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Posts posted by Sweet-tea

  1. On 9/9/2024 at 9:07 AM, ML89 said:

    What was weird to me about the doctor (besides everything) is that he seemed basically like Terry Dubrow or Paul Nassif - rich plastic surgeon who was a bit odd and hamming it up for the camera - when he was walking that house with Altman and then at dinner seemed like he would murder you in an alley. It was bizarre. Also, yes, Tracy, I would have been asking for dessert in the first minute.

    When he was looking at a house with Josh, he seemed closer to normal IMO. I don’t know what happened to him at the dinner with Tracy. He was either drunk or laying it on thick for TV, as you said. 

    He also come off a little effeminate at the dinner to me, although he didn’t when he was with Josh in the earlier scene. Regardless, there was obviously no chemistry with Tracy. 

    I figured plastic surgeons did well but had no idea they were this rich, but maybe so if he owns his own practice. 

    Why must everyone have long hair via extensions? Is short hair so undesirable to these women? I would rather see their natural hair in a cute shorter style than these ridiculous and often obvious looking extensions. Last reunion when Teresa from RHNJ had her hair shorter, I thought she looked better than I’d seen her in a long time. Then next season, she went back to Morticia Adams hair. 

    When Tracy said she knew him, my first thought was, “What work did he do on you”? LOL

    • Like 5
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  2. On 9/11/2024 at 12:43 PM, rhofmovalley said:

    I live in LA and while I admittedly don't run in the same circles as millionaire real estate agents, celebrities or doctors I see very few women who are as thin as Heather. I see average sized women mostly, a lot of healthy looking fit people and everything in between. But alarmingly thin? Almost never. I also see very few people with that horrible plastic surgery/filler face but again, I don't hang out with the "real" housewives. 

    Look at how thin many of them are on the HW shows though, Orange County and Beverly Hills. Heather, Shannon, Dorit, Sutton, Kyle, Erica... all very slim. These are TV reality stars who want to look skinny on camera. Even on NJ, Margaret and Teresa are looking really thin due to the shot. Can't imagine how they look in person. 

    • Like 4
  3. Anyone watched Sin Eater, about Anthony Pellicano? What a sleaze ball! I wish they had revealed more about what he did to help these celebrities with their PR problems. It’s an interesting subject.  The guy seemed like a narcissist who got off on the attention and power he got from working with the Hollywood elite. 

    I remember the Larry Sanders show with Gary Shandling. I had no idea his girlfriend went through what she described, although I vaguely remember a lawsuit. 

    It was hard watching the MIchael Jackson stuff. 

  4. On 8/24/2024 at 9:31 AM, rhofmovalley said:

    When they showed that flashback of Heather a few years ago I thought it proved she had had plastic surgery, but what's more likely is she was at a healthier weight back then and her face showed it.  I think she looked better with more weight on her, btw.  She is just so very thin. 

    When I was extremely thin people were asking me if I was OK.  I wonder if anyone in her life is asking her if she's all right.  At least they showed Tracy voicing concern (not about her weight but about her stress level.  And as I found, stress and anxiety do indeed cause weight loss.)

    My inclination is Heather is thin because it’s the LA gold standard. She’s gotten thinner over the years the same way she’s gotten blonder, her face more sculpted and taking on a slightly “done” look.

    Being a double 0 is a status thing to them similar to having a Birkin bag or plumped up lips. I doubt people there are asking her if she’s ok in terms of her weight, but perhaps they are due to her stress. 

    I did notice during the dinner episode she looked very thin and also in another scene of a house tour when she was wearing the short black skirt outfit. Josh is probably clueless as he is surrounded by other women who look similar. For LA, it’s normal. 

    I don’t think she’s on the shot. Probably more likely she is super careful and even rigid about her intake of food, similar to Lisa Rinna on RHBH and many of the other HWs. There is a running joke that they barely eat. I’ve also read a competitive element is a factor. They begin comparing themselves to their friends. who are also underweight. This skews their perspective, and they want to be even thinner. They don’t realize their basis of comparison is not a healthy-weight woman. 

    I am concerned about Josh Flagg. He doesn’t look well. 


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  5. On 9/6/2024 at 9:49 PM, ZettaK said:

    John Janssen didn't want to add to her problems. She was arrested for a DUI, and at the hospital with a broken arm, and injuries on her face. They were still friends, and Shannon claimed she thought they were reconnecting as a couple. 

    I don't like John but I think it would be hard to be in a relationship with Shannon. She is insecure, emotionally volatile, and high maintenance. I don't think this show is helping her. I don't understand why she came back. Does she need money that badly? I thought she got a pretty big settlement from David. Speaking of David, I wonder if they are talking now. She never mentions him. Remember when it was David she was fixated on and the women were getting tired of hearing about it? She's transferred all that angst to John. 

    I wonder about her childhood... if there was trauma. She picked two men who didn't treat her well and got into a codependent relationship with them. 

    • Like 6
  6. On 8/30/2024 at 12:41 AM, ZettaK said:

    Alexis Bellino's divorce settlement:

    Jim agreed to pay Alexis $6,000 per month in child support. Even though the child support will end once each child turns 18, Jim is currently also sending $6,000 for the children’s medical insurance. But Alexis did stipulate she would take out insurance coverage if Jim couldn’t.

    Jim also agreed to pay an additional $10,000 per month in spousal support. The payments started on August 1, 2018. The payments will continue “thereafter until the death of either party or further order of the court, whichever first occurs.” Interestingly enough, there is no note about whether Alexis was to remarry. Jim was also required to take out a $2.5 million life insurance policy with Alexis as the main beneficiary. According to the settlement, the policy has to be in effect as long as Jim is paying spousal support.

    Alexis walked away with a different home in San Juan Capistrano, California, all her jewelry, all her designer handbags and purses, and a $250,000 lump sum. Jim even agreed to take care of all the debt on Alexis’ home, taxes, and an Amex bill.

    https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/alexis-bellino-divorce-settlement-details-000000614.html#:~:text=According to the documents%2C Alexis,it came to the children.

    Wow. She is getting spousal support indefinitely and it continues even if she remarries? I've never heard of that. Alexis had a good attorney. 

    • Like 7
  7. 7 hours ago, dosodog said:

    One of my friends had to get a breathalyzer after a DUI.  We went to a camp out party on a friend's property. Dogs were invited, but during dinner, had to go back into their cars. She had parked in a sunny area, not realizing this. 

    So her car was too hot when it was time to eat. She couldn't move her car or turn on the air conditioning because she'd drank a beer. I was drinking water so she asked me if I would start the car for her. I said yes....

    My first attempt landed up as a violation because I could not blow and hum at the same time--the vibration made my lips ticklish and I could not stop giggling the entire time I was trying to blow. I did manage to get it right the second time, but had to suffer through "blow job" jokes for the rest of the night...

    I want to make it clear that the ONLY reason I helped her was because I knew she wasn't going anywhere and the dogs needed to be in the shade. 

    A friend of mine had one and he could not have someone else start the car for him. It had a camera that confirmed he was starting it. If someone else showed on the camera, it was a violation. 

    • Useful 9
  8. 9 hours ago, Pondlass1 said:

    Americans pronounce the letter T like a D.  I thought the game was traders.  I’m from England. 

    Agree! I just saw a video on YouTube saying the same thing! 

    8 hours ago, J80134 said:

    I get what Emily was explaining to Jenn. Fending for yourself at a young age can instill a "whatever it takes" mentality around food, shelter, stability, etc. Get to work, sell stuff, quit spending friviously...suck it up buttercup.

    Ted is the hostess with the leastest. While I enjoyed seeing Tamrat soaked, what a pathetic play for a moment.

    Shannon orders a light pour of tequila...hoping to beat the breathalyzer? Nope, no problem here

    My first thought when she said that was: I wonder if Shannon whispered on the side, "Make it a large pour." Previously, she did something like this when she ordered a coke or something and told the server to spike it but keep it quiet. 

    I'm not judging Shannon and don't know if she truly has an alcohol problem. However, I will say this based on my experience with people in recovery. It's very common to say they had "two" drinks. This is almost a cliche. You don't want to say one because obviously it isn't true, so people who are having an issue with alcohol will say two thinking it's a safe, reasonable number. But often, they had many more. I've heard it laughed about in recovery meetings. 

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  9. 18 hours ago, ZettaK said:

    The lighting in the confessionals is bad, and their self tanners/bronzers make things worse. 

    I've thought the opposite. They usually look better in the confessionals to me than the regular episode, due to the glamour lighting in the former. This doesn't excuse the bad makeup, hair and outfits they have sometimes though. 

    11 hours ago, bosawks said:

    Interesting, have we ever seen her meet one?

    Nope. No one is as smart, rich, enlightened, successful, or happily married as Heather. At least not in Heather's mind. 

    10 hours ago, Palimelon said:

    A bit more context for that. Also, am I the only one who thinks their looks here are better than the ones in their regular talking heads?


    Jenn looks better here to me than on the show, because usually her face looks kind of lumpy and undefined. I don't know what the issue is... maybe too much filler?

    • Like 5
  10. 20 hours ago, RoseAllDay said:

    That was maybe the most boring episode I’ve sat through in a long time.

    I have to agree, though, as someone who’s watched The Traitors. Heather would be perfect for it. Maybe that was the point of tonight — this was an audition for the next Bravolebrity Traitor.

    It was interminable. They spent too much time on the stupid game. I zoned out. 


    If this is an attempt at acting, Teddi is the Yoko Ono of acting. Just murder her and let us out of our misery

    What happened to Teddi's original face? I almost didn't recognize her. And did someone call her stunning? They must've seen something I didn't see. 

    21 hours ago, Mr. Miner said:

    That outfit Tamra’s wearing in her talking heads, did she lose a bet or something?


    No doubt Tamra will watch the playback and have lipo on her arms. 

    Sounds like Emily may be an Adult Child. I had a similar experience. It didn't make me aggressive though. It made me codependent/people-pleasing. Different kind of coping mechanism, also dysfunctional. 

    19 hours ago, Pattycake2 said:

    Teddi’s face didn’t move from the bottom lip up.  Actually, everyone was looking old.  Heather, however, could at least wrinkle her forehead.

    Tamra looked bad with the wet hair. One of the rare times she was showing her age. 

    • Like 7
  11. 11 hours ago, RoseAllDay said:

    And then she cries, “My kids want nothing to do with meeeeeeeeee!” Simon could be a bastard, but he was totally right to insist his kids be kept off camera.

    I edit for a living, and that grammatical error is like fingernails on a blackboard to me. Yes, you hear it constantly on Bravo. But there seems to be an “anything goes” attitude creeping into grammatical rules, so it is here to stay.

    I've noticed this too. I wonder if it's because texting is so prevalent. 

    One thing that bugs me is when people say "myself" instead of "me" or "I." I hear it all the time and not just on reality shows. The Bachelor and Bachelorette are big offenders, and so are the real estate shows. 

    Was Tamra this horrible when she was married to Simon? I don't remember. 

    • Like 2
  12. On 8/24/2024 at 2:19 PM, RoseAllDay said:

    Her entitled behavior at La Quinta made me dislike her even more. “I’m taking my pineapple.” ‘“Why can’t we have people come to the door for our luggage?” Subtext: “I’m too good to clean up after myself and pick up one bag” 👎

    Heather is full of herself. Pretentious, uptight and condescending. And as one of the women said, she has virtually no sense of humor. 


    Shannon’s a mess, but Tamra is going to break something falling of that high horse of hers.  She really thinks she’s the morality police whose job it is to teach lessons to everyone else on how to behave? Lmao And then ends with “I’m having a party, and I want you to come” and Shannon practically genuflects at her feet over the invite. Gross. 

    Shannon is codependent. Her inner people pleaser wants Tamra's approval even when Tarmra is horrible to her. In fact, that probably makes her want it more. She thinks it's all she deserves. This is likely why she put up with David for so long and wants John back, even though he didn't treat her well either. Tamra senses that she's in the power seat and Shannon is weak, so she keeps messing with her. Tamra is the epitome of a mean girl. 


    Gina & Emily were both right. Gina does crave Heather's friendship/approval, while Emily has been a way bigger bitch since hanging out with Tamrat.  I believe one is way worse than the other so Team Gina, but...I am glad they talked it out because they're really the only organic friendship on this shitshow. 

    More people pleasing. Heather has the upper hand. Gina will keep doing this dance with her unless she figures out it's not healthy. Emily does seem more aggressive and like she's modeling after Tamra. 


    Boo to Teddi making an appearance. She adds nothing. She’s not a good housewife and she isn’t good tv. I think Tamrat likes having a dull sidekick so she can be the more exciting one.

    Why is Teddi coming on here? Wasn't she on RHBH? 

    • Like 5
  13. On 11/28/2020 at 12:22 PM, hurrrz said:

    I feel like the overuse of sex and drug scenes really cheapen the show. I think there's something there to be told about this industry and world, but I have my doubt that grads are going full on debauchery every day. It seems like they're doing coke and booze 10am for breakfast, and then have quickies at tea time.

    Agree. Similar to the harsh language, I believe it was included to be "edgy" and "provocative" as opposed to actually advancing the plot. 

    • Like 2
  14. On 11/19/2020 at 12:32 PM, Bluesky said:

    I find it harder to believe that their human resource department doesn’t verify through the university that the person actually went to the university and graduated.  It’s too easy to fake transcripts.  

    Way late to the party as I just found this show but yes, this was the first thing I thought. I'm in HR. We use a service to verify education. We don't go by transcripts. Someone calls the school to verify. 

    Agree with the inside baseball comment. I had no idea what they were talking about in describing Harper's transaction for her client. What the heck are "beeps"? But it didn't bother me. I would rather a show be authentic than pander to the audience. 

    Having said that, I didn't understand what Hari did, what the deal was with the font, and what caused his extreme reaction and death. I rewound the scene of him with the document three times and still couldn't figure out what he was doing. 

    I don't usually like subtitles, but with all the technical terms, the fast talking and accents, I don't understand everything they are saying. I'm leaving the captions on. 

    The language took me aback. Maybe I'm old, but we don't talk like this at work. We don't use the f word, c word, etc., and all are rampant on this show. Actually they're rampant on many shows on streaming (not the c word as much). In the bathroom scene, what struck me is even 10 or 15 years ago, the woman would've said "I'm less "bitchy" not "c---y" (I won't write it as I detest the word.) Language has devolved.. at least on TV. 

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  15. On 7/28/2024 at 6:42 PM, Madding crowd said:

    The book and movie did show more about Carolyn that was missing here. It showed she was insanely ambitious and only slept with Rusty until she could find someone higher up to sleep with which she did. The actress in this series was very bland and we didn’t get that ambition angle. 

    Yes! This made the series less interesting to me. It was hard for me to see why he was so obsessed with Carolyn, and I didn't buy the scene where he said he fell in love with her when she was preparing the little girl's testimony. It wasn't impactful to me. I don't know if the actress was the issue or the scene itself wasn't written that well.

    I thought the film's depiction of how Carolyn manipulated him and he lost control of everything in his life due to the power she had over him before just discarding him was more interesting. In order to paint her this way, they needed the second character that she slept with, and they omitted it in this series. I think they were trying to make her more sympathetic, but I just didn't like her that much.

    Carolyn in the film wasn't really sympathetic either as she used men, but there was a vibrance to her that is missing her. 

    • Like 1
  16. On 6/27/2024 at 5:38 AM, Spring Summerfield said:

    The book and movie provided background on the affair that made Rusty more sympathetic (nerdy guy amazed that someone as hot as Carolyn would ever be interested in him and didn't realize it was a game to her). The Netflix series Rusty is just some average guy who had an affair with his average co-worker, which has been done so many times before. 

    I think this Netflix series suffers from the omission of the Sandy Stern character. He was entertaining and played an important role. The Horgan character in the series is boring. There's been no mention of Horgan's affair with Carolyn, so I assume it didn't happen in this version.

    I was also surprised that Carolyn was pregnant since having her tubes tied was such a pivotal plot point in the book and movie.



    I agree. I just finished the series. I read the book a long time and watched the movie many years ago, but I preferred both to this series. One thing that struck me is Carolyn was much more alluring in the movie. I believe Greta Scacchi played her, and I could see why Rusty was obsessed with her. It's hard for me to grasp in this series because I don't think the actress is that attractive or interesting, and Rusty is also a little bland. 

    There were so many changes as others have named that this seemed like a different story that was loosely based on the book. 

    Some of these stories are better in a two-hour movie, because there is momentum built that isn't always successful in 7 or 8 episodes, especially with all the flashbacks. I never really saw Rusty's relationship with Carolyn as it was devleoping, just snippets. Having said that, I believe the film also used flashbacks, but IMO they were used more effectively. 

    Echoing the comments about red herrings. Drives me crazy. So many of these limited series use that device.  

    After watching this, I want to watch the movie again. 



  17. On 8/30/2017 at 8:41 PM, Spartan Girl said:

    Any sympathy I might have had for the Peterson family is gone, and I had very little to begin with. How can they explain how Scott was using Connor's room as a storage room? Or him throwing away the sonogram picture?! Willful blindness at its lowest.

    They are blinded by their loyalty to him, just like countless other families I've seen on Dateline and other shows. The person gets convicted and the family insists he/she is innocent because they don't want to face the truth. 

    • Applause 1
  18. On 8/30/2017 at 12:47 PM, LadyArcadia said:

    Hahaha!  I know, right?  Not only did they claim Jackie "accidentally" withdrew 10k, but she accidentally withdrew it and "accidentally" gave it to Scott to hold for her.  What???  As if having an extra 10k lying around is a normal occurrence.

    And the golf thing. They made up a narrative that didn't exist.  They had already established that Scott did not intend to play golf.  He said no. He did not change his mind and was leisurely driving to the golf course. He was being chased and went to where his family was for protection. Granted, it does lead me to question why he didn't go south to the border if he was truly running away.  But, come on now.  He wasn't there to play golf, he'd already said no.

    The only thing they might have convinced me of is the reason for the dyed hair.  I can buy that he wanted anonymity.  I can also buy that he was trying to flee. 

    I found the interviews intriguing.  I'd forgotten how badly he was caught in lies. Laci knew about the affair and was ok with it?  He told the police that very day?

    I don't know the purpose for this series, but if it's Scott's family doing it, they really aren't doing themselves any favors.

    I couldn't believe how clueless his sister sounded when she said Scott being in in San Diego didn't mean the was trying to flee. Uh... what about his dyed hair? What about all the cash he had? What about his multiple IDs in different names including one from his brother? Is she in denial or stupid? 

    Amber Frey aged well. She looks better now than she did then. And Gloria Allred looks the same as she did 20 years ago. Wow. 


    The whole thing does make me flinch on behalf of Laci's family, though. I sure wouldn't want to be them witnessing this right now. Yuck.

    I don't know. I'm on episode 3, and I think the show is making the case that he's guilty. Yes, they are showing Scott's family supporting him, but they are also focusing on the detectives, his weird behavior and interviews, and all the evidence against him. 


    • Like 1
  19. 22 hours ago, RoseAllDay said:

    My vision of hell: Being trapped in a car with Alexis on a road trip. I think I’d open the door and throw myself out.

    Alexis is so annoying on the show this season. I do not want to hear how great Johnny J is or how many times they are having sex or how great the sex is or how supportive he is, blah, blah, blah. Shut up Alexis! 

    21 hours ago, Stats Queen said:

    Dear Lord, Heather is making a mountain out of a Mickey Mouse hill. Her children were negatively impacted? This is Beverly Hills level of not letting the mouse go (maybe it’s her audition of ROHBH.


    So ridiculous! Her kids don't care two cents that they called paparazzi. Gina was right. Not a valid comparison. 

    • Like 11
  20. On 8/11/2024 at 10:41 PM, lilmarysunshine said:

    I used to think a few years ago that she was just messy and a little fun and I liked her, warts and all. Not anymore. Why is she so angry when her life is so good?


    Probably because her husband would rather sleep in the pool house than spend time with her. 

    On 8/12/2024 at 4:41 AM, ZettaK said:

    Margaret looks horrible. She also looks orange.

    Ozempic or whatever she's taken to lose weight has done her no favors. It aged her. 

    On 8/12/2024 at 7:24 AM, Baltimore Betty said:

    Bill might be counting down the years until the youngest kid graduates High School then he is out of there, that is the vibe I get from him.

    Reminds me of a friend from years ago. He was clearly miserable in his marriage. He said he was waiting until his kids graduated. He has remarried and seems really happy now. 

    Rachel's nose isn't non-existent to me. It's so.. obvious that it distracts me. The turn-up is so pronounced. I can't get past it, especially in profile. Front view isn't as bad. 

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