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Jules (2023)

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I'm hesitant to link to the trailer because it's not very representative of what the actual movie is about.  There's not much at all of the government chasing Jules down, thank heavens.  It's an opportunity to hang out with these nice folks and their nice friend Jules (who is played by a person and is not CGI).

When Ben Kingsley encounters Jules lying in his back yard, he leaves him there but covers him with a blanket, sets down a glass of water near him, and goes back to bed.  When Jules is still there the next day, but awake, Kingsley explains, “I’m not sure what to do, this hasn’t happened to me before.”  He makes a plate of various items, telling Jules he's not sure what he eats, and brings him another glass of water because he noticed he drank the first one.  That's the tenor of the movie.

It's very sweet, if you can stand watching old people who aren't over-the-top hilarious and zany and actually look their ages.



I saw this again yesterday, and was just as taken as the first time.

I did notice something new, though. When Jules sweeps his arm to invite them into his spaceship, it's exactly the same thing Milton did when he invited Jules into the house.  He just mimicked Milton's move, and otherwise didn't communicate with them at all, except to draw the picture of the cat. 

Even though I love the movie, I acknowledge it has flaws.  The timeline seems wonky, since the city council meetings were weekly.  And I'm not one who demands great exposition, but we didn't know much at all about Milton's relationship with his son.  And why didn't his daughter do something about her full voicemail box, so her dad could leave messages?  (Although I get it--if Milton had been able to leave her a message, Jules would have been found out immediately.  But still--it's annoying when people don't stay on top of stuff like that, especially if she was so worried about her dad.) 

But those are quibbles--I was there for Jules and Milton and and Joyce and Sandy, and enjoyed spending another couple of hours with them.  And I really liked the small-town nature of things--Milton's daughter asking why he's suddenly hanging out with Sandy.  That's a small town for you.

And now on to the credits.  You know how at the end of a movie they'll show the stars' names individually on the screen, and then go to the credits?  They showed Harriet Sansom Harris on a screen, and then in the "cast in order of appearance," she was listed as Harriet Harris.  Weird.

And the first time around, I noticed that "provider" was spelled "provuder" once.  The hell?

Then the second time I noticed more.  The names were in all caps, except one name had a lower case "i" in the middle, for no apparent reason (the "i"s were capitalized everywhere else).  The roles/jobs were in mixed case, and one of them was "MArketing" something or other.  The hell?

And then some other word was misspelled, like maybe "development" as "developement"?  I can't remember, but another really obvious one.

Nobody associated with the movie noticed this?  Never mind the company that actually puts together the credit sequence.  That's their job!

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