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  1. Which is sooooo stupid. Dante had to remind her that the FBI already showed up at Spinelli's door to get the footage of his shooting so it woudln't take very long for them to realize who hacked them. Even carly's "don't make me tell you my source" to Diane. If it has to do with hacking, Diane knows it's Spinelli.
  2. Jophielle Love needs all of the awards. She was spectacular today. That felt like real tears because ME is leaving. GUH
  3. Line of the day, the week, the month, the year: After Sam/Spin find out that Jason is working with the FBI to save Carly's ass, Spin is quick to defend Jason but Sam's response: "There isn't a shred of nobility in abandoning your kids so that a grown woman can escape the consequences of a life that she freely chose."
  4. I'd like to fanwank it that Olivia and Lois were doing rock, paper, scissors to see who could get out of going and then spotted Gio and made him go as their representative. No, unfortunately, I think that started the minute he walked back into town. Law enforcement never wins against Sonny/Carly/Jason.
  5. Has he though? Am forgetting scenes between Tahj and Lexi where the characters hate and scream at each other? Lexi's Kirstina was basically MIA until early 2023 which is when they started the story of Molly having rotten egss with Hayley still in the role. Than they switched out Lexi for Kate and started the surogacy story where suddenly TJ hates all things Kirstina Considering all we see Kristina do now, is sit around the house or the hotel room with Blaze it's rather stupid to have TJ proclaim that she's endangering the baby. Hell, if they had her working at her youth center where she was around dangerous kids, that might help but otherwise TJ just comoes across as a giant ass.
  6. She cried on the bathroom floor. He said that like he was saying she's been having origies, while licking razor blades and shoving sharp dirty needles into her womb.
  7. Curtis owns the Savoy where Chase (briefly) sang when he was a singer. Plus BLQ had her bridal shower at the Savoy. Yeah, that's the best I could come up with!! Why is Josslyn there? Zero mention of Jackie. So either she died off screen or she's living under the same highway underpass as Taggert and whoever killed Austin, and didn't get the invitation.
  8. Blooper of the day:Sante and Kraze are inside the church talking, cut to Dex walking up to Michael and Sam outside the church. Sam was literally in two places at the same time.
  9. Apaarently he's only allowed to be on the coffee warehouse set where he can hold court for others.
  10. As a Torontonian, this made me laugh. Also is "high speed ferry" an oxy moron? Aren't ferrys by nature of their being, incredibly slow?
  11. I'm pretty sure they will. There are rumours flying that Drew and Willow are going to hook up.
  12. You meant his dad?!!! Unless Danny wants a tramp stamp or that super sexy DOD cult thing!!
  13. Im pretty sure they broke up offscreen. We haven't seen them together in weeks. At the bachelor party, Chase toasts/wishes that Finn will have someone in his life and finn says he has Violet. Liz calls Willow to pick up aiden when she was sick. And today Finn was looking up AA meetings rather than turn to Liz for support.
  14. When Blaze showed up on the island for the SoNa wedding, she told Kristina that her grandmother worked for Sonny's casion. which means it would either be Natalia's mother or mother in law. Which would make it super wierd for her to show up there with Sonny!!
  15. Anyone else hear those three loud bangs around 2:55pm?!! The first one was Ava's head exploding when Sonny introduced her to Natalia as his helper (helping out with Avery). There was a mini bang when Natalia brought up nannies and Ava ascerted quite firmly that she isn't a nanny. The second one was Ava's head exploding when Sonny dismissed her as she stood there trying to horn in on his Scotch date with Natalia. The third one was when she eavesdropped as Sonny dismissed her as the woman of the house, to Natalia. If Ava was planning on telling him about the medication, that ship has now sailed. Bewared a woman scorned. Ava is going to go scorched earth on him.
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