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16 & Recovering


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I thought I would check this out. These kids are SO YOUNG that I do think getting them in the right environment and help early means they are likely to commit to sobriety and lead productive lives, they haven’t destroyed all of their relationships and career prospects with their addiction. 

I do know addiction is an illness, and I understand these are kids (how did they get access to so many drugs so young anyway?), but the thing is it’s very hard to ask other people in society (like untrained loved ones) to deal with an addict; nothing is as important as the next fix when they are in the throws of using. They will break every social rule- lie, cheat, steal for their next fix. I think having addiction counselors and trained professionals in the school so these kids can get the help they need. 

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I, once again, am amazed by the people running this school. Last week, when Sam disappeared, he didn't return to his home, he went to the school. This week Alex, didn't want to go home to her mother's house; she wanted to stay at the school because it's her "safe space". It breaks my heart that these kids are more comfortable with the staff at the school than their own families, and yet it warms my heart to know that they have a place to go where they feel safe and wanted and/or people that they can talk to.

It also breaks my heart to see them blame themselves for the situations they are in. Some of these kids had a lot put on their plate as youngsters (Alex and her stepsister took turns skipping school to take care of a younger sister), yet weren't taught any coping mechanisms or given the support they needed to effectively deal with their life situations, or even their depression. 


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