How To Guide
How To Do Stuffs
How to change your avatar?
To change your avatar (profile picture), either click on your username in the top right corner of the screen or click on the profile picture itself. The latter takes you directly to your profile page, the former opens a drop down menu. Click "profile".
To the left of your profile page, you'll see your current profile picture and a gray square in its bottom left corner that says "profile picture". Click on it. It's set to "upload photo" by default. Click choose and select a picture from your computer, hit continue. In a next step, you can adjust the size of the picture if you so wish. Click save and you're done.
How to change your display name (username), email or password
Click on your username in the upper right-hand corner and choose "Account Settings" in the drop down menu.
Alternatively, click on your profile picture and choose the "Account Settings" button on the upper right side of your profile page.
To change your display name (username): Click the "Change" button to the right of the Display Name field or click "Display Name" in the menu on the left. Enter your new display name in the field and hit "save". (Please note that member names cannot be updated more than once every 30 days).
To change your email: Click the "Change" button to the right of the Email field or click "Email Address" in the menu on the left. Enter your new email address in the field and hit "save". Follow up by clicking on the activation link sent to you via email.
To change your password: Click the "Change" button to the right of the Password field or click "Password" in the menu on the left. Enter your old and new password where required and hit "save".
How to switch between light or dark themes and adjust font size/page width
At the bottom of any page, you'll find the footer menu featuring options for font size and page width, allowing you to select your preferred settings.
To toggle between the light or dark theme, click on the sun/moon icon located at the top right of any page, next to the notification bell. The theme will automatically change when you click on the icon.
Page Width:
Font Size:
Dark/Light Mode
How to add a show topic or forum to your Customized Homepage
Either of these ways:
- Go to the TV Show Index. Select any shows you'd like to follow by clicking the show title. This opens a menu of follow settings. Set your follow settings and click Follow for each one. They'll then show up on your customized homepage. You can also remove or update your follow preferences on any shows from that page. A link to it appears at the bottom of the Customized Homepage.
On any topic, at the top click the blue bookmark/flag icon
and change your follow preferences. You can follow or unfollow topics here.
How to set notifications
Notifications can be received via email and/or viewed in the notifications area, located at the top right corner of the site, accessible by clicking on the bell icon.
To manage your notification settings, click on your name at the top right, then proceed to "Account Settings." From there, select "Notification Settings" on the right-hand side. You can customize how you receive notifications, both via email and on-site, as well as set your default notification preferences for forums you follow.
How to use Activity Streams
Activity Streams allow members to view content from all of the forums they follow, all in one place. There are several default streams, or you can set up your own customized streams.
To start, click on Streams in the navigation at the top of the site. By default, you will see All Activity, which shows all site activity, including posts and reactions, in realtime. You can choose a condensed or expanded view.
Additional Default Streams:
- Unread Content - only shows content you have not previously read
- Content I Started - only shows content in topics that were started by you
- Content I Follow - only shows content in topics/forums that you follow
- Members I Follow - only shows content from other forum members you follow
- Content I Posted In - only shows content from topics you have posted in
All Streams (except All Activity) have filters at the top to allow you to restrict what is shown.
To create a custom stream of content, click on the My Activity Streams dropdown at the top of the screen and click on Create New Stream. You can then customize the stream and name it, and it will show up under the My Activity Streams menu.
How to search forum content
To search the forums for specific words or phrases, click Search Forums in the top forum navigation. You'll be brought to the search screen, where you can choose your search parameters (searching a date range, searching only topic titles vs. within posts, etc) and enter keywords. Your search will return all matching posts.
Matching posts will return.
How to request deletion of your account
To submit a request for account deletion, please follow these steps after clicking the drop-down button next to your member name: (member name is at the top right hand corner of your screen).
- Go to 'Account Settings'
- Select 'Security & Privacy'
- Re-enter your password
- Choose 'Request Account Deletion'
Please note, it may take up to 2 weeks for your account to be reviewed and deleted
How to mark a forum or the entire site as read
To mark all topics in a forum as read, click on the Mark Read button at the top of a forum.
To mark the entire site as read, click on the Mark Site Read button on the right hand side of the Home Page, beneath the menu bar.
Please note: once a forum or the entire site has been marked as read, this cannot be undone.
How to tag other members in posts aka using the @mention function
The @ feature allows members to tag a specific member who will then receive a notification that they have been tagged aka 'mentioned' in that post (unless they have @mention notifications turned off). The @mentioned member can then click the notification to take them to that post.
To @mention someone simply type the @ symbol and begin typing the member name, a menu will pop up and the member you want can then be selected.
The finished "mention" will look like this: @CM-CrispMtAir and it will be a live link to the member's profile.
Note: For the @mention to work you must select the username from the pop up menu.
How to search for a fellow forum member
Click "Search Forums" at the top of the screen, then click over to the Member Search tab. Enter the member name in the search term box.
How to edit a post
Click on the three dots in the upper right-hand corner and choose "edit" in the drop-down menu. Edit the desired part of your post. If you wish, you can enter a reason for the edit. When you're done, hit "Edit Topic".
Please note: Members have the ability to edit posts for up to one week after submission.
How to edit a topic title
If you created the topic and it's within the one-week edit limit, go to the post you created the topic with. Click on three dots in the upper right-hand corner and click "edit" in the drop down menu (For visual guidance, see here). As it's the post that created the topic, the title can be edited. Once you're done, click "edit topic" and you're done.
If the one-week edit limit has passed or you aren't the topic creator: Please report the post via the report feature (attention icon) to request a change to a topic title. (For visual guidance, see here).
How to quote a post
To quote a full post:
Click the button that looks like a quotation mark in the lower left corner of the post you'd like to quote. (It's the button in the middle). The quoted post will be inserted in the reply box.
You can remove parts of the quote or split it by hitting the "enter" key on your keyboard.
Reply as desired and hit "save".
To quote a portion of a post:
Either follow the steps outlined above and remove all parts of a post that you don't wish to quote or highlight the desired text. Move the cursor over the highlighted text. "Quote selection" will appear. Click on it. The selected text will be inserted in a quote box inside the reply window.
Reply as desired and hit "save".
To quote multiple posts:
Click the "plus" sign button next to the quotation mark in the lower left corner in each of the posts you wish to quote. (It's the button on the left).
A small box will appear in the lower right corner indicating you have quoted X number of posts.
When finished click the "Quote X post" button. All quotes will be inserted inside the reply window with space to reply between the quote boxes.
Reply as desired and hit "save".
The multi-quote feature can also be used to quote posts from Topic A in Topic B or to quote posts from Topic A in Forum A in Topic B in Forum B.
To do so, simply click on the "Plus" sign button in each of the posts you wish to quote then go to the topic you wish to reply in.
How to delete your post
Members are unable to delete posts, including their own. However:
- If it's within the permitted editing window of one week, members can delete a post by editing it. (As text is required, it'll have to be replaced with something, though). (Please see here for how to edit a post).
- You can also click the report button (attention icon) and request post deletion. (Please see here for how to report a post).
How to report a post or private message (PM)
To report a post, please use the report button (attention icon) in the bottom left corner of the post. (Indicated in screenshot below).
To report a PM, please click on the three dots in the upper right corner of the PM then click on report. (Indicated in screenshot below).
Type in the reason for the report in the pop-up that appears. Then, click the "Submit Report" button to let the moderation team know what's happening.
If there are multiple posts with the same issue in the same topic, please report only one of the posts and mention that there are others like it when stating the reason for the report. Please remember to include the reason for the report with as much detail as possible, so that reports can be attended to as justly and swiftly as possible.
To report a post:
To report a PM:
How to report a site technical problem or bug
Before reporting a bug, try these things:
- Depending on the issue, doublecheck that your settings are correct (i.e. you correctly set your notifications, or follow settings, or ignore settings, etc)
- Make sure you can reproduce the problem - refresh the page and try again
- Close out the site and try it in an incognito or private window
- Clear your cache
If the problem persists:
Go the Bugs, Questions & Suggestions area.
- First, check if there is a topic on that subject started by someone else, or see if your problem has already been addressed in the Fixed/Resolved area.
- If not, start a new topic for the issue.
- Try and be detailed - always link us to the problem, and it's often helpful to provide screenshots, your browser type and version if you know it, and let us know whether you're on your phone, tablet or computer and what OS your device is running.
How to request a forum
- Start a new topic in the New Show Forum Requests area and use the title of the show as the topic title.
- Submit 3 topic titles for us to set the forum up with otherwise it'll be all empty and sad-looking. One of these must be a Small Talk - with obligatory witty subtitle - topic. (If more than 3 are submitted we will choose 3 from your list).
- Submit an 'official show synopsis' for us to post in the forum.
- All forums will start off with individual episode topics, so no requesting Season or All Episodes Talk topics.
Please see this example request for reference.
Please note: Only requests for brand new shows or shows currently airing new episodes will be accepted. Cancelled shows should be created as a single topic within the appropriate 'Other X Shows' area. Limited series consisting of 5 episodes or fewer should be created as a single topic within the 'Specials, TV Movies & Other One Offs' area. Users can create such topics themselves.
How to handle disagreement with a moderator
If the issue is:
- Forum-related - Regarding a moderator's official in-forum directives, warning(s) or other official site-related actions.
- In this instance please PM the moderator explaining the issue; never call out a moderator in a topic. If you still disagree then you may use the reporting process to explain the problem. A team will review it and make a determination.
- Non forum-related - If the problem is on a personal level/private matter then please PM the Community Manager explaining the issue.
- As a member - If there is a problem with a post made by a moderator when posting as a member (non official posts etc), please report it as normal.
How To Spoiler-Tag
The spoiler-tag is the eye-icon next to the smilie face. When clicking on it, a box much like the quote box will open. Type the spoiler into the box then hit "submit reply". The spoiler will automatically be hidden from view. If there's a non-spoilery part to your post that preceeds the spoiler, please type that first then hit the spoiler-tag.
Alternatively, you can type out the entire post then highlight the spoiler and click on the eye-icon. The previously highlighted text will appear in the spoiler box. Hit the "submit reply" button and you're done.