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7x1; This stinking episode had me screaming at Tim,....If 6x18 wasn't enough of a shock for America,...7x1 will have tham hollering like never before at Tim. (well I know I did),...Him taking over in place of Jack,....(it was like finger nails scratching across a black board {chalk board}) Tim's arrogance and rudeness & audaciousness reaches an all time high, as he takes over Jack's bedroom, takes over the running of the ranch, takes over Jacks 'coffee pot', My fav., moment was when Jack returns in the middle of the night and finds Tim in his bed.........Season 7 brings on a whole new Tim that needs to be taken down a few notches....... (GREAT SEASON THOUGH)

Well, yes Tim did do something that bad. He lost a friend in Jack, He also purposely went behind Jack's back , for his (Tim's ) own benefit, and if you haven't seen 6x18 then just know that Tim is the cause of what happens.(in my opinion) Did you see 6x17,? If you did, did you see how serious this was for Jack! To Jack this was the straw that broke the camels back,...Tim pushed Jack tooooooo far this time. And then after you see 6X18 ...701 will justify Jacks position for you. Tim has been reckless before, but again because of jack's reaction, Tim went way too far.


That happens to us in real life as well. Has anyone ever crossed the line for you and you end up never trusting that person again, and you've lost all confidence in them. Tim was supposed to be better than that, What he did crushed Jack in a way that nothing else would. Watch it again if you can and focus on Jack's concerns and reaction. I think we all can relate to him at some point in our lives,...I know I can.    

Oh MY How I Miss Mallory-isms, I miss how she was always up in everyone's (play pin), I have 2 favorite quotes that just, well gosh, are really good! & Classic Mallory


  1. Jack is digging a hole for the "OUT HOUSE", he's building because Caleb is enjoying himself in the "WATER CLOSET", way too much (no pun intended)...(LOL) p.s. To TheRealTC that one was for you! @_0  anyway,..back to Mallory, (hahahahaha) Is it Lou, or someone else that is looking for Jack, Mallory's response, "He just bought a one way ticket on the Koo Koo  train to stinksville."
  2. Amy & Mallory are in Amy's room and Mallory is giving Amy some advise for her love life. Mallory wants Amy to talk to TY, but, Amy thinks she meant Caleb. Mallory tells Amy this, "You have to talk to him so you won't end up DEAD, MISERABLE and HAUNTING HOUSES, for the rest of your life." Mallory is holding the book," Withering Heights". OMG,.....Mallory you just have to come back
  3. OOPS,...I have another one,....Lou is gonna meet Peter and is telling Amy about  meeting, "The Internet Guy", Mallory is eaves dropping and say's, "Or An Ax Murderer",...like 3 times.....hahahahahahaha  
Edited by M-L-C

Caleb and Ashley: were they doomed to begin with, or could things have been salvaged? What do you think was the main reason they weren't able to stick it out?

Well there are many reasons, but I will limit my response to this,....Caleb has been on his own since 16 yrs of age. Ashley couldn't even graduate with her friends,...(Not sure if Caleb ever graduated either), but, he had to mature real quick, to support himself. Ashley has always had mommy to fall back on, and while they were on their honeymoon, she got a huge taste of all she, "COULD", miss out on. "OH Delish", just wasn't enough for, "Hot Ash."  .    

Gotta say, I miss Mallory's "Mallory-isms", too.


She's just one of those amazingly perceptive creatures who can tell what's going on under the surface, but never seems to see that when she comes out with the truth of a situation, others feel quite irritated and uncomfortable. 


I, too, loved the "Or and axe murderer!" comment in Seismic Shifts. I loved Mallory throughout that entire episode. Her pitiful sighs while reading Wurthering Heights in Amy's room while Amy's trying to study her Algebra... her freaky anecdote about the Internet-date-gone-wrong ("They found her body chopped up in little bits!") to her dismay over finding out Amy thought she meant Caleb instead of Ty when she declared two people who are miserable with each other should talk to each other and fix things. 


Even from the start, Mallory was a hopeless romantic. Back in Season 1, she picked up on Jack and Lisa moments and tried to get Jack to move things along. And let's not forget how she tried to get Caleb to patch things up with Ashley, too. Ashley ended up taking her rich "frat boy" to the dance, anyway, but strides were made because Mallory knew mentioning said "frat boy" would evoke a wee bit of jealousy in the cowboy. I think I still laugh over Caleb trying to take back his trailer by hitching it to his truck -- with Ashley still inside. 


Yes, we'll miss Mallory, but mainly because she'll be missing so many amazing developments in the series. Hopefully she'll make a guest appearance every now and again.

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You're probably right, M-L-C. Do we then blame Val for that, or do you think Ash would have come to that conclusion on her own, down the line? And is it necessarily a good thing that she chose "a higher standard of living" that she never would have had with Caleb, or is it just a sign of a vain lifestyle that always wants more and is never satisfied with what she has? 

Edited by TheRealTC
  • Love 1

No,...I wouldn't blame Val,....She did pay him off to leave, but, he came back! Ashley was never truly, seriously committed to their relationship. Her attention and focus was on getting,"her future out of the garbage", It was never about Caleb. I don't think her choosing a, "higher standard of living" is a good thing. It will, down the line, back fire on her. She is vain, because she grew up vain, that is the fault of Val!     

Did BW's latest tweet confuse anyone else, as it did me,.....?

"Who's NOT in Pike River today? Alisha @alijnewton is (as #graham714 was recently) in a Calgary studio recording a voice track."

At first I was ...(Huh,.. what?) Then I read it like this,..."Who is NOT in Pike River today? Alisha is not!

Now I'm reading it this way, "Who's NOT in Pike River today? Alisha is in a Calgary studio recording a voice track, as #graham714 was recently! Meaning Alisha is NOT in Pike River today!  

What The Heck,...BW! hahahahahahahaha @_@ just say that there is not going to be a wedding in this episode!,...Because Amy, Ty, Jack & Tim are rescuing animals involved in the CULL!

How is it that this little spicy, adorable, spunky, tenacious, young cutie pie can generate such awful hate around the internet? You certainly won't find any hate, for her, here! I love her, and I can't wait to see what's in store for GEORGIE.


We first saw Georgie running a way and, quietly sneaking a hitched ride in the back of Jack's truck. At the ranch she is like "The Heartland Matrix" sneaking around here and there and everywhere, stealing Lou's casserole, Freaking Lou out with the fridge door swing open, doors being suspiciously slammed shut, Freaking Poor little Katie out, and startling her awake, ~ How funny was it when NO ONE but, NO ONE, believed Lou! They all suggested she was too STRESSED,...OMG! hilarious ~ Then she ends up in the loft, after Ty embarrasses himself on his date with Amy. He resigns to his loft pondering what the heck went wrong, and randomly, all of a sudden "HACHOO".(creating havoc all around) The look on Ty's face cracked me up!....HELLO GEORGIE!


I have seen some people reply that she deserves a good Whoppin' Beatin' & Spankin' ...(OMG, REALLY, ~ What, are we in the MIDDLE AGES,..er,..MIDIEVEL TIMES) seriously!?


I work with kid's who have been in the foster care system for all their lives.


I see Georgie as a kid that just wants to be loved, to have a home, to be cared for. All of which she has never had before

Isn't it sick that so many adults take the opinion of Olivia. who bullies Georgie, and picks fun at her because she doesn't have a real family, she doesn't have a real Dad, she doesn't have a room of her own, and because she's different    


Do any of the haters consider that, being tossed around from home to home her whole life, is probably the reason Georgie is so rambunctious and, with a little training, love, care, and help from Peter & Lou, Jack & Amy, she will grow to be more than any of us expect! Her wild side can be tamed and they will do it. She's already becoming quit the sweetie she is destined to be!


I just fear Season 8 for her due to the tweets from BW


But, all that being said I really like Georgie a lot. No child should ever be turned a way, and, I'm sorry but, Whoppin's, Spankin's & Beatin's ,is not the answer. If you don't believe me take a look on-line at some of Russia's orphanages and look at those little faces, and tell me that the above mentioned is the answer.  


#georgiefanforever ..yes I am <3

Tim Fleming ~  His story reads much like a Greek Tragedy, like a series of unfortunate events. The young Tim was a wide 'blue' eyed, bushy tailed, blonde headed, Rodeo King in his day. All the ladies wanted to call him their very own 'cowboy'. He was young, bringing in the big bucks, and proud of it! He had it all, including a family. Until that 1 crazy ride, took from him the one thing that meant the most, RODEO. What was he going to do now that it was gone. Rodeo was all he knew how to do, and he did it well. Forgetting about his family, being racked up, on drugs and alcohol to sooth the pain (physically and mentally) of all he lost. He struggled to find his way out of this mess but, never seems to get it quit right. Even Jack ( his condescending voice of reason)  yells at him, "EVERYTHING YOU TOUCH TURNS TO CRAP!!!"


His confidence is low, his self esteem is shot, even his love live is nothing but, pathetic. Imagine getting the phone call that your wife (though separated) and youngest daughter have just been in a horrible accident, that took your wife's life & your daughter is in a coma. If he wasn't drinking & on drugs before, I could understand how that a lone could push one over the edge. He used poor Janice, to make a quick buck at the races, and so he could gain custody of Shane. (Oh Tim). With Miranda, he blew the opportunity of a life time. Here was his chance to do something right and meaningful again but, he let them slip a way. And yes, Jack yet again (his condescending voice of reason) tells Tim, "You need a hobby, like golfing".


There is an awful lot of water under his proverbial bridge


Can he make a difference in his life once again in season 8? Gosh I truly hope so. Because TheRealTC is correct, he has a, "BIG HEART OF GOLD", and I want to see more of it. We first saw his heart of gold when he stood up to Jack, about Lou & Amy, "That was the past, but, there is nothing you can do about the future". Jack has always been there for Lou & Amy, but now Tim desperately wants to be a part of their adult lives. At least he's trying, and making an effort, which is a lot more then I can say for some guy's I know in reality. We see his heart of gold again as he helps Caleb face the truth of his RODEO accident. Was it harsh, yeah it was, but if Tim didn't care he would have never helped Caleb!  We see his heart of gold, BIG TIME in 618

We see it again in 710 (OMG, Jeez Louise, heart don't fail me now)


He's awkward in how he goes about doing the right thing, but it's all twisted with his sad, Greek Tragedy past. I want to see him rise above it and take real control of his life in season 8. He's a good guy and needs to be truly happy! Cuz I Like Him! 

Edited by M-L-C

Spoiler alerts for people who haven't seen seasons 5, 6, &7:

Yeah, I didn't really like how it ended for Caleb and Ashley either.

At first (like seasons 1 &2) I didn't like Ashley because she was stuck-up and seemed to be kind of Amy's "competitor". But then she grew on me. She and Amy became sort of friends and she mellowed a bit. And while I don't think what happened between she and Caleb was all Val's fault, I could definitely see where Val was giving her a hard time.

When she & Caleb got married & before, I really liked their relationship and marriage. They are both hot-headed, independent, and stubborn, but somehow they made a nice couple.

I was disappointed in Ashley when the whole Paris-going-to-college whatever thing happened. I liked them as a couple and I kind of miss Ashley's character on the show now.

Spoiler alerts for people who haven't seen seasons 5, 6, &7:

Yeah, I didn't really like how it ended for Caleb and Ashley either.

At first (like seasons 1 &2) I didn't like Ashley because she was stuck-up and seemed to be kind of Amy's "competitor". But then she grew on me. She and Amy became sort of friends and she mellowed a bit. And while I don't think what happened between she and Caleb was all Val's fault, I could definitely see where Val was giving her a hard time.

When she & Caleb got married & before, I really liked their relationship and marriage. They are both hot-headed, independent, and stubborn, but somehow they made a nice couple.

I was disappointed in Ashley when the whole Paris-going-to-college whatever thing happened. I liked them as a couple and I kind of miss Ashley's character on the show now.


I agree 100% with all of this.


To be honest, I didn't expect Ashley to grow on me. I fully expected her to remain the vain, air-headed, petty "rival" to Amy; playing the mean saboteur whenever possible, and generally being a pain-in-the-"ash". But then a funny thing happened: we saw how much she cared for Apollo, and how genuinely happy she was with the lengths Amy and the family went to get him back from the meat truck. 


We also saw how out-of-control Val could be with her parenting "skills". Ashley may have been spoiled, but nobody deserves to be physically abused, even if Val only lost control and slapped Ashley that one time. 


I was very much rooting for Ashley and Caleb to make it as a couple. I've no idea if the writers were also planning on making this happen. It could all boil down to actor availability. If Cindy Busby made the decision to move on to other projects, it would be difficult to keep her on as Caleb's wife in a believable way. I mean, we already have Peter away on "business", and Lisa away "on business"... (both actors have been known to work on other shows while still being attached to Heartland), that excuse would start to wear a little thin if it included Ashley. (And one can only be away studying in a different province for so long.)


Season 7

does bring a bit of a resolution to the whole Caleb and Ashley thing, and I can sadly say that Caleb is probably better off without her if she's going to play with his heart the way she did.

I agree 100% with all of this.


To be honest, I didn't expect Ashley to grow on me. I fully expected her to remain the vain, air-headed, petty "rival" to Amy; playing the mean saboteur whenever possible, and generally being a pain-in-the-"ash". But then a funny thing happened: we saw how much she cared for Apollo, and how genuinely happy she was with the lengths Amy and the family went to get him back from the meat truck. 


We also saw how out-of-control Val could be with her parenting "skills". Ashley may have been spoiled, but nobody deserves to be physically abused, even if Val only lost control and slapped Ashley that one time. 


I was very much rooting for Ashley and Caleb to make it as a couple. I've no idea if the writers were also planning on making this happen. It could all boil down to actor availability. If Cindy Busby made the decision to move on to other projects, it would be difficult to keep her on as Caleb's wife in a believable way. I mean, we already have Peter away on "business", and Lisa away "on business"... (both actors have been known to work on other shows while still being attached to Heartland), that excuse would start to wear a little thin if it included Ashley. (And one can only be away studying in a different province for so long.)


Season 7

does bring a bit of a resolution to the whole Caleb and Ashley thing, and I can sadly say that Caleb is probably better off without her if she's going to play with his heart the way she did.

Thank you for the info about the spoilers!

I agree with you. It would have been interesting to see how the whole Ashley arc would have gone had she stayed more of Amy's rival and the snobby rich girl instead of us seeing how much she actually cared for her horse, and Caleb, etc. When the whole Caleb-Ashley break happened on the whole I really wondered why she did it (I know she's a fictional character lol, but I guess why the writers wrote that in.) Unless it was just actor unavailability.

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I miss her too,..but, I always wondered if her parents, maybe, missed her just a little bit? I wish we could have seen more of her family at home. Her home life wasn't so realistic,....but I loved her to pieces.

I'd think they would miss their own daughter at least some...but yes, her home life wasn't all too realistic. I always thought it was cool how her parents would let her hang around Heartland & sleep over all the time, though. :)

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So what did everyone think about Amy going temporarily blind? And Amber's acting performance during it? I thought the blind plot twist was interesting and kept me on the edge of my seat; I liked it. I thought Amber did a good job acting blind. although I grew up watching Little House on the Prairie and whenever I see a blind character on TV I always somehow ending up comparing him/her to Melissa Sue Anderson's performance, because I thought she did an awesome job. I also thought that Graham Wardle did a really great job acting in this episode.

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