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Jenny Mills: Sister Sister

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I really love Lyndie in this role, although at first i was skeptical about such an obvious OTT Sarah Connor knockoff. Eventually they toned her down and allowed Lyndie to show her acting skills by playing a more vulnerable Jenny, so I'm quite happy with the character. I hope the Mills get more screentime to develop their relationship in S2. It's one of the things I'm looking forward the most.

One thing I really like is that the show subverted expectations by writing a supporting character as the "wronged" party, when it comes to a relationship with a main character. Normally, it's the main character, who has been betrayed and who would have to forgive in a display of Goodness of their Heart. So even though I don't agree that there was a real betrayal, that's how the show framed the relationship between the Mills sisters, so I'll have to go with that and appreciate the way Jenny didn't immediately forgive Abbie, just because she's a main character, and that Abbie had to put some effort into gaining Jenny's trust back. Jenny was the one protecting her sister, suffering demon possessions and working on the Apocalypse business long before Abbie started to believe. She's a formiddable ally and I can't wait to see her and Abbie working together and to be emotionally supportive to each other.

I also like the rapport between her and Irving, but I don't really ship them, but I hope to see them working together often, while Abbie and Ichabod are doing their own stuff.

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Initially I was bothered by Jenny for similar reasons. Her bitterness toward Abbie (which I'll get to below) was annoying, borderline cartoonish. Coupled with her ridiculous Wish Fulfillment skills, I had hoped she'd be killed off. But they fleshed her out and made a few things make sense so I enjoy her now.

I agree there was no betrayal, and I think Jenny's resentment is misdirected. Abbie's choice to lie to police was strategic, she was smarter. Whereas truth is a virtue and there's no doubt Jenny thought she was doing the right thing, she abandoned the agreed upon plan when she told the cops. That said, one could argue Jenny betrayed Abbie if we discount that these were just children. That's the other thing: Jenny inadvertently sealed her own fate yet as an adult blames Abbie, which is understandable emotionally for a younger adult from a dysfunctional background, but the show seems to send the message that she's correct. Sorry, she isn't.

I still like her though. Maybe this is something Jenny will realize in the future, who knows. But I am enjoying the sisters' interaction; kudos to the show for depicting these characters realistically (save the Wish Fulfillment angle, LOL). I like Lyndie Greenwood too.



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Just when you think you're out, huh, Jenny?  *g*


I hope that Jenny doesn't stay in jail or sent to Tarrytown ( even though I am rooting for some Jenny/Irving scenes).  


I appreciate that she thought about the situation and copped to what was obvious. I am super glad that Abby is kicking herself over the decision and fallout, but also that Jenny sees this and tells Abby that it is okay. That Jenny is okay with the situation. 


Jenny needs to see some gray market folks (if not straight-up black market) and get some papers that would help Our Heroes do their jobs a bit more smoothly. I view it as CYA for the team.

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I love Lyndie and Jenny was made of such awesome tonight! Jenny has put in some really emotional stuff this season, which was great. (Even with the Hawley stuff.)


Was I the only one to wonder if Jenny would become a witch too? After "Mama", and spec on the episode thread, I was thinking that was a possibility: that we'd get Irving back to Team Witness to have Jenny get her witch on.  That a question about Our Miss Jenny would be: Is she a Good Witch or a Bad Witch?  I believe that Lindie would act the hell out of that. (No, I don't want Jenny Evil, but to have her explore a darker shade of gray could be interesting.)


I hope we get some more CaptainJenny scenes next week. Just something to establish post-freeing, what's up.

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