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McDanno vs McGrover

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Really I love Steve and Lou over Steve and Danny as the latter has become way too mean spirited. And really the way Steve does not show respect for his "friend" Danny is really annoying and the car arguments are mean spirited. As he treats Danny like a servant or a peasant boy. And that includes not letting Danny drive his car for once. Steve is a great team leader but a team player not so much.

With him and Lou, it seems both men in a sense, treat each other as equals. And despite being a Seal, Lou is not afraid of Steve. And really with his size, he could squash Steve. When they kid, it is all in good fun and good spirits. 

Steve can be so mean to Danny as Danny tries to protect him and all he gets is being treated like trash. And yes Danny is a whiner but with good reason. You got to give him credit and a promotion for putting up with Steve. He could had turn in his badge and gun. But really Danny is way too loyal and Steve just gives him nothing but grief.

With Lou both men respect each other as equals and seem to be like brothers. And really both of them know one another. Despite differences but they have quickly become a favorite of mine.

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Well for me it's McDanno.

1) Because they were the original partnership;

2) I think most of their frustration w/each other is due to unresolved love/sexual tension.  Yes, I slash them.  I rarely slash (Starsky & Hutch is the only other partnership that's believable to me.)


I like Lou, but as a separate character.  It doesn't feel right when Scott's off an episode and Lou fills in.

Yes, Steve treats Danny like shot, but Danny puts up w/it because he's loyal and he loves Steve.

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I just think that Steve lacks respect on Danny. Danny goes out of his way to be loyal and despite the car thing that is his, he wants Steve's friendship but does complain about it. If Danny just manned up and grow a backbone

With Grover he really treats Steve like an equal and Steve respects more of Grover. Than he does Danny.

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