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Buffy Podcasts

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Does anyone else listen to Buffy recap pods? I listen to two -- Buffering the Vampire Slayer and Still Pretty. 

I've liked both of them at different times, but as they've gotten into Season 6 I think they've gotten bored with the subject and seem to be working hard to dislike things. I was just wondering if anyone else listens, and what their thoughts are. Or if there are any others out there that people enjoy. 

Here's the one I've referenced in various comments:  Unscrupled!  Featuring Chris "Money" Holcomb (apparently not his real name, but it's what he uses on the site) and his friend, "Bitches".

You may recall the hook is that Chris is gay and his pal is a lesbian (met at the college GSA), and that he's unspoiled but she's a long-time fan.  Enjoy.

(Not updated since 2018, though.  They ran out of steam by mid S5/2.  Chris never could stand Angel, so not even his love for Cordelia could keep his interest in the spinoff going, apparently.


2 hours ago, whiporee said:

as they've gotten into Season 6 I think they've gotten bored with the subject and seem to be working hard to dislike things.

I find that hard to believe.  It takes ZERO effort for me to find things to dislike about Season 6.  [Bar Normal Again, of course.]  I am the one who first called it "Season Sux" on TWoP, back in the day, after all.  (Robert A. Black on the Kitten Board claimed it was his phrase, but I wasn't reading them, so I guess we're in "Marconi and Tesla simultaneously inventing the wireless" territory, perhaps.)

Indeed, never mind the season as a whole, never mind individual episodes, I think it would be difficult to simply find the occasional ACT that didn't utterly infuriate me.  I'm sure they didn't actually crank out 84/84 pieces of drek [counting Teasers as part of Act 1s]…but it sure felt like it.  [Challenge?]

"Like watching a friend die", as I wrote in 2002.  The worst season of television I've ever subjected myself to.  Angel S5 may be objectively worse, but I skipped much of that, thankfully. [In the end, I simply couldn't abandon B/W/X, no matter how much Joss wanted me to hate them and told me I was a piece of shit for liking his show.  Wesley never had that much pull.  But JMO.] [/OT])

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