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Resurrecting this thread like Anduin resurrected his army in the Battle for Azeroth trailer.

I played WoW in the early days, all through Wrath and into Cataclysm but my guild, which was very casual, was sporadic and I wasn't able to play much when I bought a house and all that. So I missed Mists and Warlords. My sister, who I got into the game in the first place, told me that Legion was pretty damn awesome so I got back into it. So here I am... I still have my night elf warrior who was my main for so long but I boosted my draenei paladin because... well... the warrior storyline was just really disappointing. Even for me, who loves mythology and Norse mythology at that, I'm all 'what does any of this have to do with my NIGHT ELF?!' Meanwhile, the paladin story involves, you know, EVERYONE and the Silver Hand and all that. Light's Hope Chapel and freaking Ashbringer.

My biggest problem is that I am, at heart, a tank but it's been so long since I've played and run dungeons that I don't feel remotely comfortable tanking. I feel like I'm going to have to get into dungeons as a ret-pally but even that I wind up feeling some anxiety about holding others back. It's frustrating sometimes. 

But I still love Azeroth. That's one reason I came back... I just missed it.

So, yeah, I'm currently into learning new classes I haven't played or haven't played in a long time. Leveling up a hunter through the Broken Isles, leveling up a shaman and a druid through the new system where the zone adjusts to suit your level. And maybe I'll work up the courage to do a dungeon run to play out the paladin storyline.

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