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[BUG] Can No Longer Embed Pictures in Poll


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I'm no longer able to embed pics from Imgur into a poll. I'm using the exact format for the pic url that I've used in the past when creating Choices under each question in a poll. I tried both of these versions in the poll, both of which have worked in the past:

<img src=https://i.imgur.com/VwCQb3R.jpg> and

<img src=https://imgur.com/VwCQb3R.jpg>

Neither one produces a picture. In the poll, it just shows up as a clickable link. You can see some examples in the Test Zone where I tried several different link codes provided by Imgur - nothing. I'm stumped. I've done several polls in the past 2 - 3 years, and the pictures always appeared. Did something change? Is there a new format that I need to use?


Thanks for the reply. It works when you're just posting in a forum, but it doesn't work when you're using the poll feature. Polls always required a special format to embed pictures. The picture url had to be placed within brackets and some extra characters - img scr at the beginning - here's an example :

<img src=https://i.imgur.com/VwCQb3R.jpg>

Typed this way, the picture appeared in the poll. I guess the Poll feature is set up differently from the regular message boards. Anyway, I tried using just the photo url (like you showed above), and it didn't work. I tried every other picture link that Imgur provides (Image Link, Direct Link, Markdown Link, HTML, BBCode, and Linked BBCode), and none of them worked - no picture, just a clickable link. I pm'd the Shopping Channels moderator, CuriousParker, who also tried several different ways to get pictures to show up, and none of them worked, which is why CP suggested I post the problem to the Bugs forum. Maybe the recent software update changed how you have to format picture urls in the Poll feature?

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