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Geography References in PLL

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The little reference to Hersey Park made me smile, and think about what other ways they've managed to enforce the Mainline Philadelphia setting. (Well, despite the total lack of snow and the like.)


I do think the show has done a good job in giving you that leafy old-school suburb feel to Rosewood- none of them seem to live in McHouses or McManisions and the suburb feels very mature and established with a lot of old growth trees, which is right for Mainline. The Apple farm feels very dead-on for the area as well- suburban Philly for whatever reasons seems to have a lot of orchards in the area.


The UPenn references make me smile...I kind of wonder if Cicero was meant to be a stand-in for York College? And I always figured that Hollis was supposed to be a stand-in for either Villanova or Bryn Mawr. It's another great reference as there are all these liberal arts colleges in the area.

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