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Season 1

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I didn't know there was a dedicated forum to this franchise so I'm copying this from my post under International in the LIB USA forum.


Sweden has been interesting!  Better than some of the USA seasons.  Lots of meat on this bone.

Cristofer may be a nice guy but I can see where the flowery language and constant touching could be OTT for a lot of people.  Her stone faced, silent stares would be hard to take for a lot of people as well. It was clear from the start that he and Catja were not a good match. She seemed off him from the moment she saw him and he some heavy duty love blinders on.  

 I wasn't crazy about Rasmus at the start but I've turned around on that.  He seems to be normal and well adjusted.  His whole attitude and outlook in regard to his dog was kind of great and that dog was adorable.  Krisse-ly seems a bit high-strung and at this point I'm not sure I'd like to see him end up with her.  

Sergio and Amanda make no sense together at all.  I have to ask, what the hell is up with his hair?  I have to know if he cuts it himself because I can't believe that is the result of any kind of professional styling.

Emilia and Lucas seem woefully mismatched too.  He seems to not be very much into her at all.  

I thought Meira and Oskar were doomed at first.  She didn't seem comfortable at all after meeting him in person but now they appear to the couple with the best chance of pulling this off.

The thing I found most surprising is how this bunch overall seemed to be more cautious in regard to approaching initial sex in comparison to other casts.  

I can't describe how much I enjoyed this! It was so refreshing to see people there who actually wanted to find a spouse rather than the US version where they just want to be on TV and put on the extensions and the fake eyelashes and become famous for a minute.

I hated Katja, she is a cold hearted bitch and she manipulated the hell of poor Christofer. Also, I can't believe she finds attractive her new bf but not Christofer. I mean, out of all the men there, and I'm including also the US versions, I've liked Christofer the most, both how he looks and how he behaves. Any woman would be lucky to have him, but I guess Katja is still dependant on the bad guy who makes her feel small and ugly. She was not ready for a Christofer in her life.

Emilia, sorry girl but you are not pretty. There is something going on with her face, her nose is too big, her eyes are small, I can't explain it, but she is not pretty. But her partner, I don't remember the name, should have stopped this relationship way sooner. That's on him.

I'd never expect Sergio and Amanda to still be together and to expect a baby! I mean, I would bet money that after the wedding she saw his real self and is still running away, but no, she is patient and has a secret way to keep him calm and good behaving. Good for them. Amanda is my favorite out of the women.

I also liked Oskar and the way he was so sure early on that he wanted Meira and he never doubted that. Also his dancing is incredible.

Regarding Rasmus and Krissy, I'm happy for them.

I really wish the US LIB producers could learn from how the Swedish people were so sensitive and discreet with various stuff, we never got anything humiliating, anything extra dramatic, I enjoyed every minute of it and I hope we get another one soon and from other countries as well.


Christofer I'm married or else I'd want you to call me 🥰


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On 1/29/2024 at 10:46 AM, SummerDreams said:

Emilia, sorry girl but you are not pretty. There is something going on with her face, her nose is too big, her eyes are small, I can't explain it, but she is not pretty. But her partner, I don't remember the name, should have stopped this relationship way sooner. That's on him.

I mean the whole point is you do not have to be traditionally 'pretty' to find your person, it should be based on your character. If there's something really off putting then ok, but I don't see any deal breakers with her looks.  I just think Lucas didn't really get her or wasn't ready for that type of relationship.  Nothing on her.  On the other hand, Catya should have broken off with Christopher way earlier, she could barely stand to be in the same room with him or have her touch her hair (lots of cringing on her part).  And maybe it's just a Swedish thing (lots or European friends and relatives) but do guys normally were pearls? Just asking.

41 minutes ago, jabRI said:

I mean the whole point is you do not have to be traditionally 'pretty' to find your person, it should be based on your character. If there's something really off putting then ok, but I don't see any deal breakers with her looks.

I know but she has such a high confidence in herself that I don't see where it's coming from. It's not justified in my eyes. And that day I was really mad at her :P

One year later and Krissy is still too much.  It sounds like she and Rasmus have had a rocky road during their first year.  Not sure that adding a baby into the mix is the best decision.  Hope it all works out. 


They had a boy a couple of months ago.

I think a lot of the problem between them and Sergio/Amanda could have been solved with an apology.  I'm not a fan of Sergio but I can see that Krissy/Rasmus got involved in something that they were not a part of. Instead they insisted upon wanting him to agree that they had done it for good reasons so that they could be absolved.

Sergio and Amanda...as long as Amanda is okay with the status quo, that is all that matters.  I think the situation is fraught with problems, but I'm not them. 


She is due with baby #2 (another boy) in a few weeks.  For the sake of her and the children I hope it all works out.

Catja was like a different person. I think she smiled more during these two episodes than she did during the entire season. I'm not crazy about how she handled the relationship with Cristofer but it seems obvious that relationship was doomed.

Everyone else seems happy enough.  I still think this was the best season I've seen out of all the countries so far.


On 1/29/2024 at 10:46 AM, SummerDreams said:

I really wish the US LIB producers could learn from how the Swedish people were so sensitive and discreet with various stuff, we never got anything humiliating, anything extra dramatic,

That's what I thought too but judging by the focus on drama during the  One Year Later episodes I'm afraid of that changing in future seasons.


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