintiff’s neighbor in the hit-and-run case was named Michael Kelso? Like, fr fr? And he was suing a man named Joey Diaz? Wow.

    The second case with the girl who apparently had a baby with Buckwheat was...not over soon enough.

    • Love 4
  20. Paul Giamatti and Damian Lewis deserve a lot of credit for the acting on this show. 

    I hope they don’t oversell the “Chuck screwed over his friend and father to get Axe” story or undersell the “Axe committed some serious crimes in order to screw Chuck” story. 

    I can see why what Chuck did is wrong, but only in the sense that he messed with other people close to him to get his white whale. I can even see why his behavior would cost him his job. But...let’s not get too carried away. Axe fucked himself big time, and tanked an IPO just to get Chuck. One news story about how he did that and it’s a wrap for Axe. That Chuck lured him into doing it is just icing on the cake. As far as the morality play goes, I can’t see too many people feeling sorry for a Billionaire in any context— but especially not something like this. Axe isn’t a victim at all; he’s just a sucker who got licked. 

    • Love 1
  21. On 3/22/2018 at 10:18 AM, vibeology said:

    Drake's entire career is about pitting good girls against bad girls and his Madonna/Whore complex.

    Duuude, I have been saying this about Drake for years. I’ve always thought it was crazy how so many women love Drake when he’s the purveyor of more Madonna/Whore lyrics than any rapper who could be called his contemporary. Every woman he nasally raps or casually sings about is either the most wonderful woman ever or an evil bitch who broke his heart.

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